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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Have a great time, wish I was with you!
  2. I'll just peep in my three cents........... I've spent money on expensive patterns and cheap ones and have always had to do a bit of re-doing simply because not everyone is built alike. I don't make a fuss over it, just do it.
  3. I'd love to mount one of those on the front of my car.......
  4. Happy Birthday mummy! (no not the wrapped up kind!)
  5. I promise that I will come and see you some day in person! Besides I want to see the Scarborough faire there!
  6. No, no jumping for me, only walking. I'm not allowed to do anything more than walking (and at this stage that's all I can do), no heavy lifting, no jacuzzi's or hot tub baths for a month - showers with warm not hot water are ok. The bandage is off and what's left is 'glue' that was used to close me up...no stitches....the glue will flake off on it's own as I heal. I tell you I'm just absolutely stunned by the power of prayer by all of you and the true magic that has really happened! Since I came home from the hospital, for the first few nights after going to sleep I would see this red rose opening up constantly, then last night I clearly saw a Dove in flight! I am so filled with happiness it's truly a life changing event for me.
  7. The pain that I experianced prior to surgery is completely gone! I can walk normal and I have only a tiny bit of pain from the surgery...oh and the still numb foot. Went for my post-op check-up and even the doctor was amazed! So there will be no need for physical therapy or any kind of waist brace. The Doc said it's rare that a person would recover from such a surgery so quickly! He said everyone he'd worked on took months of rehabilitation and had lots of pain. I swear! I have no pain! Just a wee bit here and there! The fusion should heal in about six months and by eight months I should be completely complete! I tell you, I myself was ready for a long recovery and lots of pain and holy barrels of rum, I'm cured! Ok maybe not entirely...we won't talk about the boo-boo's I've made. This is a lot for me to take in and it still hasn't really hit me yet just how this happened. But I'll take the miracle the Great Goddess has given me. Shari/Rumba
  8. Uh, could I have that in pig-latin you spoofy wiff of a man?
  9. I don't mind just as long as you Nancy boys don't get out of control.
  10. Pirates an obsession? Who us? Naw, we just look that way. Welcome!
  11. Don't think you'll find any fairy wings around here....I probably pulled them off. Welcome to the Pub!
  12. Welcome to the Pub! I live in north county San Diego (San Marcos) so I'm guessing you're not too far from me. I highly recommend the Escondido Renaissance Faire in April (25th and 26th, May 2-3) as there is Pirates Cove which is where you'll find most of us pirates.
  13. First, thank you all for your prayers and well wishes! Came home from the hospital late Sunday afternoon. It hurts when I cough or sneeze and for some weird reason my right foot is swollen and totally numb, as are my left big toe and the one next to it also have some numbness. I'm told this is normal when having nerve surgery and it will go away. However, walking is totally strange when my foot is numb. I'm taking Percaset which is Oxyconone and Tylenol for pain and believe me, they knock me out for a while. The most remarkable thing is no more of the horrendous pain I had been going through for many months prior to surgery, just the pain from the surgery. I can tell I will be able to get my life back and being able to walk without pain in a few months. It's going to be a long recovery. I've got screws, plugs, a small rod, and a piece of cadaver bone in me now. Yup, I'll set off the airport security systems! Another good reason not to fly…. It was great to eat real food once I got home! Gawd hospital food is the worst….I couldn't even tell if it was chicken, turkey or some foreign substance that was going into me….it was just yucky! The hospital staff at Tri-City Hospital in Oceanside were terrific and friendly and no offense to them, I hope I never see again except in passing. My doctor has informed me I'll be able to do everything I use to do including riding horses when I'm all healed up…that's a good thing! So again, I thank all of you for your support and prayers, they have carried me through a difficult time. Hugs to all of you, Shari/Rumba
  14. Yes men do go through their own version of menopause...and many go out searching for what they aren't getting at home. Not necessarily sex, they just want someone to compliment them and make them feel good. (Hey I watch Oprah) Unfortunately many divorces come about when men and women can't really relate to each other anymore and one or both decide to find excitement elsewhere. I suspect your friend is looking for a change of pace and eventually will probably drop her in favor of another. But first the idea has to wear down which may be a while.
  15. okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay....................weird, just weird.....
  16. Thank you all! Scared? Yes, but trying not to show it.....
  17. Well now it's my turn for surgery. On Thursday morning, Feb. 19th, my back will be operated on. No one has seen me since Ojai last year and since then, the pain has been horrendeous, walking is more like Frankenstein. It turns out that bone has grown to the point of almost severing my spinal cord and two vertabrae are out of kilter. Originally the doc was hoping just removal of the bone would do the trick - a two hour operation but, after seeing the new X-rays today has changed that to a four hour operation. I will have to have the vertabrae fused and pins and a rod put in. Now I'm only suppose to be in the hospital overnight providing no problems, so keep you're fingers crossed all goes good. The Admins. know about this and will be covering these forums while I'm recovering. Not sure at what point I'll be back, but hopefully it won't be long. Rumba
  18. Well I've read through most of the stuff here at this forum and still can't figure out what the hell is 'Steampunk'? I've never heard of it and don't understand the costuming. How did this come about? Movies, television, games?
  19. Well while we women are talking chocolate, the guys are talking about the crabs they have! LOL!!!!!
  20. Can't help you with pirates, but if you get into sci-fi I can. LOL! Yup, Jamaica knows whats on my car! heheheeee!
  21. Bummer! It's bad everywhere regardless of what state you live in. Don't loose hope!
  22. Boats and I went on the Ghost Tour last year and it was interesting. Sadly the dear man who was our tour guide died a few months back. So I guess his ghost has joined the rest....
  23. I have one of Deanna's eggs she sent me, it's gorgeous! Yes the detailing is incredible and I certainly couldn't do anything like it!
  24. Nice!
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