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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. I tired logging onto your site, and gave up waiting for it to download.
  2. As stated I will see the movie...but won't be seeing it opening weekend. I have no desire to be in a packed theater. However I was at Tower Records yesterday and found U.S. News had a special edition out "Secrets of The Da Vinci Code...The Unauthorized Guide To The Bestselling Novel." Good read and interesting as it gave the different sides to it. It starts out by giving a bit of the history of Constantine. (Early history of which I already knew about.) The mag ends up with what it claims is the hoax of the Priory of Sion. So it seems that, IMHO, it is a Faction...a combination of fact and fiction. Those interested might pick up the mag before the movie opens.
  3. Ok, I found questionable references to the following and wondered if any of you others have heard of: Constance Purty said after turning to piracy she earned the nickname of "The Witch of The Seas" in 1699 or there abouts. Another lady pirate by the name of Veronica Sanchez...aka..."Spanish Banshee" Jim Donne, wrote a book on the art of cutlass fighting with pirates in 1702????? thanks
  4. I am going to go see it. Actually, someone bought me the book for my birthday last year. For some reason wasn't into it and hadn't read it. BUT, when the Catholics started yelling boycott...I picked it up and read it in one sitting. Now, I am going to see the movie.
  5. Oh let's not forget that SBC bought out Ameritech in 1999, which incorporated... Illinois Bell, Indiana Bell, Michigan Bell, Ohio Bell and Wisconsin Bell – prevailed until April 1993, when parent Ameritech imposed its single brand. SBC bought Ameritech in 1999. Thank you Pearl for encouraging me to look things up... it is opening my eyes even further then before. Therefore, might I encourage others to do the same...because...The rate of mergers and acquistions is staggering and very hard to keep up with again... Start your own search and see what you come up with...
  6. Can I ask if you work for SBC/AT&T? Because that is the way it is coming across here. Second SBC/AT&T has acquired...Yahoo, Cingular, and various other corps...I know because I am a customer and now have all of it on by SBC/AT&T bill and know the crap I have to put up with....If I HAD another option I would jump at it. But, they have an monopoly and I DON'T have another choice. If they succeed in getting what they want...I expect that it will be even worse. . IT is becoming an monopoly again. I also know that they are buying up things across the country, because my friends on the east coast are asking me about SBC/AT&T/Yahoo/Cingular/Bell South etc. because of the stuff that is happening there. A rose is a rose by any other name. Using the name AT&T/SBC. blah blah ..is all the same...SBC has acquired the AT&T and using the name...THE NEW AT&T and this has been going on for some time....THE NEW AT&T is the one trying to pressure Congress to change the laws regarding the internet. THEREFORE, we are then talking about the ENTIRE corp.. If a corp has acquired it...and they are joined at the hip...then they are one and the same. You can use the secondary names in order to throw off the pressure by saying "We aren't...such and such...." But, then under a different guise they say we a subsidiary etc. that is playing shell games. If they are under the same umbella (THE NEW AT&T...the Conglomerate) they are under the same operations.. OH from their own website: AT&T pressroom...San Antonio, TX Feb 28, 2006....Fortune Magazine named AT&T (SBC/AT&T/Cingular/etc.) as the World's most Admired Telecommunications Company. Being #1 on the World's and US lists. Part of the criteria used for this list is FINANCIAL Soundness...read the entire article from their own website...at. http://att.sbc.com/gen/press-room?pid=5097...articleid=22118 I was going to put the article here but, did not want to infringe on any copywrite, so you will have to go to the SBC/AT&T/Cingular/etc. weebsite to see it.
  7. Nice idea...yes, I do graphics...the only problem for some reason I can't get it to post here... GRRRRRRR...so the only thing I can get up is what I have. double grrrrrrrr
  8. AT&T is gobbling up every thing right and left...they are bit by bit regaining their Monopoly that they had when I was a kid. Yes, I remember when Ma Bell was broken up because it had gotten so big that they own just about everything in the communications ie. phone services. Now they are not only going after the phones but the cable and internet services too. So saying they will go bankrupt doesn't cut it with me. They have the money to purchase the other corporations...they are making MAJOR profits...so fear of them going bankrupt??? NAW no way. Second...If they can't handle the service then they shouldn't be buying up the various computer services. And no one isn't saying they can't charge a fee, we are saying you can't demand a fee to gain better access to a computer. Saying they want to charge an extra fee so they have can open on our computers faster then someone else...that is against the Neutrality. Ok, yes, I know my writings are little on the hodge podge side...I am trying to do this while doing other things at the same time..so please excuse.
  9. Me I have signed the online petition, am writing a snail mail letter, and plan on using the phone too. I like my interenet the way it is...I don't think AT&T or any of the others should have the right to decide who gets faster service, whereby try to influence what I can have access too.
  10. BENNY HILL I forgot Benny Hill...that show was absolutely hilarious. OH, did any you ever see the Bonanza episode where Ben Carwright was shanghaied by a merchant vessel in San Francisco??? OK, ok, his sons saved him before he was taken out to sea...but it was a good one.
  11. First my grandparents came over to this country, came throug Ellis Island and they waited in holding till they were processed and allowed to enter. My Grandmother came over as an indenture servant in order to pay for her way here. So, LEGAL immigrants I certainly approve. But, CBS even had a article on their website about how much money the US could save if we were without Illegals for one day. The savings would be in the millions of dollars. They are uping the cost of health care, they costing us extra in all types of social services, and they are holding wages down. The Roman Empire, which we were based upon in various forms, fell not because of lack of strength perse...but because of lack of will. They fell because their borders were over run from the invading hordes. sound familiar???? Ok, breathe...relax, breathe...inhale...exhale...sigh...I am not going to say EVERYTHING I am thinking on this subject...the above is a very abreviated version. Anyway, take a look at the petition...think about how to get your voice heard...and do something about it.
  12. my fave shows...well let's see Man from U.N.C.L.E. The Advengers Baa Baa Black Sheep Garrison's Gorillas Bewitched M*A*S*H CHIPs The Muppet Show. Happy Days. Bonanza The Big Valley Dick Van Dyke Show. OK, I am on a role here...can't ya tell... Mission Impossible Quantum Leap Get Smart Ed Sullivan Show The Addams Family The Munsters... OK, I admit I have some help on this...A Classic TV website ...man is it bringing back some memories. Star Trek I Love Lucy The Twilight Zone The Carol Burnett Show Married with Children Charmed Ok, I was going to leave it here...could add lots more...ok, I was addicted to the tube when I was young...but, couldn't leave it off without adding MIAMI VICE... LOVED THAT SHOW. GEZZZSH I used to watch a lot of TV...now I don't watch any. I can't even tell you what is on any more. I only watch my DVDs ...I haven't turned on regular TV in almost 2 years and that is no exaggeration. HUZZAH
  13. ok, for those of you who feel the same way I do...might I suggest you check this out... http://www.illegalimmigrantprotest.com/petition.htm Sign the petition and tell our cowarding Congress to do what they swore to do and uphold the laws of this country. Also, please note that there are several opportunities to make your voices heard in a number of ways. One of which, I did before I even found the above website. That is to contact the companies that were shown by the media as supporting May 1st events. Contact them and let them know of your displeasure. I suggest to skip using their products for at least one month. I sent a letter to Gallo Wines and almost immediately got a reply saying that they do not hire illegals etc...that the information was wrong, etc. I wrote back stating that if that is true I and others would be interested in seeing that placed in the papers on and tube as prominently as the other was. But, obviously the companies are starting to feel the heat. Anyway, check out the website. Thanks.
  14. Big Internet operators like AT&T and Verizon want the power to decide which Web sites open properly on our computers--giving them control over what we do and where we search online. So far, Congress has caved to their demands. But because of intense public pressure, some members of Congress are starting to switch from AT&T's side to ours! In just a week, Congress saw over 250,000 of us sign a petition demanding the Internet stay free. Joining this call are tech pioneers like Google and Microsoft, diverse groups ranging from MoveOn to Gun Owners of America, and even some celebrities. If enough of us stand up now, there's still time for the House of Representatives to do the right thing next week when it votes on whether to protect or destroy Network Neutrality--the Internet's First Amendment and the key to Internet freedom. Can you join our petition asking Congress to protect the free and open Internet? http://civic.moveon.org/save_the_internet?...6O0AuPxcYAHXRFQ This petition will be delivered to your members of Congress, and everyone who signs will be kept informed of the next steps we can take to keep the pressure on Congress this week. Companies like AT&T are spending millions lobbying Congress to gut Net Neutrality. A House committee voted to go along with AT&T's scheme last week, but we are fighting back hard before next week's full House vote. We want to raise public awareness of this issue and hand Congress 350,000 signatures. To reach this goal, we're launching a contest: Ask your friends to sign the petition and you can win one of 10 iPod Nanos or one of 40 BarnesandNoble.com gift certificates. Start by signing the petition yourself, and you'll receive instructions to enter the contest. Snopes.com, which monitors various causes that circulate on the Internet, recently explained this issue: Simply put, network neutrality means that no web site's traffic has precedence over any other's...Whether a user searches for recipes using Google, reads an article on snopes.com, or looks at a friend's MySpace profile, all of that data is treated equally and delivered from the originating web site to the user's web browser with the same priority. In recent months, however, some of the telephone and cable companies that control the telecommunications networks over which Internet data flows have floated the idea of creating the electronic equivalent of a paid carpool lane. If companies like AT&T have their way, Web sites ranging from Google to eBay to MoveOn either pay the equivalent of protection money to get into the "fast lane" or risk opening slowly on your computer. We can't allow the Internet--this incredible medium which has been such a revolutionary force for democratic participation, economic innovation, and free speech--to become captive to large corporations. Join our petition asking Congress to protect Internet freedom by clicking here: http://civic.moveon.org/save_the_internet?...6O0AuPxcYAHXRFQ
  15. Ok, Just curious and wondering what you all thought of the illegal protesting this past Monday, May 1st.
  16. Normally, I try to hide what I have....I have overly endowed....gezzzsh I haven't been a DDD since junior high school days. (shaking head...I still can't figure out why there are those that that undergo the knife for them) But, when I went to buy my bodice, I was allowed to try it on over my blouse. I will not forget what happened. I got it on and turned around to look in the mirror and there was tar with his eyes bugging and his mouth hanging open. His SO jabbed him in the ribs and told him to close his mouth.
  17. Hey, that statue looks like the one that is made and sold over on Ventura Blvd in Encino/Tarzana area of LA. If it isn't it is pretty close.
  18. First, Siren....my thoughts for your healing are added to the others. Second....something about me...Well... TODAY!!! I just took the National Red Cross/Femma First Responder test and PAST!!! And have been invited to become an instructor for Basic Disaster Prepareness and First Aid !!!! WOOHOO! I never thought I was going to make it...not with my 10 + hour schedules and such at my job. I pray that I really never have to use it, but, if something happens I am better prepared then I was....
  19. A co-worker came in and brought me a surprise... A bag of "Pirate Booty" Robert Gourmet puffed carmel corn. It has a pic of pirate on the bag and the contents are pretty good. Here is a link to the "Pirate Booty" with white aged cheddar cheese http://www.taquitos.net/snacks.php?snack_code=346
  20. Baldrics Or you can do what a few of us did...make one...I got some great looking leather belts at a very nice clearance price ($2.00 apiece) and had them and my frogg joined at the local shoe repair shop for $20.00 to have the job done. Just finished checking the period pieces and mine would meld right in.
  21. well now....using the actual languages spoken at the time of the movie is protraying...hummm...well to me it sounds as if someone is just trying to be historically accurate...that's all...
  22. as always when a source doesn't agree with certain individuals...the source is 1) only instance and can't be taken as a general rule 2) not well documented 3) documents are wrong 4) the historian isn't really a historian' 5) the historian is flawed... 6) sources can't be believed. 7) wrong place *) wrong time period.... etc... oh well...only those that agree with the positions of a few are accepted here so.... what ever.
  23. Of course I fully expect to be contradicted, but, here goes. The one appears to be an ugly dame isn't... he is a Moorish pirate....and though most used a scimitar which is a curved blade the ones shown...those are Egyptian swords. They would do nasty damage when used.
  24. Oh, remember as the RL body is so is the Projected body. Make sure you are clothed as you would want your friend to see you in RL
  25. yeah, it can be a little unnerving at first. But you are correct the merge touch down can feel like skidding into the body... A lot of the flying dreams are projection dreams too. But know you can learn to control it. Just takes time and practice. One way is forewarn a friend ....make that an understanding and adventuous friend.. :) .. with your friend's agreement, let it be know that during the night you would like to try and visit them. Have them put something on a nightstand or such that you haven't seen in RL out in the room that same evening. Have pencil and paper within very easy reach of your bed. Then that night have their address or just their image in your mind making a mental note that what you observe you will remember. When you awake with start write down what you thought you saw. Then compare notes with your friend. Some projectors can accomplish the first time, others have to keep practicing till they connect. But, it is possible. Just takes time. In regard to the other, again you can learn to control and overcome the situation. If it happens again, take control of the situation...it is your dream experience and it is your right to do so and calm your emotions and ask what it is they are trying to tell you. If you don't like it...demand it to be over...knowing you control the situation and all is well. Again, sometimes it takes practice to learn to control it but, rest assured it can be done. Hope that helps.
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