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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. ok here is a possibility? Maybe? what if the x part of the ribbon fit under the gun, the ribbon is wrapped up with the ends tied to a belt or sash? Could it then be sort of a sling holster? tightness of the way it was tied could be easily adjusted as needed? As to ribbon being fancy, could be just what the pirate happened to found. Just a off hand suggestion. Ok, I am the first to admit I am probably wrong...
  2. http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/...s/10558?cnn=yes Ok you gotta read 'em to appreciate 'em...
  3. OH, "Milk Coffee" was thought to be greatlly beneficial to anyone with a problem with lungs and therefore was highly suggested to consume at breakfast time. A little note - when the "Tea Tax" was raised to the point of creating the little "Boston Party" The rebels took to coffee as a subsitute and thus Americans love affair with coffee really began...and we think of coffee rather then tea.
  4. I have a book entitlted "Early American Beverages" by John Hull Brown. It gives the types of drinks, their recipes and uses in it. There were many types of coffees used and a good many of them listed under medicial purpose. Coffee was thought to "accelerate digestion, correct crudities, removes colic and fatulencience....migrating headaches, cherishes the animal spirits, takes away listlessness and languor, and is serviceable in all obstructions arising from languid circulation. It is a wonderful restorative emaciated constitutions, and highly refreshing to the studious and sedentary. The habitual use of coffee would greatly promote sobriety being in itself a cordial stimulant; it is a most powerful antidote to the temptation of spirituous liquors. It will be found a wlecome beverage to the robust labourer, who would despise a lighter drink. I have receipes for "Acorn Coffee", "Milk Coffee" , "Arabian", "boy's" , and "Turkish" . The text also includes a list of "Substitutes" when coffee itself was not available. OH, yes the book gives some information about the taverns...and yes, some of the information is listed after the GAoP, however it clearly states that these receipes were used for several generations...therefore, I felt comfortable in providing the above information.
  5. Oh, I just tried to watch the finale online. It stated that I needed to download a media player. I have two of them on my computer, but it wouldn't connect. So, I still don't know the who or what and curiousity being what it is ...anyone know?
  6. yeah, I was a faithful viewer till it disappeared on me. Who won that anyway and what was the fabulous prize that was promised.
  7. k, are we talking about what was actually done? Or what tis done to members of your own crew? THAT is a mighty big difference.
  8. tie em up dangle em over ta side of ta ship wit the'r toes brush'n ta water and use em for fish bait... here sharkie ...sharkie sharkie...here sharkie...
  9. FYI... Got Callenish book this afternoon!
  10. my grand mum was an indentured servant from England early 1900's...yeah. I know out of period...but it shows that the servantude was still going strong even after all those years.
  11. No problem, though I admit I am anxiously awaiting delivery, I do understand RL holdups. IN the meantime... I have seen some of your posted beautiful and skilled artwork. I just hope that I can do your book justice with my own addition.
  12. many blessings to you on your Natal Day.
  13. Just remember once on a computer nothing really is EVER erased. Reason why they can keep it for as long as they deem neccessary. Retrevial of data may take time but even when erased it can be found. The binary code is still imprinted it needs to be sorted but it can be found. Yes it will happen, once on the machine to be scanned they can just pick it up for further testing and if you complain, they just tell you its the law. If you complain too much they can slap handcuffs on you. No riot cause your arse can be just hauled away before you can create a scene. Besides I think that is one reason we have sort of trained to accept it as with the other rules about flights and such. When the reporters ask about whether travelers will accept things you hear "Well, if it will make us safer I guess it is ok" Ie, the new scanners that scan people as they walk through and the scan is like an xray to see under your clothes. So do you think anyone is going to risk bucking the system for someone else's computer? Don't think so not in this day and age.
  14. Note the one sentence in the above report. As part of border search policy, government agents are now authorized to seize electronic devices and inspect documents in them, the document states. The electronic devices might include laptops, cell phones, portable music players or storage devices such as portable hard drives. They can take your cell phone, portable music players or storage devices too. bolding and sizing mine
  15. congrats to you and your family!
  16. Agam Shah, IDG News Service Fri Aug 1, 7:50 PM ET US Border Agency Says It Can Seize Laptops Travelers beware: U.S. agents now have the authority to seize and retain laptops indefinitely, according to a new policy detailed in documents issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. As part of border search policy, government agents are now authorized to seize electronic devices and inspect documents in them, the document states. The electronic devices might include laptops, cell phones, portable music players or storage devices such as portable hard drives. Agents with U.S. Customs and Border Protection will also be allowed to translate and share documents with other government agencies. The DHS document, issued July 16, appears to state publicly a policy that has already existed. Laptops and electronic devices have been subject to search in the past, and travelers have reported not getting their devices back. The policy has drawn strong criticism from lawmakers and nonprofit groups, who charged that the searches were invasive and a violation of an individual's privacy rights. Computers contain a vast amount of private information about family, finances and health, which could be easily copied and stored in government databases, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has complained. The policy document states that being able to examine documents and electronic devices is crucial for "detecting information concerning terrorism, narcotics smuggling... contraband including child pornography, and... other import or export control laws." The new DHS policies allow customs agents to analyze the contents of laptops without any suspicion of wrongdoing, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold said in a statement. "The policies that have been disclosed are truly alarming," Feingold wrote. The policy could blur the distinction between "search" and "seizure," which could also allow DHS officials to steal personal documents from laptops it has retained, Feingold wrote. Email Story IM Story Printable View Yahoo! Buzz RECOMMEND THIS
  17. Hand off to KATE completed. Just for information, I did the inside cover and first five pages, then did the very last page and inside back cover of my book. NOTE, inside back cover if you want to look at the scrolls pinch the leather on the end push scroll out then pull out the other end. You can then untie the ribbon and look at the miniature sea charts. Same way to put it back in....roll up the charts somewhat tightly, tie ribbon, slide one side into the leather loop, then on the other side pinch the other leather loop and secure the scroll back into place. Also...If anyone needs any information about m'character (yes more hollywood type then not ) just send a gram would be happy to provide information as needed. huzzah!
  18. answered as myself and I be.... Lawful Good A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.
  19. Ok, answered as my character would and I be... Neutral Evil A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn’t have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. The criminal who robs and murders to get what she wants is neutral evil. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies. The common phrase for neutral evil is "true evil." Neutral evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents pure evil without honor and without variation.
  20. Made arrangements with Kate to do a hand off on Saturday for my book.
  21. Blackfoot my thoughts are with you and yours.
  22. Ok, here is the cover of m'sketchbook.
  23. I don't have a camera, but I do have a scanner and have successfully scanned the cover of m'sketchbook. So now how do I post a picture here?
  24. Twas glad to hear on the news no major damage...and no major injuries. Stay well, stay safe. Make sure you have your emergency preparedness kits ready. If you aren't sure what to have get in touch with the Local Cert-LA (Community Emergency Response Teams) They offer free training and guidance as to how/what to have in your kits.
  25. cold is almost gone! thank heaven for that. still nervous about the upcoming procedure. That is to take place after the 1st. but, right now I am a bit irritated at m'self. I was doing a last pic for my sketchbook, got a canvas pad, acrylic paints etc ...did the pic , looking pretty good (first time I did something like this this small) however... THEN realized the pic is longer then the sketchbook. So, I will have to cut it at the knees so to speak in order to get it fit into sketchbood...grrrr Oh well such is life.
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