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Everything posted by wes1761

  1. I have done this and run it for another board....I will run it for this board if needed. Its a great time, I cant figure out if I have more fun making the goodie or getting the goodie!! Count me in either way!!!
  2. There is a early April Rifle Frolic, but you actually have to apply and get Juried to attend....the June event is "usually" the first weekend in June and roughly the same as the November event....
  3. Unknown to me...I did see your post about the cloth strip though. I am stuck training the rookie, so I am out of the picture this weekend.......gonna have to wait until the January freeze out club shoot.....
  4. If you look at Moose's post, the upper portion of the uniform lapel is white, but the lower (our right side) side shows blue.....I am wondering if the artist was trying to show the light shining on it??? His Mitre cap shows some white as well...light sun shining on it....
  5. I got some washers.....or I can get some if I can't find mine in the basement. I have the Iron rivets I need to send over as well as a cake of beeswax....
  6. OK...open to offers of Piratey stuff...books, slops, etc.....
  7. Anybody wanna trade me a Pirate coat for these?? I need a 46 coat size.....
  8. OK...got an answer to my query on sources: "The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy." Hannah Glasse, 1745, London. "The Frugal Colonial Housewife." Susannah Carter, 1772. That's all the info given in, "Menus and Selected Receipts For The Commemoration of the 1704 Attack On Deerfield. Pocumtuck valley Memorial Association, Deerfield, Mass. March 1 & 2, 2008."
  9. Negative on sources......
  10. I had a disc that was full of digitized cookbooks from the 17th and 18th centuries....sure wish I could find it!!!
  11. Hawkyns said: "It's been a long fight of mine to show more of the reality and less of the glorified version of piracy, and reenacting in general. Where are the whores, the drunks, the criminals, when we portray an encampment or town scene? We focus mostly on the idea of pirates as jolly rogues, rebels against conformity, yet we are unable, as a group, to drop the conformity of the 21st century and deal with those subjects that "one does not speak of in polite society". Too damn proper for pirates, we are. " Pick me!!! I'll be the drunken rum sot!!!!
  12. Here be my cooler box.....pine with a burnt cherry stain...kinda reminds me of Spanish Red or the Iron Oxide finish.....has a styrofoam cooler hidden inside...keeps me ale fresh!!
  13. Found this on a board I moderate on: RECIPES - DEERFIELD MASS 1704 – from various sources Planked & Stuffed Salmon Planking fish involves securing the fish to a board with nails and string and then placing it on the hearth angled toward the fire. A fish might be stuffed before being planked. Below is a stuffing recipe that includes ingredients that would be available to a colonial New England housewife. Use the same amount of the following herbs, Rosemary, Marjoram, Thyme, Savory. Salt and pepper to taste 1 bay leaf A little ground nutmeg Finely chopped onion Cheshire Pork Pie Take a loin of pork, skin it, cut it into steaks. Season it with salt, nutmeg and pepper; make a good crust, lay a layer of pork, then a large layer of pippins pared and cored, a little sugar, enough to sweeten the pie, then another layer of pork: put in half a pint of white wine. Lay some butter on the top, and close your pie and bake it. Modern notes: A pippin is an apple. Use any firm, tart variety. Pickled Beetroot Set pot of spring-water on the fire, when it boils put in your beets, and let them boil, till they are tender: Take them out, and with a knife take off all the outside, cut them in pieces according to your fancy; put them in a jar, and cover them with cold vinegar and tie them down close; when you use the beet take it out of the pickle, and cut it into what shapes you like; put it into a little dish with some of the pickle over it, you may use it for salads or garnish. Modern Notes: The directions “tie them down close” means to put a cloth or oiled clothe of paper over the top of the jar and tie it on. Pickled Cauliflower Take the largest and closets you can get, put them in an earthen dish, and sprinkle salt all over them. Let them stand 24 hours to draw out all the water, then put them in a jar and pour salt and water boiling over them. Cover them close and let them stand till the next day. Then take them out and lay them on a course cloth to drain. Put them in glass jars and put in a nutmeg sliced, two or three blades of mace in a jar. Cover them with distilled vinegar, and tie them down with a bladder, and cover over that a leather. They will be fit for use in a month. Modern Notes: Mace, a rare and precious spice, is the protective cage-like covering of the nutmeg fruit. Today it is available in powdered form. A bladder is, in fact, the bladder of a pig. It provides a breathable, plastic-like covering. Plumb-Pudding Take a pound of suet cut in little pieces, not too fine, a pound of currents, and a pound of raisins stoned, eight eggs. Half the whites, half a nutmeg grated, and a tea-spoon of beaten ginger, a pound of flour, a pint of milk; beat the eggs first, then half the milk, beat them together, and by degrees stir in the flour, then the suet, spice, and fruit, and as much milk as will mix it well together very thick. Boil it five hours. Modern Notes: In the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries raisins were referred to as plums. Savory Chicken Pie Let your chickens be small, season them with mace, pepper and salt,, put a lump of butter into every one of them, lay them in a dish with the breasts up, and lay a thin slice of bacon over them, it will give them a pleasant flavor, then put in a pint of strong gravy, and make a good puff-paste, lid it and bake in a moderate oven: French cooks generally put morels and yolks of eggs chopped small. Modern Note: Turkey will be substituted for chicken. Carrot Pudding You must take a raw carrot, scrape it very clean and grate it. Take half a pound of grated carrot, and a pound of grated bread, beat up eight eggs, leave out half the whites, and mix the eggs with half a pint of cream; then stir in the bread and carrot, half a pound of fresh butter melted. Half a pint of sack, three spoonfuls of orange-flavored water and nutmeg grated. Sweeten to your palette. Mix well together, and if it is not thin enough, stir in a little new milk or cream. Let it be of moderate thickness: Lay a puff pastry all over the dish and pour in the ingredients. Bake it, which will take an hour. It may also be boiled. If so serve it up with melted butter, and put in with white wine and sugar. To Make an 18thc Style Yeast Mixture In the 18thc yeast was used in liquid form. The easiest method for preparing a liquid yeast mixture is to dissolve 2-3 scant teaspoons of dry yeast granules in one pint of lukewarm water. Use the same amount as called for in the original recipe. To Set A Sponge For Bread Start your sponge the day before you intend to bake your bread. Mix together all of your wet ingredients, including the liquid yeast (about ½ cup per loaf of bread) and half of your dry ingredients. The batter should be about as thick as pancake batter. Let the mixture sit overnight, this counts as one rising. On the baking day, add enough flour (try combinations of whole wheat, rye, cornmeal, and/or white flour) to make a stiff, slightly sticky dough, and knead. Let rise for 1-2 hours, until doubled in bulk. For better texture and flavor, punch down, form into loaves or rolls and let rise about 20 minutes, to less than double bulk. Then bake at 350 degrees.
  14. Yupper, I sneak pictures all the time. And this one is not as strict or juried like the April rifle frolic....
  15. A cutlass and a Rapier, Cutlass has a brass knuckle guard and the original silver colored basket. Rapier had a wire wound handle which came off, and the seam on the back of the scabbard needs to be re-glued or tacked. I am looking for a good coat, wool or wool blend for cooler weather, used and lined or unlined...or other piratey treasures!! I also have a bunch of deer antler that I am probably going to make into buttons, plus a big assortment of pewter buttons from plain to Rev-war.....
  16. Any of you Seadogs going to the Fort? I have requested off and thought it might be fun to put together a shooting team with Pirates!! The Fort is awesome for any of you that never been..... Link: http://www.ftdechartres.com/page/page/5964768.htm Wes
  17. AWESOME!!! Nicely done!! (insert jealousy here!) Wes
  18. Mad Zan, I believe you frequent the Frontier Folk board as well, do ye not? Welcome aboard!!!
  19. OK...got my big wooden barrel and ready to build the prototype...I'll try to post pics as I go along.....
  20. I got a .715 for my Bess....it ran around $75 new. He can make them any diameter you need if I remember right. Rapine Bullet Mould Manufacturing LLC 9503 Landis Ln East Greenville, PA 18041 215-679-5413
  21. It is my Dads and they are on a fixed income. He is disabled and no longer gets out to shoot or play........bummer
  22. Here be a link to some tasty receipts, not all PC, but I did say tasty! http://www.macscouter.com/Cooking/DutchOven.asp
  23. Gone
  24. Would anybody out there be needin a wooden bowl? Its a squareish with rounded corners dealy that the wife used for salad. She got upset when it got a few rub marks on the upper rim.......Free to a good home!! Aint sellin it, thats why I put it here...... Local folks can call me and pick it up.................six-three-six-795-0757 You can pop for the shipping though.......
  25. I'll take best offer close to $110 on this: steel helmet with brass rosets around the base.... figure $12 for shipping..... Wes
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