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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. http://www.beaglebay.com/women_pirates.htm http://www.ferncanyonpress.com/pirates/lib...ary/booty.shtml who want factual information on female pirates. Attached above are a couple of links you should find a bit interesting. Both contain factual information on Female Pirates. Uhh, my previous post on the oriental pirate fleet...had the century wrong, but all other information was correct.
  2. Will ta be accord'n whether ya be from ta caribbean or meditierran or oriental. Should I assume caribbean?
  3. from my read'n most of the female pirates were located in the Orient. There was one female pirate...her name escapes me at the moment....on the next post should have it for yer.....actually had 100 pirate ships under her command. 15th century I believe and yes she was greatly feared.
  4. thanks me heartie. I will let you know when I am up that way. Hoping to get that way sometime in January, unless, something unforseen happens. By the way, the Spring Fest sounds terrific and am seriously considering it. Have put it on me calendar. I'll buy ya tankard if yer able ta make it at that time.
  5. Tis a thank ya Coastie for yer help also....much appreicate ta links. I see I goin ta be kept busy for some time.
  6. thank ya thank ya thank ya....me heartie El Pirata....methinks goin have a grand time goin throu ta links....much appreciated.
  7. if yer don't mind shar'n, send some of them my way so I can check them out, if yer please. Always interested in new information.
  8. thanks much for info, I am starting to wonder just how many links my favorite folder can hold.
  9. Happy Birthday Cap'n, now for the spank'n.....well maybe later... Have a great day lad and may the only rain you be feel'n tis showers of blessings. Pop a keg and hoist'n a tankard to ya....Have a great day
  10. not bad, actually looks like you got a nice start on it.
  11. Long Island? Wrong area of the state, have relatives in upper New York. Oh well, perhaps another time.
  12. Looks grand, but, might interject another thought for a moment please. I noticed in one of your first posts that you stated you thought about using the PotC soundtrack for the float. AHHH, remember Disney has been suing people for copyright infringements. If me memory serves me correctly, I believe they even went so far as suing a daycare center for having Mickey Mouse painted on there walls. Soooo, if you are thinking about using the sound track, ask for permission me dear.
  13. Ya say, ARRR matie, we have been very good, took every ship that cross our path. Ner plunder left, all ta booty in our holds...Best pirates in the 7 seas....holding yer cutlass against ta Jolly mans shoulder....now where's ya bag mate......ARRR tat's what ya say....
  14. ahappy birthday to ya....
  15. Happy birthday lass, a toast to ya.
  16. Thanks one and all for your kind wishes, ya made me birthday truely grand.
  17. Thank ya all fer the kind birthday wishes me mates. Do greatly appreciate them. And Mr. Bubbles here is a birthday wish from me ta you. Have clear skies, a gentle wind and a keg of rum....Toast hoist'n me tankard to ya.
  18. Why thank ya Cap'n fer yer birthday wishes and me also thinks ta discussions have been most enjoyable.....Leather and Lace tis me through and through. (unless tis danc'n in me veils then silk 'n sheer)
  19. in the luv area....me aim tis see whether'n he walk right away and if'n he can well need to get back to it.
  20. hey what ever works and me dad always said...
  21. Now Captn as fer as ta discovery and usage might I suggest the ya lookin up the followin..... http://www.maryrose.org/lcity/pilot/tnotes.htm Article on Tudor Navigation and Seamanship www.cedex.es/cehopu/expomanila... Article entitled “Sailing On and On” good information and lots of pictures of actual navigational instruments used in the 18th century. Page four of the article….however the entire article contains lots of interesting information. www.gard.no/Publications/GardN... In a series of two articles, Gard News looks at European shipping in the 15th and 16th centuries. The first article in the series deals with navigation. The second will describe life on board. Just thought I would pass these on to ya. Hope ta help a bit.
  22. Many happy birthdays to come and hoistin me tankard to ya..
  23. Pirate Collectibles - Solid Brass Telescope Replica 17th Century 4 sleeve 18" adjustable pirate style telescope with working optics. Sug. Retail: $69.00 Our Price: $66.93 just found the above at http://www.lovethosegifts.com/level.itml/icOid/5129 as stated don't know anything about them but since ya asked bout it thought I would do a quick search for ya and found the site....if ya interested check out the Allenbeys.com - Replica Pirate site. The other stuff looks good too!
  24. Aye the score to PotC is fantastic. Play if often and if ya likin it ya might be lik'n the CD entitled "The Journey" by Potsch Potschka from EarthTone records. The cover has an old world map in blue on it and the tunes are great tis a wonder that someone doesn't use it for a Pirate film. Tracks 4, 5, 7 and 10 are me favorites. I flip back a forth betix the two constantly.
  25. Been spyin those blades with the flintlock combination and I been a wonderin if those were really in use at ta time. Seems to me that it would have been very handy. Fire off the pistol and the blade already out. Any comments on these would be greatly appreciated.
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