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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. First, if you are out in very hot weather, sweating pretty heavily, drinking water but still get light headed....please think about eating something a bit salty. Believe it or not your sun sickness might have been made worse because of lack of salt in your body. You not only need to maintain hydration but also, your salt balance. I know because I had a bit of trouble when I was driving through the desert on the way to CA six years back. I was sweating (air condition wasn't working) and drinking plenty of water but was still feeling sick. I inadvertenly had some moisture land on my lip and it was a bit salty and I realized how much I was losing. Thankfully I had a bag of chips in the car...once I ate a few of those I felt better. When I got to CA found out I may have been on verge of what can be called water sickness, Too much water not enough salt. It happens more often then you think. Maintain the balance and you'll be off for it. Next, I hear about the "Bootstrappers" in DL ...can anyone tell me if they will be close to the ride or somewhere else? I will heading there next Thursday and would like to hear the shanties. thanks.
  2. Aye, tis ta Monopoly game tat caught m'eye 'nd m'coin. Ta only thing why didn't they have ships instead of houses or hotels??? A sloop for a house and a man o'war for a hotel. Tat twould have made more sense to me. But ta other stuff is pretty good. I mean for the coin spent on it thought it would have a bit more to show for it then it I got. However, must say tat the "Dread Pirate" game is better....has four ships, a map to sail over, gems and dubloons to plunder. (yeah, the monopoly has paper money instead of coins...another, IMHO, item they could have changed for ta tie-in) Anywho...Has any of ya seen ta PotC card game tie-in? Ta store near me twas advertis'n it but din't have it when I tried check it out.
  3. Actually, the term "Wench" during the PotC era just meant peasant girl or serving girl. "Common Wench" meant basically streetwalker.
  4. Beautiful and very impressive. OK, custom made...exactly what game pieces comes with it, how long does it take to get the one pictured, and what method of payment do you take?
  5. Pyrate, Wrench, Jenny (used in the same fashion as Jacks is used for the men), Sea Witch, Terror of the Seas, Lady, or Captain...eventual Regent. Yawn...tis all ta same to me HUZZAH
  6. the best one I had, is when I was at a yard sell and saw this beautiful full body sized mirror still in the box with a stand. It stated it was solid brass frame. It was lovely and only $5.00 I asked the couple if I was seeing the price right...(thought a kid might have changed tags on it) Was told yes, bought it, then took it out of the box, and proceeded to take the blue film off of it. The look on their face was beautiful. They had gotten it as a present and when they saw the blue they thought something was wrong with it. I explained that the blue sticky film was a protective element and all nearly all brass purchased had it on it. I felt bad seeing that they didn't realize it, even offered to not take it, but, the man just shook his head with his jaw clenched and said no. I had bought it fair and square. I wonder what type of arguement they had later.
  7. I don't like to see trailers...most often they nearly always show the best parts of the film and then the film is a let down for me. So, I try not to see them so the whole film is a first time experience.
  8. Camera and lots of pics. :)
  9. OH, I plan on doing the same when I go to the Bahamas in Oct.
  10. Aye, many forget that Whens are important too. Such as: Does your character know when he/she was born and if so what was happening around the time? When did your persona go on the account? Year and age of character? (Sigh...I admit it....I am a REAL pain in the arse on my novel thread because I am insist on story continuity as far as the when goes.) And again, lots of ways of handling the when questions...most think it is the background of the story, but, if you don't have it answered a story can go haywire. Each area of your character's life, IMHO, should have a complete as possible answer in the questions "WHO, WHAT, WHERE, HOW, WHEN AND WHY?" AND leave off a post in some manner with one of the above questions for your writing partner to answer...in his first sentence or paragraph oh his/her post. That makes, IMHO, a story written by many characters flow more easily together.
  11. OOpsss let's not forget the "WHENs" of everything either. Such as: When did the major events of your character life and how did it affect your persona?
  12. OCC - Ok for me I answered this way...WHO, WHAT, HOW, WHERE, AND WHY??? * How do you come up with a fitting pyrate name You can do this two different ways - one it will sort of find you, as stated above. Or you can take an active role in first you figure out from where you hailed from. Are you English, Scottish, Irish, Spanish, French, Moorish, and number of places in the world. Then can think of why you went onto account, and so will you be using your character's "Christian" name or a pyrate nickname. If it is your character's Christian name then check into that with want you want your name to mean. If on the other hand you will be taking a pyrate nickname then what did you do that caused the nickname to stick. Go from that part of it. * How do I go about making up a persona that I'm comfortable with? Again, part of being comfortable is thinking of your character's history, personal and family. Building a persona with elements of your own philosophy and mindset. It, IMHO, might thought of as a second skin sort of thing with the "What if?" What if I was there? How would I act? What would I do? Where would I be? How would I get there? (not just physically but who am I mentally and spiritually) and Why would I do anything? When you can answer the "WHO, WHAT, WHERE, HOW AND WHY" of your character then you will be comfortable with that persona. Also, decide whether you are going for pure historical in the traditional sense or you want more fantasy...or even a mixture of the two. (for my character, contrary to what some believe I have a historical basis for nearly everything I have. However, some of it be out of the mainstream way of thinking...so if someone says I am not "proper historical" I don't argue anymore...I just shrug and go its me. Then again, I have been told that I am not in the line of fantasy...so I say Historical... OK, PIRATE!!!! I do as I feel comfortable and don't let anyone sway me either way. It is my persona and I that's that... end of story. When you can say that, then you are, IMHO, wearing the skin of your character. * How do I portray this persona without getting flustered? Can you live RL without being frustrated? No, so don't expect to create a persona without it either. There will always be those that will say you're not historical enough, and others that will say you're so historical you're boring. So there will always be flustered or frustrated. (SHRUG) A pirate did what he or she felt right with... so be and do a pirate persona do that are comfortable with. Look at it as a challenge and an adventure to be conquered. * What are the three rules of improvisational acting? (That's how many someone said there were in another thread.) This one I can't really answer as I am not an actor, I just wear my persona when I want to. Me, I think of these items. The one thing is think of the way your character would talk. What dialect would he/she use? (The moment I use the accent, my mannerisms change) What type of mannerisms would my character use...How would your character react to a certain situation? Why would your character react...(personal or business reaction)? again going back to the standard questions... "WHO, WHAT, WHERE, HOW AND WHY." * What other questions ought I be asking? What about your persona's family...immediate and otherwise. Where did they hail from? What caused you to go on account? What and who did you leave behind and why? What are your persona's skills? How did you lean them? What function does he or she have on the ship? What is your persona's mindset? Mannerism? Personaility? How did he or she get to where they are? Who helped them or betrayed them and why? What type of bonds do they have with the crew and why? Permanent or temporary and why? Spiritual beliefs, what if any, what type and how did you acquire them? You got the "What" questions...now look at the "Who, How, Where and Whys" I know seems simplistic, but once you finish answering them you should have built a complete personal history for your character. Ok, that is my take on it...Hope that helps.
  13. I live in SoCA. :unsure:I REALLLY want to go...I have me pirate garb (mixture of history and fantasy...my choice) (hangs head) Heavy sigh...I still don't have a vessel to get there in. My car was totaled last year, and the dang suit hasn't been settled yet. I am counting my dubloons but, at the moment I don't think renting a car to get there is an option. *(^%*&$*%(^&_*&^(&^^$^$%^#%$#%^**(^&)...Heavy sigh, pirate hissy fit over.
  14. Aye, nearly all of the cats I have ever had would take to my shoulder naturally. They would sit up there with their face resting against mine. Cats sort of found their way to me...my kids said that there must have been a sign somewhere in cat language stating. Sucker lives here...free meals, warm home. I even rescued a wild cat during one Ohio winter, got it tamed within a week and it liked to go for walks with me. It would run to the door sit and wait for me to go out for my nightly walk. Then he would run a few paces ahead, sit, wait for me to catch up to him and then do it all over again. He was a beauty, a long haired smokey gray Himalayan cat...had him over a year....someone ended up taking him. I cried like a baby when he didn't come home.
  15. AHHH cute cats...personally I love cats. And Now, now...don't get testy with me...I am not the one that created the standards set forth...I was following them...I just wanted more absolute documentation...to be historically accurate that's all. The same as it has always been around here. But if the rules have changed...Cool! Besides... GEZZZSH...my own persona's history has a cat on her ship.
  16. Hummm, if memory serves me correctly here, and I know it does...I have even heard that mere mentions of some event is an indication of something be more rare then common as it was rare enough to be mentioned.
  17. OH NO!!! This is not going to get off that easily...YOU CANNOT jump to the conclusion that just because someone ...1 person...states that lots were left that it was so. How quickly does 2 cats equal a dozen..a dozen equals a hundred? all it takes is one female in heat and one horney male... and the rest is biological history so to speak. So just because so many were found doesn't indicate that lots of sailors/ships dumped lots of cats...etc. Need more proof. I want dates, locations...reasons... names of ships, names of sailors...names of the balls of fur and etc... Fair is fair...even with pirates.
  18. Wait, how many times it has been said that a mere mention is not proof...actual documentation must be given...or that one or even two or a dozen so called mentions are not good enough to state something as being common...documentation must be given by exact sources. AND anything out of period does not give proof it being in period...so under those guidelines...the last doesn't count either.... and yet now it is just the opposite. HUMMMM, interesting very interesting indeed...
  19. sorry, my own feeling is that they should give the boy's bones a burial.
  20. actually, I am playing my finger piano (yes, there is an instrument called that). the melody is rather soothing.
  21. Well, so far so good...I rebooted all the way and am still up and running. Thank Heavens. I hope whoever did it gets what they deserve.
  22. I just ran check on my comp, just found the normal spyware. Took those off. So, hopefully I don't have anything. Crossing my fingers.
  23. I got it, I opened it but my computer wouldn't complete it. I got a message that stated I needed to download onto a disk. I saw it had an exe attachment and then deleted it. I haven't shut down my computer yet, but it is still going.
  24. not sure, but me thinks Europe.
  25. NO am not seeing the movie because anyone being against it. I was curious as to why CC was against it...and since I already had the book, courtesy of a friend I decided to read it.. Now am interested in seeing the movie to see how they treat the subject.
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