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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. well, I did a google search for it and it has a running date of July 12, 2008 through August 17, 2008. So, it looks as though it is still on for this year.
  2. In the dream sequence, wasn't Mr Gibbs shown as a Royal Navy Warrant Officer and sporting the (I think) same jacket in much better shape. Again, IMHO, we later see him with the jacket without sleeves and a much worse for wear. Perhaps you might take a look at a Warrant Officer type jacket with sleeves removed. Just a thought
  3. A friend sent me the following and thought it might be uplifting for others currently going through rough seas ... Three Bullets There once was a man who had nothing for his family to eat. He had an old rifle and three bullets. So, he decided that he would go out hunting and kill some wild game for dinner. As he went down the road, he saw a rabbit. He shot at the rabbit and missed it. The rabbit ran away. Then he saw a squirrel and fired a shot at the squirrel and missed it. The squirrel disappeared into a hole in a cottonwood tree. As he went further, he saw a large wild 'Tom' turkey in the tree, but he had only one bullet remaining. A voice spoke to him and said, 'Aim high and stay focused.' However, at the same time, he saw a deer which was a better kill. He brought the gun down and aimed at the deer. But, then he saw a rattlesnake between his legs about to bite him, so he naturally brought the gun down further to shoot the rattlesnake. Still, the voice said again to him, 'I said ' Aim high and Stay focused.' So, the man decided to listen to the voice. He aimed the gun high up in the tree and shot the wild turkey. The bullet passed thru the turkey and killed the deer. The handle fell off the gun and hit the snake in the head and killed it. And, when the gun had gone off, it knocked him into a pond. When he stood up to look around, he had fish in all his pockets, a dead deer and a turkey to eat for his family. The snake was dead simply because the man listened. Moral of the story: Aim and shoot high in your goals, and stay focused. Never let others discourage you concerning your past. The past is exactly that. 'the past.' Live every day one day at a time. Wait, be still and patient and everything else will follow. FROM ONE FRIEND TO ANOTHER
  4. might I join in this ? It mightbe a pleasant and helpful distraction for me from the situation here.
  5. I recently acquired, back in January, an Dahomey Amazonian Warrior short sword from an anthropologist's estate. For those interested here is an excerpt from "The Dahomey Amazons - Dahomey's Women Warriors" The Dahomey Amazons were a Fon all-female military regiment of the Kingdom of Dahomey (now Benin) which lasted until end of the 19th century. They were so named by Western observers and historians due to their similarity to the semi-mythical Amazons of Ancient Greece. King Houegbadja (1645 to 1685), the third King of Dahomey, is said to have originally started the group which would become the Amazons as a corps of royal bodyguards after building a new palace. Houegbadja’s son King Agadja (1708 to 1732) developed these bodyguards into a militia and successfully used them in Dahomey’s defeat of the neighbouring kingdom of Savi in 1727. European merchants recorded their presence, as well as similar female warriors amongst the Ashanti peoples. For the next hundred years or so, they gained reputation as fearless warriors. Though they fought rarely, they usually acquitted themselves well in battle.From the time of King Ghezo (1818 to 1858), Dahomey became increasingly militaristic. Ghezo placed great importance on the army and increased its budget and formalized its structures. The women warriors were rigorously trained and given uniforms. By this time the Amazons consisted of between 4000 and 6000 women, about a third of the entire Dahomey army.European encroachment into west Africa gained pace during the latter half of the 19th century, and in 1890 King Behanzin started fighting French forces in the course of the First Franco-Dahomean War. According to Holmes, many of the French soldiers fighting in Dahomey hesitated before shooting or bayoneting the Amazons. The resulting delay led to many of the French casualties. Ultimately, bolstered by the Foreign Legion, and armed with superior weaponry, including machine guns, the French inflicted casualties that were ten times worse on the Dahomey side. After several battles, the French prevailed. The Legionnaires later wrote about the “incredible courage and audacity” of the Amazons.The last surviving Amazon died in 1979. Members could enroll voluntarily, or were involuntarily enrolled (conscripted) if their husbands complained to the King about their behaviour. Membership of the Amazons was supposed to hone any aggressive character traits for the purpose of war. During their membership they were not allowed to have children or be part of married life. Many of the Amazons were virgins. The regiment had a semi-sacred status, which was intertwined with the Fon belief in Vodun.The Amazons trained with intense physical exercise. Discipline was emphasised. In the latter period, the Amazons were armed with Winchester rifles, clubs and knives. Units were under female command. Captives were often decapitated Note: it took the French almost 4 years to conqueror them, and only then when the Legionnaires came in with Machine guns. The sword I have obivously weighted for a woman's hand, I can see the battle marks that it has on the hilt and blade.
  6. healing thoughts to you both
  7. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words. It means a lot to me. But as the old saying goes when it rains it pours. My older sister was at the hospital visting our mum and started having problems herself, and decided to go home. She made it home but, then got worse. She was admitted to the ER. She had to have a heart catherization to clear out a blockage. My sister is doing a bit better but has to take it easy. M'mum is now in a nursing home and is now almost totally in bed. some days are better then others.
  8. My mom has been in the hospital since last Tuesday, March 4th and things have been going downhill since then. Today the doctors told us that they can't do anything else. She will be going into Hospice and there isn't much time left.
  9. THIS is so very COOL! Been on it only 20 minutes ...Took me wee small amount of time to get the hang of the moving m'ship. But once I did. Already gotten more then a bit of coin. Oh, and yes I do have a paid membership to the Pirates online game too, and say what you will but, I LOVE IT. I have had a blast with it. Been online for little over a month and am a notority level of 29 already. Cutlass is a level 22 dagger level 17 pistol level 16 etc. I really like the idea that game allows the players to design their own pirate persona and now we get to fill our diddy bag with other outfits etc for them.. The only problem is that I have flown through and finished the quests already and am waiting on the Boss Battle to be opened. Also, would like to see the Pirate Events fixed so they run properly.
  10. true linen is NOT wool, it is made of flax/vegatable fibers. for more information on what linen is go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linen
  11. right now, I am reading "the Essential Book of Herbal Medicine" by Simon Y. Mills and "Magic and Medicine of Plants" compiled by Reader's Digest Association.
  12. Well, my mom stayed in the Hospital overnight, and decided it wasn't her heart that was causing all the problems so, they released her. That was the good news. So, I finally got her back home and got her settled. I needed to go out and get some items for my mom. While out I had a flat tire. I tried to get some fix a flat but the damn stuff wouldn't go into the tire, it fizzed out around the top of the can and over my fingers. OI! I managed to get just enough in so I could drive on a 95% flat tire back home and not ruin the wheel. Thankfully the wheel was ok. So anyway...The doctor wanted her to go to see a dermatologist on the 3rd so she went and had to have a biopsy for a spot on her chest. NOW, mom is doing better she is getting some strength back although she has to use a walker. But, we got a call from the doctor on yesterday. The recent biopsy came back positive. She has a type of skin cancer. However, the doctor says that it isn't the real nasty type and she should be ok, with treatment. Just hoping the year will begin to turn around for us and get a bit better. Again, thanks all for your prayers and good wishes. It REALLY means a lot to me. HUGS to you all!
  13. With the number of fires being set and the use of molotovs (sp?) in civil distrubances in Europe, wonder if they will decide to outlaw gasoline and liquor?
  14. I found the following, a 1811 DICTIONARY OF THE VULGAR TONGUE. ________________________________________________________ A DICTIONARY OF BUCKISH SLANG, UNIVERSITY WIT, AND PICKPOCKET ELOQUENCE. UNABRIDGED FROM THE ORIGINAL 1811 EDITION WITH A FOREWORD BY ROBERT CROMIE COMPILED ORIGINALLY BY CAPTAIN GROSE. _________________________________________________________ And that these words were used for supposedly used for MANY YEARs before and after the given date. Going through the Canting Dictionary I found the following listed... ABEL-WACKETS. Blows given on the palm of the hand with a twisted handkerchief, instead of a ferula; a jocular punishment among seamen, who sometimes play at cards for wackets, the loser suffering as many strokes as he has lost games. My question does anyone know of "Abel-Wackets" and was it played during the age of Pyracy? If so, what type of card game was it used with? etc. Thanks in advance for your help!
  15. Well, I am either Snooty Flipp'n Head or Boobie Batty Fanny
  16. Thanks all and all is appreciated. I took m'mum to the doctor's office at 2:30pm for a follow up from the last ER visit (although she wasn't doing much better) and while at the doctor's office she started to have some strong pain that ran from under her right shoulder blade to the center of her chest. Well, needless to say it was cause for major concern. The nurse practioner gave her some nitro and although, it eased the pain it didn't go away. Well, to make a long story short...they decided to call a squad and take her to the ER and was admitted to ER at just around 3pm. Finally, at 9pm they decide to admit her to the hospital. She is now in the Heart Unit under observation. They mentioned she may need to have a stint put in but, are waiting to see what the results are after a series of blood tests taken over the course of this evening and tomorrow. BTW - they still don't know what is causing her stomach problems which is what began all of this. OYE! I am so very tired, but, I still can't wind down enough to sleep. Again thanks for all the thoughts and prayers they are most certainly appreicated. May all of you and yours find this new year a blessing of health and happiness.
  17. If anyone would be so kind as to remember m'mum in your prayers, it would be greatly appreciated. I have had my mother into the ER twice in the last week. They can't find the cause, keep sending her home but, she keeps getting worse. As the current problem isn't enough she is now scheduled for a skin biopsy next week. Trying to work and take care of things for her is wearing on me, but, need to do what I need to do. As stated any thoughts, prayers etc for the doctor's guiding grace would be greatly appreciated.
  18. Number 2 = Kono eiga, zettai omoshiroi to kitai shite mita keredo suka datta ne. That is IMHO. Number 3 and anything else...Shrug... Katte ni shiro. Cause I have too much going on at the moment to worry about anything else. so if you like them ...fine! if'n ya don't ...fine They really aren't important and it is really very silly to keep going on about...they are just movie make believe! In a few more months they won't mean anything at all because something else will take their place! tipp'n m'tricone...stroll'n away Wenches 'nd Rogues .... ta Lady has left ta thread!
  19. I understood the films, I just didn't like 2 & 3 except for a minor few parts. I AM NOT GOING TO BE DRAG'D INTO THIS AGAIN...(wham. wham...head against 'puter screen...wham wham...owie owie...not do'n it...nope...nadda...ouch!..owie...putting me blade back into its sheath) There is just too much that is so much more important then this. SO! Let's agree to disagree... HUZZAH! Raise a toast to ya all!
  20. I saw AWE, I have stated on another thread what I liked and didn't like about 2 and 3. (Absolutely no reason to rehash that.) And certain ones came out and stated I was over doing the opinions since my opinions was other then what was really wanted. The same IMHO seems to be happening here to others. SHRUG, it is what it is. BACK ON TOPIC...This thread asked about the DVD #3. I have stated I bought, via clearance #2 as I was curious about any extras on the DVD. I was disappointed on that also. So, I am not inclined to purchase number 3 via DVD. Actually, someone queried if I had it indicating I may get it for the holidays I told them thanks but no thanks. THAT is MY OPINION AS STATED PREVIOUS...if you want an honest opinion fine...if you want to hear what you like to hear fine. JUST BE SURE TO MAKE WHAT YOU REALLY WANT CLEAR! If not, DO NOT come at those who offer their own honest OPINION if it is contrary to your own.
  21. From what I have seen at another website...The first movie was grand! (I wholeheartedly concurred with the feeling) The proof so many people were wanting to be Jack the influx was amazing. Then the second one came out, people went to it expecting so much and was disappointed and those that had been involved in writing pirate type fan fic began to drop off. The third came out and the pirate storylines and boards novels began to dry up. There are still one or two still going over there. But it seems, sad to say, all but one is stuggling to stay afloat with the pirate theme. YEAH, I know those connected in some way with the trilogy have already started with their "stop crticizing the films" etc. Been through it before. But, IMHO, the truth is the truth. I bought the first DVD IMMEDIATELY, I finally got the second when I found it a clearance bin. OK, curosity got the better of me, shrug, I didn't pay much for it so thought I would take a looksie. At the moment I don't have any inclination to get the third. Maybe if, as with the second, I ever find it on clearance...at a major reduced price I might consider it. Will have to wait and see. JUST remember this Thread asked for opinions. Don't scream foul if the opinions are other then what you wanted to hear. IF'n you wanted to hear only one side of it, you should have posted that requirement in the beginning. Have a happy Winter Solstice!
  22. Tea, of all varities...Earl Grey, Herbals, Chai Latte, alcoholic versions.... iced, hot etc etc etc. EXCELLENT. Chocolate - hot , cold, raspberry, mint, cinnamon, yeah... rum goes well with it too. etc etc etc. EXCELLENT. Sodas - yepper that too. Coffee - UGH! ICK!!! PHEWWW!!! ...GAG ME! Literally! I'm allergic to it. AND yes, I know you probably never knew anyone that was/is but, yes I am. I don't know what it is about it but it closes up my throat EVEN before it goes down it!
  23. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071221/ap_on_...4ioGVubu6oDW7oF The link above tells about the Chinese raising an 800 year old ship....The ship dates from the early Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). It was discovered in 1987 off the coast near the city of Yangjiang, in Guangdong province, in more than 65 feet of water. It was carrying... Green-glazed porcelain plates and shadowy blue porcelain items were among rare antiques found during the initial exploration of the ship. Archaeologists have also recovered containers made of gold and silver as well as about 6,000 copper coins. Check out the site for more information.
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