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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. head hanging low to the computer. begin'n to feel like death warmed over. My nose is stuffed up, my head tis ach'n...A mammoth cold has found its way to me. sigh. However, twas a bit surprised as while I was in the local Target store, what might my eyes behold but a gent walk'n about in a kilt. smile. YEP, he sure was. I have to admit though, he twasn't anything like the gent my eyes hap upon 2 years ago at the CA Renfair. LOL...stand'n in line with the other wenches...won't say wot a mountain of prayers were be'n said for! LOL...still twas asight to see in OH!
  2. Ok, just finished restyling the cover of m'sketchbook. Now it isn't all that, not near what some of you have. Just a little decoration on the edges and such. I had a time with getting the leather lacing through those small holes. BUT, I got it done! I made sure that I didn't get it too tight and I left extra so if it needs to be loosen it can be. But, at least it isn't just a plain cover anymore. OH, if one of ya want to add anything to the back of it...be my guest. Well, I am SO looking forward to this.
  3. Thanks Rumba. Yeah, the continual family drama is a MAJOR reason why I left Ohio in the first place. But, I felt I needed to come back to help out. Just doesn't seem to be appreciated. Reason I am SO very bummed out about the wireless situation. Obviously I was able to log on using the main line. Thankfully I got it running as being online is my escape from the mess around me. OK, on to better subjects...still looking at m'pitiful sketchbook...Time to be Heading out the door going to the craft store...
  4. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Area: Susan McLellan Plaisted Susan McLellan Plaisted offers hearth cooking classes at several historic sites and is one of the most broadly knowledgeable interpreters of early American foodways. Susan has the receipts (recipes), techniques, attire, and equipment to correctly interpret and demonstrate Scottish, Welsh, English, Dutch, German, Swedish, Colonial, and Native American foodways practices from many periods of history. She also provides programming in late 18th century English and American ship-board cooking. Susan is the director of foodways at Pennsbury Manor, the recreated 1680’s home of Pennsylvania’s founder, William Penn. Susan also directs the hands-on German foodways program at Rittenhouse Towne, the home of Wilhelm Rittenhouse, the first Philadelphia paper maker. ________________________________ bolding is mine. Has anyone taken this class? BTW - found a list of historical cooking classes at http://www.williamrubel.com/hearthcooking/...cooking-classes there are list of offerings from around the country and in England.
  5. Worried sick....and...ROYALLY PISSED! My brother called and his wife tossed him out last night with no place to go. I couldn't let him stay here cause where I am ...as I am constantly been told ...this place doesn't belong to me. On the one hand I can understand my mother's position as neither she nor I need that screaming banshee ...ie...brother's wife calling up here any more at whatever ungodly hour screaming that she wants us all to die. On the other hand, he has his own medical problems with no job and no money coming in. (he lost his job cause of vision problems...because he needs cataract surgery but his wife used the copayment money on something else) I have already loaned him as much money as I can (several hundreds of dollars) last year. My dang sister who I loaned money to has announced that she will not pay me back. (again we are talking several hundreds of dollars here) And my mother is taking her side on this. ditto with my niece GRRRRRRRR So now I am worried about my own upcoming med bills. Sigh, I had money and savings account when I first came back here. Everyone knew it and knew I have had a soft heart ...so I loaned it to them. Anyway....money wise I am tapped out to point where I can't do anymore for anyone else. I really don't want to become bitter. I really don't... Then I wake up and fine someone has AGAIN shanghaied my computer, my wireless internet connection has a password on it that someone else has set up remote. HOWEVER, I had already disabled the remote access, I disabled the password on connection and still ...AGAIN ...on a Saturday morning I wake up and can't used my wireless. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR I don't know what to do...I want to cry. My ears are ringing...my HP is up. need to see if I can meditate....
  6. Yep, got it! Tis done! Just redoing m'cover now. Hoping to make it look purty.
  7. Ok, first round tis on me! Drink up me hearties...
  8. HUMMMM....have a bit of time before tis do to be sent out Ok ....looking at my pitiful little sketchbook I must make m'poor sketchbook more presentable.. . SoI think it is time that I be heading back to store...
  9. well if you know any of other particpants you might contact them to see if they are game to come as a dressed as a pirate character. It could get more news coverage as a fun interesting event. or you might have one of the refreshment servers dressed that way for Anyone who orders a drink with rum in it after the tourney
  10. Kate blessings to ya Greatly appreciate the assist and will take you up on the offer.
  11. I SWEAR my family has the worse luck in keeping life and limb together. My dang brother was riding a bicycle, hit a deep pothole and had an accident. The good thing he didn't get hit by a car. The bad thing is he ended up hitting the pavement face first. The good thing he had his helment on. The bad thing is he tried to break his fall the wrong way and ended up with several broken bones in his hand, a few stitches over his eye...and more then a few scrapes and brusies.
  12. Thanks, hopefully if all goes right I will only be in the hospital overnight. Still would be worried sick (counter productive) if m'mum is at home alone during that time.
  13. Ok, I don't have a digital camera...yeah still in the stone age on that one. SO, for those that need a reference inside the front cover of my sketchbook is a "WANTED" Poster with m'name and said crimes on it. GEZZSH I haven't used colored pencils in such a long time. Anyway, I will be ready to send mine out by this weekend at the latest.
  14. thanks, for all the good thoughts coming my way. I DO REALLY APPRECIATE IT My biggest stress right now is trying to find one of m'relatives to take care of m'mum while I am in the hospital. She can't be left alone for long periods of time. Especially, when most of the her medical problems start in the middle of the night. But, I will take care of it somehow.
  15. OH I WISH! But don't think they will let me partake.
  16. LOL, nay of the three. OK, not sure if'n I spelled the word right...But, what they twill be do'n.... It means they will stick a VERY long needle into the groin area, run it up the artery up to my heart using a dye to see where the blockages are. then they will use a stent to open up the arteries.... And since they do it while ya partially awake will be praying they don't nick anything vital while they are doing it. Afternoon will need to keep m'leg PERFECTLY still for approximately 12 hours. Sigh am not looking forward to this at all.
  17. BUMMED! REALLY BUMMED OUT and a bit nervous! Got a call from the doctor's office this morning. It seems I have a blockage and will need at least a heart catherization. At least it explains a bit about my being tired all the time but, hopefully that will be all that I need.
  18. leather binding??... home made paper?? looking at m'book... will seem so poorly offer. hope others will understand what i got is what i have this time.
  19. Thanks that is what I thought, so I will stay with the one I have now. OK, will be starting the first couple of pages.
  20. Well I have a book. However, I started to buy one with handmade paper, rather cool looking with a fabric covering with a bamboo closure. I was in line to make the purchase but, then thought the paper in it might be a bit too thin. Those that have done this twice before. knowing the type of artwork put in your others...would something like that be alright to use? If so, I will go back and get it otherwise I will use the one I did purchase today.
  21. getting my sketchbook tomorrow and will be doing the first few pages.
  22. OH thought of a couple of more things. You might contact the Cancer society they may be able to help too. also, if you are going through a clinic or hospital check to see about financial assistance necessary procedures. Most of them offer some, but don't let people know it except in fine print on their papers.
  23. MD - GET A LAWYER, at least go for a free consult. Contact state review board for Insurance and see what they say, at least see if you can have a consult with them. TELL the insurance company that are in the process of contacting the INsurance board and that YOU WILL FILE A GRIEVANCE. Believe me when I tell you THAT word scares them more then lawsuit. See about getting an advocate. Perhaps even contacting the news ...this is election year ...and health insurance is a big thing right now. ok, those are the suggestions I have. __________________________________ Red Handed Jill - Thanks for the input but no not menopause. This is all stress related. I have been going through a hell of a stress level for several years without relief. I thought if I came back here it would go down as I would be here physically to help while reducing the other. However, I actually jumped from the "as the old saying goes" from the frying pan into the fire. and the stress has not only been non-stop but at higher level. OH well such is life. At least I got the chemical stress test out of the way am now sitting here typing while hooked up to a heart monitor.
  24. me extremely nervous...I had a rather frightening experience a couple of weeks ago. My heart started racing and wouldn't slow down without assistance. They had to take me out of work by ambulance after giving me a shot to slow my heart down ...it was at 220 and climbing. Tomoorow I have to have a chemical stress test, and once that is over they are going to fit me with 24 hour heart monitor. GEZZZSH I am too young for this. In the meantime....My mom is back at the hospital, she had a catherization but, an artery to her kidney busted, and they had to do a fix on that. The doctors are really surprised that she is still living. She has a very strong will to live. But things keep going wrong. There is lots of other drama going on but, won't go into that which why I am looking forward to participating in the sketchbook this time around. Well, I am allowed to drink water up to midnight, it is almost that now...one more sip and then bed. Hopefully, I can sleep.
  25. you should call a lawyer, in the meantime contact your state agency. They may be able to help.
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