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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. I'm going in Oct via Cruise...The ship will be Nassau one day...I plan on seeing the pirate museum etc. If you don't go before that, I'll let you know what I find when I get back.
  2. Well I will be in the Bahamas, spending one day at the pirate museum. Besides, don't think any of you would missing seeing me... but, I really hope you all have fun!
  3. Aye, Han Solo was frozen, but the rest of the characters went on to complete the mission. As stated, the one movie was finished and the had a secondary beginning... The other part is in the first movie Jack was "he must be the best pirate I ever saw" "Obviously" that conversation as he shanghied the ship with Will. In this one... Jack was basically a joke. Anyway, I wasted enough time on this one.
  4. those movies that were made to be trilogies from the beginning had it set out properly. The movie had a beginning, middle, end and then a secondary beginning for the movie following it... it didn't just leave EVERYthing hanging. That is the difference between Potc2 and Star Wars, Kill Bill etc. And I notice that even on here I am not the only one disappointed and many (on other threads here) saying they wished they had waited for the DVD instead of wasting their money going to the theater with this one. Sorry, this one just didn't make the grade.
  5. I paid attention to all the details...and got it...I got where all the gaping holes were in the movie . I am not one to be so enraptured about a pirate movie being made that I will overlook where this one lacks. And this one lacks in a big way. Heck, I stayed away from all the trailers so I would be surprised by the movie...I didn't want it spoiled, but it was spoiled by the lack of story continuity and cohesiveness. I even went out and bought some of the merchandise before I even went to see...now wish I hadn't. I went to this movie WANTING to LOVE it...ask anyone at work. I talked it up for weeks before I saw it, how much I was going to to enjoy it... BUT, The "what the hell" was how I felt when I left this last movie...I won't be the third...as stated I will wait for the DVD and rent it.
  6. Well, at first I thought yeah see the third movie...but the more I think about it... am more negative about it. I doubt very much that I will see the third one...at least not in the theatre. If you need to see the DVD in order to understand what is being presented then, why waste your money going to the theatre in the first place. I made the mistake with #2 and I won't make it with #3. I'll just wait till it comes out and then rent it or borrow it from someone else.
  7. Hate to say it, but the people I talk to, myself included are disinclined to see the 3rd movie. There were too many holes in the second and using the excuse that it was just a bridge to the third movie makes it feel as if the this was a waste of $. If everything is in the third movie why bother making this second one at all. This didn't feel as if it was a complete movie, just bunch of scenes thrown together. And if you then state you need to buy the DVD to understand what was cut out.. again, it makes it feel as if we were (as another friend stated when I said something of the same...) robbed. You should not need to buy something in order to understand what you have already paid for. Sorry but I am not the only one that feels that way. Most of the people at work felt the same. As one person dubbed it the Disney curse, unable to make a sequel. If I see the third one it won't be in the theatre.
  8. Personally, in the next one....I would like to see... ...with Norrington shanghiing the East Indian Trading Company... Barbossa sailing off with the Pearl...with Norrington hot after him Turners...father and son, commandeering their own vessel....privateering, and going after Barbossa. (There is that thing of being tied to a cannon ya know and am sure Turner senior will be wanting a bit repaid for that one too) Jack and Elizabeth getting married after Jack becomes Governor. (Hey, as smooth talking Jack is, he make a great politican.)
  9. Yeah, that is what I thought...but, too many "miracles" in a movie even such as this kindda ruins things. Well, IMHO, as long as the movie was there were just too many dang holes in the plot. , just left the movie with a "What the?" feeling about it. But on the other hand with Barbossa back, at least we may get to see some good ship chase and battles. Hope Norrington comes back and does battle with him at least.
  10. Well, the conversation between Jack and Gibbs (as stated previously) the crew was upset about the lack of, Gibbs..."...Shiny things, its been a long time. A Very long time since we seen it. ...Island sinking and all" the rest of the crew grumbles nearby. So, after Jack got the ship back, he may have gotten a prize or two...or since he was able to take them to the island. The crew (some of which looked new) looked ragged and very hungry. And remember Will and Elizabeth were to married that day...weddings, epecially back then to the Governor's daughter didn't happen in short time. So, Jack must have kept the Pearl for at least ...near close to a year. My question is if he is just a bad pirate, he had tricked Will in nearly spending eternity on Davey's ship...thinking that Elizabeth had the hots for him....Jack had NO redeeming values to him in this one...SO, why would anyone care to risk their lives for Jack? As far as Barbossa goes...I hope it isn't him returned...I hope it comes out to be his brother...
  11. Actually we do know the timing sequence on this on. As stated in the conversation.... 2 years when he was captain of the Pearl THEN (as stated in the conversation with between Davey and Jack) the mutiny. 10 years to find it...and almost a year of him having it back...i.e..ending the 13th year and time to pay Davey. That one adds up... Hey, I already said I am one that is a stickler about story continuity.
  12. Like I said, story continuity is lacking...first one was minor but could be overlooked...the second has MAJOR holes in it. The sword fight and island chase should have been cut down and more actual story added. Also, Jack according to the movie is not a very good pirate. In the first he was mutinied and was trying to get his ship back...took 10 years for him to do it and only with Will and Elizabeth's help. Why did it take 10 years for him to commandeer a ship to go after the Pearl? In the second, we see him escape from a hell-hole of a prison only to be faced by his crew complaining that they hadn't had any "shiny stuff" in a VERY long time. Crew on the verge of a mutiny here? I was expecting it when I heard that, but then it was negated with him looking for Davey's locker. When Will goes to look for him, most often the people tell him to look for him in Singapore...not the Caribbean. Then he meets up with Davey and Davey himself pronounces Jack as a poor pirate....ie. the conversation... "you were captain for 13 years as agreed upon." "Well, actually, only 2 there was that thing of mutiny" "That isn't my fault you weren't a good captain...you strutted about introducing yourself as ...CAPTAIN..." Now he loses the pearl to Davey's locker, after only months of regaining it. So, is Jack just a pirate wannabe ...He has never, shown us anything except he is an escape artist and even in that he most often needs to be rescued. The only actual pirating we have seen is Barbossa's crew...they were the ones that had taken the ship when Elizabeth was young and they were the ones doing the raiding to get the coin back. And yes, I know I have seen the outtakes on the DVD...but we are looking at the movie's finished product and not what the writer's seen fit to remove. If it hit the cutting room floor, then it isn't part of the movie.
  13. First, I will agree that the movie is pirates...DUH! and supernatural i.e..undead pirates...(1st movie) DUH DUH!! But there still needs to be a logical (even if it other dimension) sequence of events. Of course then again, the monkey never gave his coin back...ie. still undead. But, thought ALL the coins had to go backand each that had a coin had to offer blood repaid in order for even one to be mortal again. So now the rules were changed. Now we have an undead monkey but the humans are mortal. Story continuity is lacking. Also, be interesting to see how the two (dang it can't remember their names) captured on the first boat escaped to find their way back on a ship. I know the Govenor pardoned Will and his daughter...don't think that went for any of Barbossa's crew. Again, yes I can suspend natural order of things, I do it in my writing...but even then the new order needs to follow a type of logic in order to be believeable...in the new set of circumstances. OK, ask any of those writing with me...and they will tell you that story continuity is a big thing with my writing. In my humble opinion this one had to many holes in it.
  14. To further my point...I wish studios doing sequels would remember that the two longest running movies sequels are "Star Trek" and "007, James Bond" Each of the movies is a self contained story. Beginning and end. Other movie series....Those that really didn't make it were those that had the middle one left open...the base fell away and never really made a comeback strong showing... Ok, am off my soap box.
  15. Ok, I was disappointed...I didn't like the way Jack enter the film. If'n you were going to that, I would want to see how he got in, and bit of how he wangled his way out. Otherwise him getting into a place of such horror and getting back out in good condition was a bit of a stretch. The sword fight on the wheel was good but too long. I do hope they intend on explaining how Barbossa in somewhat of a logical way, considering he DIED in the last film, now he pops up mortal and eating an apple. Also, the bit of the dog with the keys is old, used too many times. Ok I also didn't like the way Jack met his fate...just didn't do it for me. But, I especially HATE it when the film is left open ended...sorry, I know it is a set up for the third film...but to me it was lacking big time. Each of them should be individual and unique to themselves. When a film is left opened ended, I actually lose interest because most often the ending I see in my mind's eye is better then what is then shoved toward me. And I have a whole year to put it together. I really hate opened-ended movies. I don't feel like I got my money's worth. I liked the first couple of tie-ins to the previous movie but after that it got a bit tiring. After the first couple of tie-ins it was like the writers didn't know what to put in ...so lets remind them of the first movie. Like I said the first couple were cute...after that YAWN! On the positive side. I did like the set up of the triangle between Turner, Swann and Sparrow. Maybe Turner will reveal he isn't all one dimensional. I ESPECIALLY liked the twist on Norrington and the possibilities there. The stiff proper gent has a nasty dark side to him. I would have to see him command a pirate vessel. At least I don't want to see him return to the prior...the second sets up him going through to much. I want to see more of his changes. SO...Will I see the third, yeah, I want to see what happens and what development comes to Norrington. Is that a contradiction to what I said earlier? No, Norrington had a finish to his storyline...he completed what he set out to do. Now the question is what is next item on the agenda. I liked Governor Swann, gave more depth to the character although we didn't get much of it. there were several areas that could have used more development. Again, will go see the third, probably, but I, unlikwith the first, won't go to the theatre to see this second more then once. I'll wait for the DVD.
  16. Aye, it looks like a stylized emblem that is used on "Charmed"... A Wiccan symbol. Anyway, very nice work.
  17. The emblem looks more Celtic in design then Klingon!
  18. Great list! thanks for sharing.
  19. Well, no harm in the discussion...As for me.... NO offense given...none taken. But, might I be able to boast a bit here. This fine day at the company's Summer BBQ, a company wide contest was held for the best hat. I decided to take my Tricone in and did so. When I entered the area...I got a few oohs and ahhs. Especially when they found out I had made it me oneies. Well, to make a long story short...I took 1st place. Now I have had a number of co-workers ask me to wear me garb complete. Including m'boss. Guess I will have to make an appearance in the near future with m'complete outfit.
  20. Well I picked up ...leaving all family back in Ohio and moved to California on my own. I was told I was crazy, I would never find a job, the expenses were to high, nor would I ever make it out here. In fact, I recently found out that certain members of my family had a bet on how long it would take before I would be calling and begging for help to get back to Ohio. The longest they thought would be 4 months. They all lost. It has been 6 years ago. Well it was true, I didn't have a job lined up...I prayed entire way that my old car wouldn't break down on the road. In fact I had to have the heater on to keep the car from over heating while I drove through the Arizona desert. I didn't have any connections out here ...when I got here and I had only $256.00 to my name with a roof over my head for exactly one month. BUT, I made it... I did it my way. Within one week I got a job and am still at the same place. I have been promoted since then. I have my own place...small but very nice. It isn't the first time I had to start from nothing. I am a survivor...I can survive anything. Ok, whether you think of me having a pirate mindset...don't care..If not...that's ok...I'll take the title Amazon...I will fight for what I need...when I need it. I will take care of myself and overcome any and all obstacles. Pirate...or ...Amazon, either way...it is ...ME!!!! Many have found out, the moment you tell me something is impossible is the moment I will prove it can be done. A little bit of my personal philosophy... A dream without a plan is nothing more then a fantasy.... A plan without action is nothing more then a dream...
  21. Hurricane- You have no idea about me...NOR will I justify myself to you. You can make assumptions all you want...but, you are WRONG! You don't know me and never will.
  22. Real historical pirates (not privateers exercising their goverments orders during a war) ....were, CRIMINALS Let's get very historically accurately real...They were not a bunch of hazing schoolboys. They Killed, raped, pillaged, plundered, and tortured to get what they wanted ...when they wanted and didn't give a hoot about any religious beliefs nor law and order. any justification for actions taken were because someone had something they wanted and decided if they had to take someone's life to get it...so be it. Let's look at today...if you had something that someone else wanted are they within right to take it because they can? Playing pirate in the 21st century is like playing space cadets....ok!!! Even with the so called historically accurate re-enACTORS. You are not risking life and limb, You are not breaking the laws, you are not risking disease, nor having a very short life span ending at the bottom of the ocean or dancing the hemp'n jig... You can nice it up any way you want but at the end of the day...would you REALLY want to have met up with them on the sea? AGAIN, historically actuately real....No matter what else, at the end of the re-enACTMENT you go home to your 21st century lives. do I dress up?..yes, do I have a complete set of garb in the fashion that I want? ...Yes, do I like to pretend and explore the dark side of human nature?...sure... Am I a history buff? YEP... But that also means acknowledging that real pirates were not the creme de la creme of the 18c society. They were criminals. But, Someone who envies the mindset...well.... I'll hold my opinion to myself on that one. Me??? I live in the 21st century and like it where I am. Playing pirate when it suits me. but, shaking the oponents hand at the end with both of us going our own way.
  23. There is a little shop at the Galleria Mall on Ventura Blvd (LA, CA) that has them for sell too. But, I am not into the cardboard cutouts.
  24. Well if you had plenty of water and had replenish the salt then I don't know what else to have suggested. Sun poisioning or heat exhaustion...perhaps ate something that was bad? ...had the first when I was 17, the second when I was 13 and the last in my 30s...OK, I admit I am accident type prone... High temps...high humidity...Just make sure while walking about your body temp doesn't get to high...getting into some cool every so often or take a cloth, wet it and put it at the back of your neck or, around your wrists. Thinest area of skin on your body is at the wrists. If you need to cool down quick place a cool towel there, if you need to warm your blood heating that area will be best. Placing cool towel at the back of neck will help cool the blood to the brain. Just make sure the water is cool and not too cold don't want to put the body into shock from cooling too fast either. Ok, it might sound silly but again, I know this from experience. sigh....
  25. ok, I really did answer my first instinct in the questions and got .... You are 75% Taoist!
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