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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. Well, with the vacation club obviously the most expensive part a roof over the head is taken care of. The problem is to use it I have use one of the resorts listed with them...hummm we do have options to exchange them with a sister resort club....might see how close they are to PIP... Windjammers Yeah they sound TERRIFIC...only they are in the exchange program this year...dang it. Oh well such is life...need to make my choice pretty soon.
  2. The part about my vacation club they have places all over the world. I had a chance to go to England/Ireland on a canal boat for a week, But, my travel partner couldn't make it and they wouldn't let have the boat to me onsies. *&)*^&^^^&%&%$ I had the dang thing booked too when they asked me to confirm how many in my traveling party...! Banging head against desk....I could have explored the canals and small villages but NOOOOO! I couldn't get her to commit to the time. GRRRRRR~!!!! And I didn't want to spend my vacation credits on something I couldn't guarantee...*&^%$&^#^%$%&* Oh well such is life...Now to the new choices....Harbor Master I am REALLY torn between the able to go to the PIP and going to the Dominican...Yeah that is the one I am leaning toward. Would love to learn to dive...that is on the list of things must do in my lifetime.
  3. James Asher "Tigers of the Raj"
  4. Rubbing hands together in hopeful glee.... ok, can someone tell me how close Pompano Beach, FL is to the PIP Fest? If it is near enough, Can somoneone confirm the dates for the PIP for 07?
  5. Re... en...act...ments??? well they have places near Williamsburg....ECCCKKKKK!!! DANG *&^(&^(%%^$^$# IT!!! What the hell am I thinking about...PIP They have resorts in Florida... Need to see how close they are to yearly PIP... If'n I can use them for my vacation credits. Let's see PIP is during the first week in Dec??? Heading over to the web site.
  6. Oh that is something else to think about!!! Great ideas HarborMaster!
  7. Thanks RCJ for the thoughtful reply. Excellent suggestions...so, I did a quick check on the cruise... well, since this also a Carnival Ship, I checked out the size of the ship against the one I sailed on in Oct and found out the length, tonnage and number of decks are more on Conquest then on Fantasy, so it would seem that the ship for 07 is actually larger then the one I took this past year. I'll see what I can find out about the the resort.
  8. ok, I am a member of a vacation club...and need to use my vacation credits before I lose them. So, I need to book my vacation for 2007. And am having a time deciding...but, here are just two of my choices...thus far these are my top two...what do you think...if it were you which would you choose? Or would you keep looking? 1st one... April 21 — 28, 2007 Powder-white beaches meet warm turquoise waters for a picturesque Caribbean island escape in the Dominican Republic. Try out the international accents in both the cuisine and the impeccable service, action-packed activities. Indulge in water sports, parties, island activities, and nightlife—everything’s included in this incredible package. For more information, click here. Package Includes: * all-inclusive vacation package includes 7-night hotel accommodations * All meals—full breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks * Unlimited beverages, cocktails, and wine * Daily activities and fitness programs * Unlimited non-motorized water sports with complimentary lessons * Live nightly entertainment * All taxes, surcharges, gratuities and special group activities * Private group check-in, a welcome reception, and group dinner will be arranged upon arrival. * Round-trip airport transfers included from La Romana airport 2nd one is... August 19 — 26, 2007 Explore paradise as you travel with fellow owners to the inviting isles of the Western Caribbean. Carnival Cruise Lines’Carnival Conquest sails roundtrip for seven nights from Galveston, Texas, to these beautiful tropical ports of call: * Montego Bay, Jamaica * George Town, Grand Cayman * Cozumel, Mexico Package includes: * Seven nights aboard the Carnival Conquest - Ocean view cabin * Onboard welcome reception * Full onboard meal and entertainment package * Ports of call listed above * All port taxes and government fees *
  9. I think it comes down to ...Attitude...a guy can dress in most anything and if he has proper attitude Self confidence An air of decisiveness take control of situation round about him... Hint or out and out bad boy (amount according to the lass) Some visible ability to take care of himself and in further thought in m'mind those he would care about. Inner strength and some hint of softness...see item above. a certain style that seems right for him. He has to be comfortable in it...in his own skin...see item 1 A bit of allusiveness or mystery but not too much... A touch of good-natured mischief.
  10. Thanks all Thanks I made it m'self, though the other side of it is visibly the best. m'baldric is actually two leather belts put together with m'frog, I had a shoe repair shop nearby to do the sewing on it. the metal rings were already on the front belt and I use them to hook m'flintlocks and daggers onto them.
  11. Halloween 06 Ok, here is the pic of me ...just remember that this was at work and they wouldn't let me bring in the rest of m'gear. NO flintlocks ...even replicas and toy ones were a no..no... NO daggers...not even if the blade non existant. NO other weaponry at all. I did manage to get a plastic sword even then I had to cut down the plastic blade part to almost nothing...reason I didn't have it out...though its hilt and handle size very similar to mine not the same as the actual one. dang I didn't feel dressed... anyway...I'll leave it up for bit before I remove it from the website.
  12. well the thing is I don't mind sharing it with those here, but, don't want it on the internet as a whole. HUMMM, any chance that we could get an upload link similar to what is at Pan Historia at our homes over there to add images?
  13. ok tried but didn't work....
  14. well, first remember there be things that can be done such as medical shots that you can take to keep things at bay for a year at a time. Next there is no way I can hide being female ...no way no how...the girls are just too ...way too out there. Next I am able to take care of myself, I am excellent shot, and have the fortitude...therefore, I wouldn't give my chance up to anyone, some how ...some way, 18th century..No matter what I would take the chance, do or die is my attitude.
  15. ok, can anyone tell me how to post a pic???
  16. More like our individual realities. Now the question is would you go back if you couldn't take any modern items...none at all? No medicines, no modern weapons, no modern anything... ME? YEP in a heartbeat.
  17. Well, the management company that oversees the complex (5 buildings) had a Halloween party. I dressed in m'piratey finery and won 1st place. But what surprised me was when I going there (yeah took the bus ...didn't have a problem finding a seat...go figure... ) heading home, walking to the local pub...the number of people that stopped me, honked and/or yelled from their cars how great my outfit was. If'n I can figure out how to post pics I put one up...but so far no luck.
  18. OK, well let's see 1. antibotics (plenty of em) 2. water purifier tablets (lots of em) 3. cutlass made out of never need shapening metal (you know the type...LOL) 4. daggers (same as above) 5. Uzi...special made to look more of the times but, with lots of extra ammo. 6. condoms...(ya, I be female but correct me if I be wrong syphillis and gono was rappant during the time) 7. ship with motor...for fast get aways...(ya m'crew would love to fit in and, it would have sails..but, if'n a man of war is head'n my way...hey pirate) 8. multi-vitamins (year's supply) 9. a very small video recorder with audio on it. (wouldn't you love to hear as well as see) lots of batteries and vid cards. 10. History vid cards so I can see where the ships with the most booty were and when, as well as, when the hurricanes and trop storms were. 11. (looking to #7) Ummm yep need me crew...include one modern Doc... 12. my CERT first aid/survival kit.. yep that would just about do it.
  19. me... 1) Go back to when I was 17 2) with the memory of what I know now. 3) and wisdom to run like a bat out of hell in order to not make the same mistakes I did then and follow my dreams instead of just settling.
  20. Well, I will be heading to Miami and then the Bahamas. MAN do I need my vacation...I REALLY need my vacation.... and finally tis the day. ONLY thing is the dang shuttle is picking me up at 4am, can't sleep which means I'll be up for over 24 hours when I land in FLorida. OH well such is life.
  21. Archaeologists find 18th-century store AP - Sun Oct 8, 2:23 AM ET FORT EDWARD, N.Y. - This history-rich Hudson River community has yielded a museum's worth of 18th-century military artifacts over the decades, from musket balls to human skeletons. But a colonial soldier's daily lot wasn't all fighting and bloodshed. They had their share of down time, and that's where the sutler came in, offering for sale two of the few diversions from frontier duty: alcohol and tobacco. A five-year-long archaeological project has unearthed the 250-year-old site of a merchant's establishment that sold wine, rum, tobacco and other goods to the thousands of soldiers who passed through this region during the French and Indian War, when Fort Edward was the largest British military post in North America. Sutler, derived from the Dutch word for someone who performs dirty work, was the name given to the merchants who arrived on the heels of the British army and sold what the redcoats wouldn't — or couldn't — provide at a frontier outpost. With the permission of military officials, sutlers set up shop near a fort's gates, taking advantage of the isolated location to do a brisk trade with off-duty soldiers and officers. With Albany located some 40 miles down river, the sutlers doing business here served as a precursor to today's convenience stores, said archaeologist David Starbuck. "For your merchants of the day, this is your big captive audience," he said recently while giving a tour of the site. "Booze and tobacco were the big things. I guess things don't change with the years." Starbuck said "huge numbers" of artifacts have been found at the sutler site, located in a wooded area on private property on the Hudson's east bank, just south of where the fort stood. "It's definitely the richest one we've ever found in Fort Edward," said Starbuck, a New Hampshire college professor who has led a series of summertime excavations here and elsewhere in the region since the early 1990s. High school history teacher Matt Rozell, a veteran of many of Starbuck's digs, found the sutler site in the 1990s after hearing stories of treasure hunters sneaking onto the property to loot artifacts. But the illegal digging only scratched the surface. The real treasures, Rozell said, were buried a foot or more below ground. After receiving permission from the property owners to excavate the site, Starbuck's team of students, volunteers and professional archaeologists began digging in 2001. Over the next five summers, they uncovered remnants of a least one sutler's store, including fireplace bricks and a charred staircase and beams in what was the dirt-floor basement of the structure. Scattered about the site were various coins, thousands of broken and intact clay pipes and glass fragments from wine and rum bottles, evidence that the store doubled as a tavern. Among the biggest finds: a 19-inch British bayonet in nearly pristine condition and an intact bottle. "You don't find too many of them like that," said Rozell as he gently held a squat, dark-green bottle inside the work room at the Rogers Island Visitors Center, where the artifacts have been catalogued and stored. Back at the site, the top half of a broken bottle protruded from the dirt at the edge of the pit, waiting to be excavated, cleaned up and catalogued. This stretch of the upper Hudson has long been a source of artifacts dating back to the 1700s and earlier. American Indians referred to it as the "Great Carrying Place" because the nearby falls forced travelers to make a 15-mile portage to reach the southern end of Lake George to the north. The first white settlement here was established in the early 1730s, when John Henry Lydius, a Dutch trader from Albany, opened a trading post. His business thrived until it was destroyed during a French and Indian raid in the 1740s. In 1755, as the last of the French and Indian wars heated up, the English arrived in force and built Fort Edward. Within a few years, 15,000 British and colonial soldiers were based here, including the famed Rogers' Rangers. Starbuck said the sutler site probably isn't the original Lydius trading post. It's more likely the sutler's store that appears on maps from the late 1750s, and possibly the same one mentioned in contemporary records as belonging to a "Mr. Best." The building apparently burned down around 1760, after the bulk of the British army had advanced on French-held Canada. Starbuck has spent most of the past 15 years conducting digs at 18th-century military sites here and in Lake George. Those excavations tended to focus on places made famous by massacres and battles. He concedes that finding the cellar of a merchant's storehouse may not carry the same cachet with history buffs. But the sutler site does offer a rare glimpse into an important aspect of frontier life in colonial America. "Sutlers tend to be overlooked but they're a huge part of the (settlement) process," he said. "This is where a community begins. It's like a prelude to the founding of the towns up here." Starbuck said the Fort Edward sutler site could wind up being second in terms of significance only to Michigan's Fort Michilimackinac, another 18th-century outpost where archaeologists have found hundreds of thousands of artifacts over the past 45 years.
  22. hey, there is the Pirate Dinner Theatre near Disney. There is another thread around here that tells all about it.
  23. I won't be making it this year...but, is this an annual event? I was thinking of making a trip to Salem closer to Halloween 07 but, something like this might take me there a bit earlier.
  24. I was on the Los Angeles Metro line at approx 7:10am, at the corner of Sepuvida and Ventura...when a grungy shabby haired man got on the bus, his hands filled with all sorts of newspapers...as he stepped on the bus he called out... "They took down the towers...its true...the towers...New York...they flew planes into the towers in New York." I thought he was crazy...I rushed into work, and found out he wasn't crazy. We work in a highrise and lots of people were scared. Finally, they told us to go home. I didn't want to go home in fear... They had tried it before in 97 and their mode of operation is to keep going back. So, was it a total surprise...the action of it ...no, however, the magnitude dismay shocked and broke my heart... But, my thoughts were if I had went home and cowered in fear... do that??? Then, they would have gotten what they wanted. I refused to do that. For several hours I walked ... I think better when I move...so I walked. Then, for the next few days to several weeks...I took care of things I needed to do...including but not limited ... Going from place to place and buying every American flag I could get... getting out my very large box of Shabbas candles, standing at the street corner and allowing anyone who wanted to join me to light a candle in the memory of those who died. Finding the CERT program and becoming certified (still a member to this day and now level 3)... being certified in First Responder Mass Casualty First Aid, training with the Fire Department, and refusing to feel powerless.
  25. Ahoy Me Hearties On the last Friday of every month, Whale and Ales's Private Room on the Upper Deck plays host to a group of enthusiasts, who delight in entertaining themselves, and (of course) us, with a few Sea Shanties sing alongs. Come on board and get into the nautical spirit that abounds here in the Harbour District. For more information on our Jolly Jack Tars, you can E-mail them right HERE or visit them on-lineHERE and perhaps learn a few of their Shanties - and sing along ! The Whale and Ale 327 West 7th Street San Pedro, CA 90731 310-832-0363 I have heard that this is really fun! I still don't have a car so haven't been there but plan on it when I can.
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