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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Screw 'em! I'll be a drunken pirate if'n I want ta be!
  2. Just hand over the chocolate and nobody dies!
  3. Another thing that really, really bothered me at Etsy, was especially in the jewelery section. Showing items from different people (some horribly way overpriced!!!!) in a mixed up fashion and then repeating the same items for at least two to three pages worth before seeing something different. I would have preferred the name of the 'store' and be able to click on them and see what they offer. When taking credit card purchases, you can check first to make sure the card is good before handing over products via a phone call to the credit place - providing you take credit cards when purchasing things. Companies on the Internet will check first before mailing out any products to you. You can't do that with Pay Pay. *Note: My sales partner Dawn, has a Credit card thingy she uses at events....however it costs her to have it and use it and when someone buys something of mine and wants to pay with a credit card, she'll run it through and then charge me a small pittance out of my sale for the cost of using the machine. I have no problem with that. I've only been burned once with a check and that was years and years ago. Now when I take a check, I get their Driver's License number and other pertinet info, providing I'm selling something in person. Over the Internet, you just have to take your chances with checks. Most people I sell to privately will pay me with a check and I've had no problems....probably because I've gotten to know the person a bit. Of course nothing is fool proof to a talented fool. Rumba
  4. I took a look at the Etsy site and was not impressed. First and foremost, they only deal with check, money order or Pay Pal. I will not use Pay Pal anymore.....there are too many obvious problems that I have brought to light not too long ago (and informed Pay Pal about).....i.e. billing you and then telling you about it later.....sorry, I want to know who is taking money out of my account before I allow it as I may not have the money. I don't want anyone to have access to my money accounts...I don't even use direct deposite or any kind of bill pay either..... If a person can't use a regular credit card for purchases, I'm not interested.
  5. Sounds interesting.....but for now will have to stay in the "I wish" catagory.
  6. You asked and you shall see some of my work: Tiger Eye Set-$48.00 (earrings are 14k gold plated) Adventurine and Jade-$38.00 Ameythist earrings (sterling silver ear posts)- $8.00 Blue and silver earrings (sterling sliver ear posts)-$10.00 These are just a few of what I make, I've got more, but until I can get my own website somehow, they will have to wait to make their Internet appearance.
  7. Whoa! Those are incredible outfits! I truly wonder how long it took to embroider all those details? Just awesome!!!
  8. I took these photos just recently. Evening Evening over Escondido and San Marcos #1 Evening over Escondido and San Marcos #2
  9. Here's one of my shy kitties (very few ever get to see her as she hides under the bed when strangers are around) with my parakeet, Poppy. (The picture was taken in our old apartment)
  10. somehow the thought of a man breast feeding a kid is more than I'd like to wonder about.....
  11. Welcome to the Pub! I take no responsibility for any lost limbs, scars, or eye patches. But I'll gladly share a drink with you!
  12. I can't wait to see that treasure chest up close!
  13. Welcome to the Pub! Not sure you'll find what you want in such short amount of time. There's lot's of sites around that sell ready-made coats and I'm sure people around here will be glad to help you out.
  15. Welcome to the Pub! That can't be your age in your bio.......is it? Hope you'll find this place to your liking and enjoy your stay!
  16. Sometime very, very soon I'll be taking pictures of my works and then I'll share with all.
  17. Whoa! The fact you walked away with just some minor scrapes is a miracle! Take care and heal up! I see pictures on the news here all the time when it's snowing badly somewhere east of here and there's always shots of cars sliding off the roadway and crashing. I'm glad we don't have to deal with that here!
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Now have some fun!
  19. From Ireland ye say? Well met! I can guarantee ye'll find lots of information here and fun stuff too!
  20. just ignore me while I drool at the pictures....
  21. Somehow I have this picture of William Red Wake on a platter covered in bacon.....
  22. Well I am a little sauced.....
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