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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Just curious, could you show a picture of the backside?
  2. I bet the mosquitos are real killers! Have you had alligators in your backyard?
  3. The first thing I thought of when seeing the red and green outfits was "look at the Christmas trees!"
  4. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much for that www.gspncrystal.com, it has exactly what I have been looking for! Missing some crystals off of a lamp and can now be able to replace them! Awesome! Thank you again! Rumba
  5. Sorry I just couldn't resist the WTF. I don't care what you may call it, but I sees it the way it is....and will forever be that to me.
  6. I make jewelry too. Now that I have lots of space, and when things get more settled around here and after surgery I'll hopefully get back to making more stuff.
  7. We were going to wear pirate gear to the Christmas party here at our park clubhouse, but being the 'new kids' on the block (we live in a 55 and older place) I was afraid we'd give some of those seniors heart attacks. Trust me, I'm the youngest looking resident here.....gawd you'd never guess I was 55! Hopefully next year when feeling better we'll do it.
  8. Ghost Hunters is a great show. Agree I like when they are able to debunk some things, but other things not. I also like the fact they aren't afraid. The recent addition of the two girls is rather amusing. As for Ghost Adventurers, I quit watching it, it was too hokey, too stupid, and idiots that I want to slap upside the head a few times. I did catch the brick flying incident and was slightly amused by the reaction of the guy who was watching the tape afterwards.
  9. well I thought he was already hung......
  10. whaaaaaaa............I miss you.............whaaaaaa..........see you in 2009!
  11. Ah the deer man returnith! Welcome back to port!
  12. An interesting sight indeed.....do be welcome. Ah, does thy silken tongue speak volumes of time or just stray pleasures?
  13. steamed he be..... Steam is good....straightens wrinkles in clothes, cooks food, good for spas....now that's a thought, let's put a hot tub on a flying ship. Just don't wet down the customers..... thank you..... Oh and welcome. Under new management by minions.
  14. Welcome back to port!
  15. San Diego......look it up yourselves.
  16. ...sleepy....sleepy.....wanna put tape over mouth of partner.....sleepy......the guy snored so bad last night I could hear him in the sunroom with the damn door closed.....sleepy......going back to bed as soon as I can....
  17. Birthdays are like the potter's wheel, throw another heap of clay on, mold it, form it and watch it go watch it go round and round.....
  18. Don't know 'bout the rest 'o ye, but I sure recognized Silkie and company!
  19. Happy Holidays!
  20. Sorry, I don't do that stuff. A. I like my privacy B. I don't need jerks like asshole Andre putting stuff there... C. You wanna talk to me, just PM or email me (unless you're a bad person and I have you blocked)
  21. Well Miz Smartypants, we are getting cold and rain here today and we'll be happy to pass it on.
  22. I totally agree with your perception of Rocky Horror and sex. But hey I wasn't in charge of the stuff.... But the worst was I was playing a witch on the roof of the saloon with pyrotecnics and such at the time and the biggest complainers were a group of women who claimed to be witches with two pounds of black eye make-up and such that it still makes me cringe to think of them as a representative of us who are white witches and need no 'special effects' to stand out. But back to the topic at hand, I think it would have been cool to see Sterling hanging about.
  23. Welcome from across the pond! Nothing in your bio, so how about telling us more about yourself? Like age, what brought you here, interests (besides women-which there are lots of here)?
  24. *Just wanted to throw this in: I worked the Knotts Berry Farm Halloween Haunt for 9 years. The first 5 there use to be the hanging of the witch. So many people complained that it was not appropriete for kids it was finally changed to a more acceptable show using a Rocky Horror theme.
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