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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. OHIO, yeppers if'n yer don't like the weather wait 5 minutes and its sure to change. Of course, you know you live in ohio by the four seasons - near winter, winter, searing humidity and construction. and you know you are in ohio if'n you have ever gone from air conditioning to heat back to air conditioning in one day! yes these are from Foxworthy's list but, bein born 'nd raised in Ohio trust me they are all true.
  2. I haven't seen it stated, but, ladies how many of us can resist a man in a uniform ey?
  3. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/pressass/20071212...-6323e80_1.html Samuari Swords being banned in UK, wonder how long it will be before cutlasses are banned.
  4. most welcome sir, I think the little rogues would enjoy it most heartedly
  5. suppose to hit the theaters Jan 11, 2008 visit http://veggiepirates.com/home.html for information onit
  6. yeah, I saw the preview too a while back. The kids in the audience whooped when it came on, and it looked pretty funny.
  7. 'ello, and welcome!
  8. well, I posted cause no one else had! But glad to oblige. Of course, if'n ya want out of jury duty, leave the cutlasses home and just wear yer garb! It just may get you out of the duty, you will never till you try it!
  9. Saw this this evening on RR under strange headlines....As reported on the AP. NEW YORK(AP) A man reporting for jury duty was arrested when security discovered that his cane concealed a 2 1/2-foot sword and a 6-inch dagger, police said. Vladislav Lisetskiy, 40, was arrested Monday at Brooklyn Supreme Court as he attempted to pass through security, police said. The cane "attracted attention because of the way it looked," said Maj. Luz Bryan, commander of courthouse police. "It had two metal bands. It's an indication that something is concealed. My officers noticed it right away." New York state law prohibits concealed blades or knives. "He kept saying that he didn't know it was illegal," Bryan said. Lisetskiy was charged with misdemeanor criminal possession of a weapon. There was no immediate indication if he had an attorney.
  10. 'ello. Raise a glass to ya, glad to see you made it onboard!
  11. haul away joe is a great tribute to the sailors. Yeah a bit older then Golden Era but, really good. I wish I could post a direct link but the way I normally do it isn't working here. Copy and paste the link into your browser, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
  12. Yesterday I and a friend went to see "Enchanted" and we loved it. It was funny and light hearted, costumes were grand especially in the ballroom scene. I don't want to say too much so not to ruin it for any other. However, it was especially fun to hear the audience's reaction ...ladies of all ages and even a gent or two...to 'love's kiss denied' went "oh...nooooooo." it really happened. LOL. I would recommend it for anyone not jaded by love and especially for those that may be thinking of giving up on it. smile. Anyway, it was good and glad that I went. I even told another friend that hasn't seen it yet that I wouldn't mind seeing it again.
  13. I found a book entitled "Early American Beverages : Ale & Beer, Cider & Perry, liqueurs & Cordials" by John Hull Brown. The book goes over the history of various drinks and taverns...gives the recipes...the date the recipe given was note in the text referenced. A bit of history given is "Among the Dutch, a common punishment for soldiers who rioted or overdrank was riding the wooden horse. Earle writes, "One culprit rode with a an empty scabbard in one hand and a pitcher in the other to show his inordinate love for John Barleycorn". The wooden horse in New Amsterdam was twleve feet high and stood between "Paerel" street and the Fort." History sited goes back as far as the 1600's... There some recipes that are dates 1710 (credited for being written down and well known) although I must say most of the recipes are given dates from the 19th C. As noted these recipes were handed down from one generation to another so they were used 18th Centure and earlier. Yes, it has Ale/Beer recipes (numerous and unusual beers), yes it has wine/cordial recipes (don't believe the multitude of wine variations given...gezzsh) , it also has Temperance Drinks and Medicinal (alcohol was included) recipes. Creams, Ciders and Perrys are given too. Even has a recipe to make "British Champagne" Even has some rather unusual coffee recipes. LOL You have to see em to believe them. Also, has pictures of old Tavern signs and the histories of the tavern owners etc. In other words lots of great stuff is given in it. Has anyone else read this?
  14. not sure if you can demand 30 days,
  15. This evening I had a Cashew Encrusted Tilapia topped with a fresh Pineapple Salsa covered in Hot Rum Butter, with Saffron Rice and fresh Green Beans with slivers of Carrots. Had a slice of hot Sour Dough Bread. Washed it down with a Singapore Sling. YUMMM!!!
  16. saw "Elizabeth" ...Very similiar to the first one with Betty Davis many years ago...but STILL LOVED the movie. Clive Owen was terrific (had the seaman's swagger down perfect), Costumes were beautiful and of course Geoffrey Rush was excellent.
  17. first thanks for asking. When I left CA the people I knew couldn't understand why I did. How could I explain I had a vision that I HAD to come back. I knew something was about to happen and if I wasn't here it would have been very bad. It was a good thing that I came back when I did. To make a long story short. I woke up one evening to find my mother in difficulty. I checked her vitals and it wasn't good, I called the squad, two weeks stay in the hospital. But the pace maker is now working and her lungs has healed. She is doing a bit better , the other day I asked her if I wasn't here what she would have done? She told me that she wouldn't have called the squad. If that was true, she wouldn't have lasted the week out. The doctor is relieved that she isn't alone anymore, she has had to start using her walker as her cane isn't sufficient any longer. But it has been hard I have cried many times for everything I had to give up in order to move back here. My own health took a downward trend for a bit because of all the stress I have been under. But, it was the right thing to do and am doing better.
  18. Had trouble logging into the site for a bit so missed the sign in. Have fun everyone, looks like I will be out of this this year.
  19. Saw it...sort of what I expected. 1. I was able to not be bothered by noise around me as the movie theatre was nearly empty. 2. The opening was good....thought well maybe ...but, unfortunately it was as expected. 3. Jack's character (the one everyone wanted to be after the first) was lame and so, IMHO, people are losing interest in the films. In the first film Jack was a sly fox that got out of everything with people being loyal him. A good pirate and a good man sort of thing. In the second he was shown as a bad pirate, and in the third he is given as not only a bad pirate, but alsoa looney and somewhat cowardly that can't hold onto a crew. So why would anyone want to associate with that? 4. Elizabeth really had the only character that grew in the film, but, not really believable. 5. I was looking forward to Norrington's character being expanded and was majorly disappointed. He went from a scallywag back to pomious, from cad to a unable to understand what was happening about him. Yeah right. 6. Action sequences were good but, too much of them. I would like to have seen more character development. 7. last scene after the credits brought a hero type back to the film...good. In regard to Will and Elizabeth not coming back???? I believe the same person swore up and down that Richards WAS NOT going to be in the 3rd film so, I take the above statement with a grain of salt. 8. Richards and Jack's interaction was good more would have been nice. In regard to the possibility of a fourth...why? The idea of Jack being back ...shrug. His character has spiraled down from a the first film. Yeah, I know those of you connected with the film will yelp up and down I don't know what I am talking about, but, I stated that after the second one the response for the third would be down. Yeah it made money but not the expected reaction (I assume) after all hooplaw that was made with the second. People were disappointed and the disappointment in many ways grew with this one. Even the MANY multiple runs of the 1st film on TV could not gender the audience to respond. Oh well such is life... a good series of films with a continuous character development and series development ...Potter films...Star Wars...perhaps someone in the development of PotC should have paid attention to the way a series can be brought along.
  20. Got the mag...loved it!
  21. Is there a way to lock out someone that has been removed... we have to show a home email address when we sign up??? For instance if someone registers with a certain home email address if they are removed they cannot register using that same one?
  22. The problem is there are those that are actually clicking onto these spam posts and that encourages the bloody B@$tards. I mean come on...it is obvious from the titles what they are and yet there at times 10+ noted as clicking to take a look and as long as that happens they are going to continue to post as that helps to get their link moved up. Is there a way that if certain words are used that the post will not be admitted onto the thread, a lock of some sort?
  23. hey, I will give the guy credit that he willing to get involved and come to the aid of someone he thought was in trouble. How many times have there been an incident where "haven't heard or seen anything" when someone was being accosted. and no one tried to do anything. If something had been going on...everyone would be cheering him as a hero...ok, thankfully, it was just a film and not anything else...but at least the guy was willing to come to the aid of another and not just sit by saying it wasn't his business. I raise a glass to the gent for his good intentions.
  24. hey, I will give the guy credit that he willing to get involved and come to the aid of someone he thought was in trouble. How many times have there been an incident where "haven't heard or seen anything" when someone was being accosted. and no one tried to do anything. If something had been going on...everyone would be cheering him as a hero...ok, thankfully, it was just a film and not anything else...but at least the guy was willing to come to the aid of another and not just sit by saying it wasn't his business. I raise a glass to the gent for his good intentions.
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