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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. In today's world especially with the threat of recent past... Somehow, someway someone would report a name on the side of a plane to either the tower or some other official. And would think it would be bit of incentive for the royalies to tap phone, tap email accounts...etc...But that is my humble opinion. In the end do as you will.
  2. Um, given the date coming up...you might be a bit careful giving it a tag line with death or terror in it. Air controllers might not take too kindly to it...ya know? Anyway...you might go with something with a bit of focus on a different aspect of pyratical life. "Fly'n Booty" "Treasure Seeker" "Rum Runner" or something on that line? Just a thought for your consideration.
  3. UTOH!!! here we go! won't repeat the reaction when I stated my persona has a whip...except to say the last I heard, pirates didn't have whips except cat of nines for punishment. Of course, my persona still has it, but am considered around here as being non-authentic because of it.
  4. I salute you and honor all of our gents and jennies that serve this land. It was a wish I had to do so when I was younger...alas it was not meant to be...when I was of age to do so, it was not looked favorably for a lass to do it and my family especially my mother was against it. How many times I look back and think how I wish I had done it anyway. Now I believe I am tad overage..sigh...But for those that are in the service...please know that offer my heartfelt thanks for serving and protecting us in whatever capacity that you do.
  5. I found a site that advertises tall ship cruises...from 3 day excursions to 12 day ones. You can participate taking the helm, standing watch etc (ifn' you don't know how they will teach) and if don't feel comfortable. you can lollywag about on deck and watch others do the work. I have already emailed them and asked what their 2007 sailing schedules will be...sounds sooooo good to me. So taking classes doesn't sound too far at all to me. Cause 07 I mayhap be ask'n "Where's that horizon" on m'own. ah, well sort
  6. I have used a webstore...that I have found able to get me items with in days, prices are reasonable, and items very nice at Dress Like A Pirate. www.dresslikeapirate.com/
  7. if you are building any type of boat, taking seamanship/boating classes sounds like an excellant idea. Even if you are just into writing understanding the workings of a boat is a grand idea. If you just like to have the knowledge of how a ship is run the classes are a good idea. Now if you asking when you are going to far...well, IMHO, if you pick up a cutlass, commandeer a ship, head out to sea with booty in mind, hail a ship to stand down with an ARGGGG....Well THEN you might be going a bit too far. Otherwise naw...just enjoy and have fun!
  8. On Ventura Blvd, LA area, there is a Wiccan shop that now carries a couple of PotC large and one small type a skull wearing sparrow bandana with beads and two cross swords. VERY NICE!! and they priced reasonably.
  9. Hey, was watching Wife Swap this evening and in one of the commercials for the new season ... upcoming 2 hour episode... The swap... the one family that embaced the pirate.... all of the family members outfitted in gear...they showed the pirate wife getting a bit irritated and attacking some gardening with her cutlass. The other wife tooked one look at the family pictures and her reaction.... "I'm going to get killed" Should be interesing.
  10. Frommes website has some local restaurants that are highly recommended...I plan on sampling when I am there. http://www.frommers.com A-Z has seems to have some good tips in a variety of things. http://www.a-zoftourism.com/travel-to-Nassau.htm That's the best I can do until after Oct. Hope it helps a bit.
  11. First you can't just leave it alone can you? Ah well such is life....second, as stated, this thread was hijacked by turning this personal against me. Ah, well if that is the only way it could be done...I feel important. As also stated, this is a waste as the film was a waste...so be it. I have better things to do in real life. ...
  12. Not this year...but, I have a group that will be going Halloween 07.
  13. lock it or everyone just stop posting here...I had made the offer once before but others couldn't leave it alone. ... I have better things to do... Though as before, if others won't leave it be, I reserve the right to give rebuttal or retort. Huzzah!
  14. Alas, now using icons is forbidden to me? Whatever... But, tis correct there are soooo many thread dedicated to the love of the film...and those that participate in that come here to debate those that saw a problem with it...but, then they really don't want a debate only to hijack it and in order to do that, personal attacks were begun against me. Of the last a question was asked I answered it with another question. and...yep, another personal attack against me. Ah well, such is life. I agree lock the topic... HUZZAH!!!
  15. If I do, which I always do... can we say personal preference... So now the question comes to mind as to... ...and that bothers you why???? Have a good day!
  16. I have viewed things as a friendly (at least from my side) debate on the film. As far as, stating what one has to say and then move on...the same can be said about those loving the film, many have not just stated what they like then moved on...but have been in a constant dialogue ...but again, one side can the other can't. Whatever.... Anyway, I have learned some time ago to never assign an emotion to a post...because, the emotion assigned is actually (most often) coming from within the person reading said post and not from the writter. Hence the misunderstandings and conflicts noted even here at the pub. So sad, IMHO, on state of things. But, IMHO, enough time has been wasted on the debate (which has turned to personal attacks on me...which was started by another) on this film. OH, Of course, I always reserve the right to give a rebuttal or retort on anything written from this point on. Now, therefore, it is up to others whether this will continue or not. Have a grand day!
  17. Excusie...but there has been no hate whatsoever in anything I have written. I pity people who takes things so personally. again shows thin skin and a personal attack to call what I have written as hate. Again, if someone takes, IMHO, my so-called minority opinion as a reason to feel bad...then, again IMHO, that person must have very low self esteem. sigh, AGAIN...LET'S REMEMBER THAT THE TITLE OF THIS THREAD IS "ANY OTHERS DISAPPOINTED IN POTC2" I was pointing out what I saw as lacking in the film AS WAS REQUESTED IN THE TITLE OF THIS THREAD...nothing personal there whatsoever. OTHERS have stated the same thing...something was a bit off, was lacking in the film. Perhaps, the problem is I actually pointed out where it lacked, not just a disappointed generic feeling and fear that it might set others to thinking why they were disappointed. But, When someone can't justify their positions it seems the rebuttal must turn personal. Therefore, IMHO, it actually proves my point, especially when this thread has been hijacked (in, IMHO, a very smooth way) to a debate about me instead of the film. Oh well, such is life. Have a wonderful day!
  18. This is absolutely frigg'n hilarious...this thread has gone from talking about a question that was started by another person..."Any Others Disappointed with POTC2?" Which, by the way, was what my posts have been about and not pointing fingers at anyone here or such...and has gone to ... To bashing me! I am so very honored that there are those here that thinks my opinion is so significant that I can have such a powerful effect on things. Thank you one and all for making me important. (Bowing in regal wonderment) This is truely an astounding occasion. It reallys says something when the come back is personal...and as far as my lauging icons...it means I really am laughing while typing...and as far as my signature goes...well, mine is no worse then those that have massive pictures so large that I have to scroll seemingly forever in order to read the entire post. But, I have never complained about that because that is a person's preference...but, once again, I am being singled out on a particular issue here. Alas, what do I have to say about it.... shrug... who cares. This is just too funny. As far as too much time on my hands...take a look to see how long I have been a member of this pub, then check to see how many posts I have written compared to some others around here. I am far from having too much time on my hands. But, as stated this is just too funny to ignore. OH, ....And as far as my character being put into a movie... Can we say $$$$ into my pocket? :) (BTW - I really never make any assumptions about about anyone online contrary to what others have to me. It is really amazing that people make judgements without ever having met or talked with another person. :) Oh well, such is life. Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. HUZZAH )
  19. I see once again it was ignored that this thread is entitled. "ANY OTHERs DISSAPPOINTED WITH POTC 2?" This is the thread to post the disappointments with the movie! And again it is ignored...that I didn't say the ENTIRE movie was bad...now did I? NO I didn't...I said it was irritating with the holes written in it. I never said anything about Billy, now did I? NO I didn't. I said it was badly written...with the holes in it. Actors can only do so much with what they are given...Someone mentioned that some of the scenes were left on the cutting room floor, and of course, actors can not be blamed if the editing was bad! When someone came up and stated we needed to buy the DVD in order to see what was cut out of it... I stated that people should not have to buy something what was paid for already. That is a bad decision on the part of the director, editor and suits. NOT of the actors...so where am putting down the actors and stunt people in my comments? I am not. So, get your facts straight and stop being so thin skinned. Perhaps you are too close to the project to take any sort of criticism. And yes I think it funny and will continue to do so.
  20. Congrats...blessings to you and yours. IMHO, marriage is a thing of the heart and not what society calls a ceremony.
  21. Well, Bess was just tired of the same old thing from Lady Seahawke. She didn't like the movie, fine, but no need to keep going on about it. It was getting old to have her go on with her complaints against the movie. Ok, I can't help it but comment... so using the same justifications as above...I can then say on the other hand, you liked it so why keep going on about it? Logic is lacking. One can say as much as they like because they liked it, but the other must censor and limit what is said because they didn't. Am I correct on that? Also, there is nothing rude and unkind in what I have said. I have stated, perhaps in another thread there were a couple of scenes that were ok. I just didn't like the holes in the storyline. As stated I have reported what those that have talked to me have said AFTER they have seen it. So, yes the money was spent and thus anyone can say "look at the box office" but, as stated the comments I have heard are those AFTER money spent. Thus it will be interesting to me to see if the same will be had on the third. Perhaps it will, perhaps it won't...only time will tell. But, to say I am being rude and unkind ...well...such is your opinion... and I feel sorry for anyone that is that thin skin. me I have never been a Yes'er person...so again...all I have to say is PIRATE!!!!
  22. I can't believe how thin skin some people are!!! and correct me if I am wrong but, isn't the title of this thread "WHO ELSE IS DISAPPOINTED WITH POTC2" Therefore, any complaints and opinions given on the lack thereof is fair game on this thread. If'n you a problem with it...then don't read it. Also, how can someone do better if they don't hear what those that are disappointed feel...why they were disappointed? HUMMM???? Sorry if anyone feels that only positive remarks should be made...and please note that I have not named anyone at all in my posts...contrary to others who feel they can call me out on something. Ah yes I know I must be careful...I know there are those that feel that since they are friends with the Admins that they can do as they please and censor contrary opinions...but, again correct me if I am wrong...aren't those in the industry the most vigorous defenders of free speech ...unless it seems to be, IMHO, contrary to their opinions. Yet, here it is a statement basically telling me to shut up...hummm again, free speech only for a certain few. OH well such is life! Well have a wonderful day!
  23. People flocked to the second and went to the revamped ride because of the first...therefore, the truth will be had when the third movie comes out...
  24. After the first movie everyone was looking into the pirates sites. Over at another website, after the first movie came out there were too many applicants to handle...and we (who write in the pirate genre) were expecting a massive influx into the site after this new PotC movie came out... It didn't happen...not this time. "Dead Men's Chest" didn't inspire nearly as many as the first one did. Only the real die hards are still participating in the Pirate threads...Dead's Man didn't rate...not this time.
  25. (banging head on my desk) OUCH!!! OWIE!!! OUCH!! I can't OUCH!!! believe OUCH!!! I had to OWIE!!!! turn it down. I now am a member of a vacation club... I called to book my travel for May of next year... I was offered a barge vacation on the canals of England... Where I would have gotten a barge to run and explore the canals on me own. But, I had to have another to go with me...and AND AND , *&^#$%@#$#@$%&%^* MY DANG TRAVEL PARTNER CAN'T GO!!!!! eckkkkkkkkk.....
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