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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. I watched the Manor and Frontier House, both of which were very authenic. Enjoyed them greatly.
  2. tis the truth....when ya....OVERLY endowed with small midriff and that is as much as me will say about that .
  3. Tis a fine Birthday Howie a doo to the all three celebratin birthdays today. Crow, Billie Bonnie and Mad Gracie....Raise me tankard to ya and be offerin to buy ya round....pop a keg for birthday scallywags...Hi ho...
  4. many thanks captn...the scene where she be tellin the alien to "get away from her bitch" is in me mind classic....love the scene.
  5. Lucy Lawless Linda Hamilton ahhhh tis on the tip of me tongue.....what was the lass's name that played in Alien? anyone remember? are the three that come immediately to mind.
  6. methinks ya drink ANYTHING berp...alas me tankard is yet again empty.... anyother round fer all the handsome and fair scallywags.
  7. May the your days be warm and the breeze free of storm. The sails ride full, the seas calm, ne'r to you come any harm Yo'r pockets full of gold to much so to hold Kegs of rum a loads of fun Tis my birthday wish is now done. OK, not very good rhyme but, Hey I tried.
  8. Tis true about the brand but, ifin they showed the P on the forehead what reason would Norington to have be seein the tattoo which keyed him he had Jack Sparrow. Ahhh excusie...Captn Jack Sparrow.
  9. Not written GRRRRRR a friend supposedly in the know had told me that it was already in the filmin stage.....Arrrr me thinks that she should be flogged a bit for the untruth.... But, at least we know that it is scheduled....to be made that our dear Jack will be back.
  10. Well, in me humble opinion, if she could raise all those barrels by herself out of the ground (even if she emptied them by herself...those kegs would have mighty heavy) to make a massive rescue signal, then, she would be able to handle a dhingy by herself.
  11. The two things that had me scratched me head about the film is 1. Although Jack was past out from all the rum....how in the hell did Elizabeth get all those kegs out of the ground by herself? I assumed that a good part of the rum was still left in the kegs so the fire would be blazing. And I didn't see any planks to be used for rolling them above ground....no rope to pull...so how did she do it by herself? 2. Ok, cursed pirates...why did the clothing seem to suddenly have holes in them under the moon and whole in the dark? Even Jack he was only newly cursed so why did his clothing suddenly become full of holes in the moonlight? I know we needed to see the bones but it didn't explain why the their clothing was cursed too. However, in the scene where Barbarssoa explains to Elizabeth she is on the ghost ship he also explains that the cursed gold was in a stone chest. Hence that is the only cursed gold. I thought that considering that in the last scene that Jack was dressed in more gentlemanly clothing that somehow Elizabeth insisted on his getting some of the treasure that Jack took back to the ship. All in all I loved the movie and am looking forward to the next. Been told it is already being filmed.
  12. Might I give another suggestion or two: Bad Moon Ris'n Sea Wolf (yea got this one from another thread ...set my imagination agoin....sigh..and been told many a time me gots a very vivid imagination.. ..double sigh) Hell's Spawn Pillager Cold Blood That's about it
  13. Ok just thought of a few others: Deadly Dagger Cursed Coin Ghost's Horizon Skeleton's Crew Crossed Swords Hell'ns Swords Brimstone
  14. Might I suggest one of ta following: Sea Witch Wicken Siren Black Heart Bleedin Heart Witch's Spell Siren's Deadly Song Davey's Locker
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