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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke
humm, let's see Red Arse K NOPE I love my persona.. Lady Cassandra Seahawke, thank ya kindly hey, how about this your gender being stated in some form + the name of a famous American soldier, politician, or diplomat ..+your first or mid name.+your favorite vacaction spot + one of your favorite wild animals = pirate name. Looking above and below....YEPPERs I do believe that will do it proper... I just got my name plotted out correctly. The stated formula will come out to be Lady Cassandra Seahawke, how about that. Huzzah
Well believe it or not... (utoh, can you hear it coming) I went to the local western store and got a stetson hat. Had it reshaped to Tricorn...and it looks right dandy with its flat top and tricorner rim.
Southern Californias Weekend Upcoming
Lady Seahawke replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in July
well, I tried to get the costume regs but it won't download on my com. I sent an email and someone got back to me, ask'n for m'snail mail address. Sent my work one...haven't gotten anything about it. sigh...but, doesn't seem to matter anyway cause with m'car gone (it was totaled in an accident 2 months ago ) won't be able to go anyway. double hope you all have fun! -
OH another thing...just a thought...can't you smell the cobwebs burning...sigh ok, even with an anything goes...there are still rules to be had. because me if'n someone tis say'n there be a challenge and anything goes wit no rules whatsoever....well...according to ta prize... Be'n a pirate and all I could see meself be'n armed wit m'whip and daggers. m'cutlass in one hand 'nd m'dagger or whip in ta other. Or any number of possibilities...and if'n ye say cheat I twould be remind'n ye PIRATE. Naw seriously get ta rules luv..there needs to be limits set... don't want noth'n to be happ'n to ye.
The safest ummm no edge, no tip...made of plastic the most accurate, an sober olympic gold medal winner... Sorry couldn't help it. ok, if'n you be interested in a noth'n held back, I hope ye scallywags have had some major training in the arts...or tis padded every inch of yer body... cause trouble I see brew'n. 'nd to get a good fit with yer equipment I twould also recommend ye find'n a place where ye could actually hold the blade in yer hand. Because the feel of it is mighty important. It needs to balance in yer hand properly. And that is something you cannot find out through the web. You might get use to whatever is sent, but if you are doing anytype of challenge...the best is that which becomes an extension to you. Also, fencing equipment is different then boarding weapons. So, check wit the others and see if'n ye want to stipulate what type of blades ye twill be using befer suching to acquire. Cause when I think of fencing I tend to think of foils...espee etc, when I think of pirate I tend to think short saber ie cutlass.
I had for dinner, Salmon Teryaki, with a very small salad, a bit of rice, and vegetable spring rolls, with Thai iced tea. desert was banana spring rolls, with a small sprig of tiny sour grapes, a strawberry, coconut ice cream that was decorated with a bit of chocolate sauce. yummers...
In his last moments, the captain found in the bottom of the boat a lamp, and rubbed it. A genie appeared, but said he could only grant one wish. The captain, dying of thirst, asked the sea be turned to rum. This was effected and the genie disappeared. The parrot gazed at the captain bleakly, and said, 'now you've done it. we're going to drown' 'whys' that? asked the captain, 'Because we'll have to wee in the boat' answered the parrot. :)
A pirate cpatin had the habit of amusing his crew by doing 'magic' however, the ship's parrot always gave the game away, shouting 'its' up his sleeve' or 'its' behind his back' or whatever. In a great storm the ship sank, and the only survivors in the longboat were the captain and the parrot, which he hated vehemently. However after a few days, dying of thirst, he asked the dumb parrot to say something and the parrot refused. After a few days of pleading hte from the dying captain, who was desperate to hear any voice, just one last ime, the parrot relented. Looking around him, at he empty ocean, he at last squawked, ' all right ....I give up....what have you done with the ship.
What do pirates call their vacation? aaaargh and aaaargh.
A boat is challed a "she" because there is always a great deal of bustle around her; there is usually a gang of men about; she has a waist and stays; it takes a lot of paint to keep her looking good. It is not the initial expense that breaks you; it's the upkeep. She can be decked out; it takes an experienced man to handle her correctly. She often shows her bottom, and when coming into harbour heads for the buoys.
You might try serving SALMAGUNDI This was the last dish Black Bart ate before the Royal Navy attacked him. Its orgin is the French 'salemine', meaning highly salted or seasoned. The basic variety was "Poor John" (salt fish) boiled with onions. It could also include chopped meat, eggs and anchovies - whatever was available. The most luxurious version had meat, turtle, fish and shellfish marinated in spices, herbs, garlic, palm hearts, spiced wine andoil, and served wiht cabbage, grapes olives, pickled oinioins and hard-boiled eggs. The term seems to have come from the French 'salmigondis' a communal meat stew to which any available vegetable swere added. The dish appealed to the 'Brethren of the Coast' with its shared contribution to the communal cauldron, and Botting described it as having meats that were roasted, chopped into chunks and marinated in spiced wine, then combine with cabbage, anchovies, pickled herring, mangoes, hard boiled eggs, palm hearts, onions, olives, grapes and any other pickled vegetables which were available. The whole would then be hightly seasone with garlic, salt, pepper and mustard seed, and doused with oil and vinegar and served with drafts of beer and rum. reinhardt describes it thus: Included might be any or all of the following turtle meat, fish, pork, chicken, corned beef, ham, duck and pigeon. The meats would be roasted chopped into pieces and marinated in spiced wine, then mixed with cabbbage, anchovies. pickled herring, mangoes, hard boilded eggs, onions, grapes, and any other pickled vegtable available. The entire concoction would then be highly seasone with garlic, salt, pepper, and mustard seed and soaked with oil and vinegar. the strong seasonings and vegetables helped to suppress scury, and Black Bart Roberts was breakfasting on it when surprised by the Royal Navy in 1722. RUMFUSTIAN A popular hot pirate drink blended from raw eggs, sugar, sherry, beer, and gin. BUMBOO Along with Rumfustian, the favored alcoholic beverage on New Providence, a mix of rum, water, nutmeg and sugar. BURGOO Oatmeal, boiled and seasoned with butter, sugar and salt. A gruel similar to porridge, it was easy for anyone to prepare in the the ship's galley even in the roughest seas. and it had enough sustenance to help with the hard work aboard ship. Although Pirates uniformly hated. First mentioned in 1656 by Edward Cox in Adventures by Sea. Burgoo could also be hard tack and molasses. BLACK STRAP A lethal combination of rum, molasses, and chowder beer, the favourte tipple of Black Bart's crew. Later in the 18th century it was the term for thick, sweet port. also known as black stripe. BELLY TIMBER Green Turtles were the only vegetarian turtle and made a superb soup when laced with sherry. SCOTCH COFFEE Also known as Labscouse, this was the ubiquitous salt beef boiled up with ships' biscuits, potatoes, onions and some vinegar. I have seen these in other sources...but took the descriptions this time out of "The Pirate Dictionary" by Terry Breverton
IMHO, while at sea what was worn was the most comfortable and practical. When going to port for R&R, the fancy duds came out to impress. Strutting around and 'bout in their finest. Especially that they had just ...ummm found floating to their ship..
You might check this web site out. http://www.contemplator.com/sea/ it has lyrics, information on the music for more then a few sea shanties...
as far as having them on yer person at a fair (ne'r able to be at PIP yet sigh) but first check the policy of the event yer going to...if'n weapons are allowed, then most oft tis peace bound they need be. Ye can show em, but ne'r pull them. In other words have them bound to their sheath.
IMHO, you might consider what the sea shantie is for. For instance, if it is to haul an anchor, you might consider how the capstan sounds when it is being rotated. Think the the dozen or so men straining putting their backs to the wheel. The sea shantie to keep their movements in time, their words and exhaustion in rhythm, perhaps drums might accompany it Then if it is to raise the sheets, well then the sounds of the ropes being pulled through the pulleys the crossarm being raised, and the sails unfurling. Is it just for a good time to release the tensions of the day...perhaps the stomping of feet to relax the kinks in the muscles. You see getting the instruments is one thing, getting the essence is something else. Remember that on a ship many a shantie was sung in time with ship itself being the instrument. so, think of having the instruments become the men and equipment. Blend the ancient with the modern... Match them that way and you shouldn't have a problem. Again that is my humble opinion.
Also check if'n ye buy the blade through the internet that the description says blunt! Cause I have gotten those that I thought would be blunt sharp and those I expected sharp blunt. And remember even a blunt blade can cause damage if handled the wrong way. that's my two cents. :)
thanks charity, I do so appreciate it right now I feel so alone. some of the people at work seem to avoid me I guess they are afraid some my bad luck will rub off on them. They keep saying they haven't known anyone that keeps having one major thing after another happen to them. My boss when she heard it...her first words What happened now? sigh, that is how I am beginning to feel. almost afraid to think what tomorrow is going to bring. The stuff I mentioned is what has happened in less then a year. I don't want to bring up the stuff before that. I keep picking my self up...but, how many times can a person keep doing that. Whatever, I do what I need to do...and keep plugging along I have survived worse then this...much worse. I have been asked more then once, how the hell I survived...not just physically, but mentally too. But, I do and will continue to do so. Just seems every time I thnk finally things may go my way I get knocked down again. Like I said I just keep picking my self back up..that's all I can do. ya know.
not yet but, I think that I may insist, I can't sit without hurting, I can't walk ...I sort of shuffle now (tain't normal for me at All) I have trouble laying down, standing you name it. sigh. misery I just wish I knew when I will have a string of good things happen to me. sigh... in the last year, 2 operations for cancer, losing m'dad, now this .... so how am I feeling depressed. very depressed.
mystified. I just got back from getting my final items out of my car. It is totaled from the accident. OK, the back rear window was totally shattered out. the back hatch was bent in at a particular angle. both side rear panels were bent and broke, both drivers front and rear door was pinned, the front driver's side panel and hood was smashed. BUT, how the hell does a body (ME!) slam into the bucket seat to not only break it back BUT the side right part is twisted in a weird way. NO WONDER I hurt like hell! The damn seat the inner part where my right shoulder was is twisted like like like a corkscrew half twist. My friend that took me over there, after seeing it, kept telling me as bad as I feel, to count my blessings that I am still able to get around.
Here is a keg for all the vikings and Libras in the pub. smile Now must go and see if the doc can give me something for m'back...
*hands on hips, tapping foot on floor* SAY WHAT? *thinking of m'dad 'nd his dad etc. That all came from that great land called Norway* And praytell what do you have against Vikings....What have we ever done to you? We have always been great at raid'n 'nd pillag'n...and such.
Stiff as a board....See last night on the way home from work...there was a stop light, and of course the first car there stopped, and the second was stopped so of course I stopped, BUT the BIG GREEN PICKUP TRUCK DIDN'T STOP. So nature being what it is...he slammed into me, pushed me into the car and that car was pushed into the front car. My car is alll broke. including the seat I was sitting in. I was bodily pushed forward, the impact of my body slamming back broke the back of the bucket seat. A knot on m'head. and every dang blasted muscle in m'back and arm is yelping this morning.
www.libreriauniversitaria.it/BUS/ r_JUV02200/p_9/Legends__Myths__&_Fables.htm www.turnersouth.com/odds-ends/ fables/article/0,,1387,00.html www.colegiobolivar.edu.co/library/preprimary_links.htm www.legends.dm.net/pirates/ www.piratesinfo.com/detail/detail.php?article_id=64 webtech.kennesaw.edu/jcheek3/pirates.htm www.thepiratesrealm.com/Lords%20of%20the%20Realm.html Take a look at these and see if any have what you are looking for...if not, might I suggest typing "Pirate legends" or "Pirate Fables" etc into your search engine and see what comes up . good luck to ya!
Cap Straw....I agree...I too must say Since one of the beginning posts stated the uses of sextant has been mentioned twice and I was the other one of the two...
are you looking for historical ones or fantasy...modern or ancient?