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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. when I watched the movie the thought and conversation thereafter in the movie seem to indicate that the medalllion called to them. After it was dropped in the sea water. ie. the wave moving outward. Until then they didn't know where it was. They had been trying to find it but, it hadn't "spoken to them" until that moment.
  2. Mr. Hawkyns: Many thanks for the information.
  3. Mr. Hawkyns. Is there any way you could put a picture of a cartage box on the site? Please if so it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much.
  4. one book that is really very good is pirates and patriots of the revolution an illustrated encycolpedia of colonial seamanship... by C. keith wilbur., m.d.
  5. I work in Woodland Hills of CA, and We felt it. Jerking and rolling. Work on the 12th floor and the building is on rollers. So, we moved with it instead of trying to stand still. So we were still moving even after the initial quake had stopped. Then we got rolling again on the first aftershock. Not quite as bad but, had it shaken a bit. Unfortunately according to CBS newsite the last total was 3 dead (didn't see where the exact area where the deaths occurred) and several injured. Some buildings in the north collapsed. But, at least it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Hope everyone in CA has kits prepared.
  6. I'll be try'n make it there that's for sure
  7. Capt'n William....Thank you kindly for yer post, bought a replica of a cutlass, flintlock combination...kinda cool actually...can use the cutlass part as a sighting aid...and can see where the gun and blade combo would be right nasty to be face'n... Again many thanks for yer update sir, mighty kind of yer...
  8. methinks that you, in me humble opinion, you might be a bit off in your timeframe...considering that "1502 is commonly cited as the offical entry of African slaves into Hispaniola. Uprooted from their villages and cities on the Gulf of Guinea, they were brought in to replace the island's vanishing Taino-Arawak, whom the Spanish had quickly dominated and enslaved. With them, the African brought their religion, Vodou, and the historical memory of home it sheltered and preserved."....quoted from Vodou...Visions and Voices of Haiti ...introductory chapter by Gerdes Fleurant.... Another good title to look at is "Santeria the Religion" by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler" and though just got the following they seem to be rather good also..."Afro-Ceole..Power, Opposition and Play in the Caribbean" By Richard D.E. Burton..."Piracy, Slavery and Redemption" Selected and Edited by Daniel J. Vitkus with an introduction by Nabil Matar...
  9. Vodun and Pirates....ok, this I have been answering here of late...LOL...Vodun...or more commonly referred to as Voodoo....was and ancient religion brought to the Caribbean area via Africians. Slaves....plantations and escaped.... Vodun(a.k.a Voduoun, Voudou, Voodoo, 'Sevi Lwa) more commonly referred as Voodoo. The name is traceable to an African word for "spirit". Vodun's roots go back to the West African Yoruba people who lived in the 18th and 19th century Dahomey. Because of the the prominent European religion at the time killed or imprisoned the Africian priests and their shrines were destroyed during this time period...underground societies were created and organized...because even then, in their darkest sorrow and misery they were not allowed to call upon their gods, they were forbidden to pray. Those that were caught doing so were immediately killed…Escaped Slaves and those on the plantations in the Caribbean Islands practioners skilled in the use of herbs of Vodun that raged with hate from the pain, sorrow and agony driven deep within their hearts, minds and soul turned from the practice of white magic to the dark arts..hence the two branches.....even today in 21st century the practice of Voodoo is still held by most in secrecy.... So how did Vodun affect pirates......it was not uncommon for escaped slaves to be members of pirate crews....to have an equal voice on the ship....This could not , in my humble opinion, have happened if they were not allowed to practice their religious beliefs....And the more research that I do on the everyday life....the more apparent it is that those in the sweet trade were very superstitious and were willing to paraticipate in the practices....in fact one reason the prominent European religion reacted to vehemently against the Africian belief system is that they were being joined by white converts....in the magical arts.... that is a vvvverrry brief answer .....so take it as you will....
  10. Happy birthday, darl'n....hope all your dreams come true.... A spice cake with Cream Cheese Ici'n....and a tankard of Morgan's private stock to wash it down with....
  11. Saw it opening day...and must say it was awesome....and showed things the most realistic I have ever see them....it truely gives a idea how things were....and absolutely loved the ending.....enough said....
  12. Pyrate, might I take ye up on ta offer too? Thanks much...
  13. You can check out the swordsonline web site...at swordsonline.com
  14. Ok, if'n yer near Buffalo, New York or Bakersfield, CA...yar might want to listen up....just came back from the Swordsonline store in Bakersfield....I wanted to see before I bought...they have table full of slightly damaged...swords in all varieties....for less then 50% off. This evening I got a 1850 Naval Cutlass....reenactment quality...very high quality sword for $59.00 ....it had one dent on the hand guard.....They have a brand new one slightly less quality for $59.95...or brand new one of the same quality as I got (without the dent) for $180.00....both come with scabbard and $180.00 one comes with a leather belt loop frog...You can check everything out ...and they have a lot of stuff and it look all very good...am going to order a couple more items from them....Thought you all would like to know ....
  15. Dance with the Wind I like to dance with the wind. It fills my sails and opens my heart. My skirt flutters, veils soar and take me on their magic journey. We tremble like windripples in the chill of twilight not lingering too long in the break between worlds between twilight and dark. The sand snaps tiny biting specks against my ankles like bracelets, they patter me as if I am spinning and then realize: I am spinning. I know where your gate is latched I know where your sloop is anchored I see the string on your kite, looping in the wind. I fly, I cry, I dance with the wind and echo her breathing that fires our souls with spiritual wanderlust into ancient, ceaseless, mysterious music. by Ellen Sander, "Shoshanim"
  16. from my understanding, the proclamation was concerning the privateers,because they be having a letter of marque (sp?) they had to answer to the crown....and the King could order them to stand down....however, once they were in the sweet trade, most did not want to give up the lucrative plunder'n...and then turned to piracy at which point they would attack whatever ship was available....twas English or Spanish....at that point they were considered ordinary rogues, scoundels, outlaws and criminals....by all governments.
  17. cool hope ya don't mind if'n I add that to me signature...
  18. ah a whip'n smiley that is actually grin'n and not evilly ....that would be a nice...
  19. AHHHHHHHHHH me wants the whipp'n icon....how can I put it on me signature.....LOL....how a whipp'n smily and a doggie runn'n ....LOL...
  20. Tis a good tale yer got ther El Pirata...
  21. thanks for the information, will be look'n for the book. Now about the other publication, what might that name be?
  22. tis in the southern cali area, but might be able to assist a bit....
  23. Hop'n yer all have a mighty hap hap happy birthday....drinks times three on me...
  24. Thank ya Capn for the information, me b'n think'n about gett'n a couple of new flintlocks for me kit...
  25. Might I add me congrats to ya..three cheers ...hip, hip, hip hooray....
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