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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Well just informin' all ye, that the Escondido Renaissance Faire in north county of San Diego, CA., at Felicita Park will be comin' the first weekend of April. To be exact as on the map, the 5th and 6th. The Port Royal Privateers will be there, so be lookin' fer us! Come an' join us, with yer pirate garb and join in the fun! Hopin' ta meet some o' you fine people! RumbaRue **Smile an' wave yer colors proudly! **
  2. Well fer yer infermation ye steamed clam, I do have better things ta be doin'. Besides, havin to nurse a recently sugically operated hand, has slowed me down a bit. Besides havin' recently awaken from a drug induced stupor thanks to that surgeon, I did notice it took ye a few days ta see the post in the first place. As soon as I'm healed, I'll be back ta workin' on me fine artistry and there be no need ta deal with a fried clam. Which come ta think 'bout it, are mighty good tastin' 'specially in a nice ale batter. RumbaRue **Member of the Jolly Roger Boarding and Glee Club**
  3. Me thinks ye be 'workin' the system'. It be called cheatin' and us bloodthirsty pirates be more'n happy ta stretch that tiny skinny neck o' yours and steam ye in some hot water. RumbaRue **You there, go hoist something**
  4. Oh my goodness! Jus' did a quick trip inta the chatroom jus' ta see how it works. Interestin' that the posts do show up at the top. Fer the longest time I twas lookin' at the bottom tryin' ta figger out where I was - guessin' that comes from peerin' at the male bottoms too much... RumbaRue **I'd rather be trainin' cabin boys**
  5. OoooooH! I just LOVE shrimp! Too damn expensive ta buy though... RumbaRue **Ladies of Tortuga Keelhauling Society**
  6. Well me hearty lads, I can tell ye be men (only men would write such gibberish) now fer the 'ladies' , I jus' say, "aw the heck with it! Rules? We don' need no stinkin' rules! I says' we jus' drop a fine lady and dangle her in fron' o' yer faces, and ye all turn to blubberin' jellyfish. Pay? I get paid? I gotta give ye me goods? Not on yer life Mr.! Personall' y' I perfer to keep what I earn, an' ye ain't gettin' none of it! HA! Beside's, ye gotta catch me first! RumbaRue **Nine out of ten men who have tried camels, prefer women** :)
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