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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Baaawhaaaaaaa! Here, would you like some cherries too? The men just can't resist a fruit or two. LOL! RumbaRue ** **
  2. Here's one we do in PRP. Here's to you, And here's to me, And here's to life on the rolling sea. And should we ever disagree, The hell with you, and here's to me. There's others, but offhand I can't remember them. But I know Jamaica Rose knows a few. RumbaRue **Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious**
  3. Bit o' change of plans. I won't be able to attend Ojai, due to havin' to make candy for all the orders I have. So you all have a grand time. RumbaRue ** **
  4. Ok, this wench is raisin' her mug to all ye fine men who seek out a bit o' relaxin' fun, if'n ye know what I mean! LOL! Yo ho, yo ho, a drinkin' life fer me! RumbaRue ** **
  5. Ahoy all my fine mateys! I've sailed a few seas about, had some time to collect my thoughts and regain my footing on solid ground. So don't be firin' yer cannons at me without proper warning first! I have been cleared of all accusations and be free to be roamin' my way through these passages of racous living. I might suggest from here on out matey's if'n ye got a problem with someone on these boards, please be takin' it to them personally first before ye be complainin' to the Keeper of the Boards. If'n that don't solve the problem, then do yer complainin' to the proper authorities. Nothin' worse than bein' accused without knowin' what one is bein' accused of! So beware ye who cannot take a joke or some fun pokin' , my cannon is loaded this time and ready to fire back! RumbaRue Woman Entitled to Nights of Complete Happiness
  6. Aye me companion pirates from the north of the California lands, lookin' forwerd ta meetin' ye, I'll be at PRP and share a fine toast to all yer hands! Look fer me behind the bar, as I be the keeper of the drinks in the shade! Aye, this blond ol' lass is a harmless hammock flea, but will give ye a twitchy ich if ye be scratchin' me. Oooooh, I just love to have my back scratched! Bring on that cat o'nine tails! RumbaRue **Cheers** and hugs !
  7. Fine job on your coat. But tell me, it looks like you had the picture taken in a doctor's office....is that the case? Hmmmmm, if so, I bet you had the patients running out the door with all those needles and thread! LOL! RumbaRue **Sewed to bloody blind**
  8. Ah yes, I know well of machines. Mine be a Bernina (an old 1010), that gets a wee bit tempermental sometimes and just screws up, cuz it can! About to start working on my frock coat. Did a test pattern first that I sewed together (according to the instructions) to make sure everything was good. Ah, maybe by Christmas it might be done...I'm one of those crazy people who loves to do fine beadwork, so I'll be plying my craft to the coat which of course will take some mighty long time to do. RumbaRue **Smile and Let Your Spirit Soar**
  9. Talk like a pirate? Geesh, most of the time I have to remember not to, especially talking to clients. RumbaRue **Life is what you make it, so make it happy!** :)
  10. Being a skillful sewer meself, good ta see another one. But don't you just hate it when ye run out of thread two inches before yer done? Argggghhhh! RumbaRue **Everytime I sew, I leave my mark in blood**
  11. Ok, here goes: Here's a toast to the Royalist, A sailing vessel proud, Ne'er a pirate be so joyous, As her cannons thunder loud. The waters of the ocean, Caress her timbers gently, So here's a toast to the Captian and her crew, May the winds fill the sails and carry her indefinatly! RumbaRue **See, I can be a good person!**
  12. Well Pirate Dudes and Dudettes, (tossing blond hair about), I'm no Valley Girlette, I'm a beachy (bitchy) blond sand babe, and all the guys just fawn over me to the point they just drop dead like flies (quickly putting fly paper away). Guess they just can't get over my young looks, (that's probably why they run- unfortunatly in the other direction), guess I'll have to apply to be on the Bachalorette Show. RumbaRue **I'm feeling short, oh, must be cuz I'm standing on one leg**
  13. Thank you Bess! Sometimes people take what I say the wrong way. Not intended. It's hard to try and figure out sometimes what a person means when you can't see their face behind a computer screen. I mean no harm to anyone. I'm a fairly gentle, easy peson, who loves to laugh, especially at my own foibles. But hey, I'm human, I make mistakes, and besides, I can f**k up just as well as any polictian. RumbaRue **Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused**
  14. Well, contrary to those who dislike Survivor, I LOVE IT! (ducking for cover) Ah, I can remember when I was a young and dumb (ok nowadays, I'm old and dumb) blond, when I had energy to spare, I would have loved to do that sort of thing. Course those Hollywood people would never get people who are in re-enactment groups to participate, too smart for them and the producers know it! My hat's off to those who are able to do such things! :) RumbaRue (my motto) **Those who can laugh at themselves will never cease to be amused**
  15. Ah, terrific pictures of the Irving Johnson. Glad you have them, it's kind of hard to take a picture of the ship when you're on it. Thank you Claire for posting the pictures! The ship is beautiful from top deck to below deck. Too bad I couldn't enjoy it more (green, really, really green), at least I wasn't at the railing 90% of the time like Philistina was, going over. I only gave up my breakfast a few times, oops, missed the ocean the first time, all over the deck, made it to the railing at the second upcoming. The nice deckhands took sea water and washed the deck off. Had to squeeze into the tiny bathroom to do my business and unfortunatly again, came out the wrong end. Had to clean up the bathroom, and dig my false teeth out of the potty where they came out in hurled fashion. Arrrrrggggghhhh, first time ever getting seasick - as I have been sailing before, but without problems. Well I don't feel so bad, cuz even one of the volunteer deckhands got sick too. Trip back was better, but didn't eat barely anything for fear of feeding the fish again. It took me two more days to recover from that trip. Ooooh I was one sick wench! RumbaRue **Life is what you make it, I'll make mine happy!!** :) PS. - I only come onto the boards here once a day in the morning(once in a great while in the afternoon), so a lot of time I don't see posts until the next day. Got a beef with me? Take it up with me, not others. Thanks.
  16. Ah, don't worry about me matey, just pullin' yer leg, or mast depending on which one be longer. LOL!!!! I give big kudos to anyone who can afford such a ship and maintain it. Unfortunatly, after a recent sail to Catalina on the Brigatine Irving Johnson, I'm afraid this wench's sailing days are over. Green? I can do green really, really well. Hope the fishes were hungry. RumbaRue **Fair Winds And Following Seas**
  17. I kind of had to snicker a bit when I checked out your website. A ketch? Ah, she might be wooden, but small . Nice little ship though, too bad it won't float in Lake Casitas, as dry weather has dried the lake up quite a bit, and it's fairly shallow now. Bound to get stuck in the mud. Well, I can tell you're no stick in the mud, but watch out, we're really good at tying people up. RumbaRue ** **
  18. Royalist, I twas informed that ye did put in an application to PRP. Gotta wonder though, how you're going to get your ship to Lake Casitas for your audition? Rollerskates? RumbaRue ** **
  19. As much as I would love to bring some of my chocolate ships to Ojai to sell, they would melt in the heat. RumbaRue **Smile and Let Your Spirit Soar**
  20. Well I can honestly say, Iron Bess, having met ye, you'll do right fine poking anything out! Perhaps pluggin' a few o' the cannons too! LOL! That ol' flippersnapper Royalist don't know what 'ee's in for! Geesh, ya could squeeze the mightiest o' men in ta submission! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RumbaRue **The best kept secrets are in my bloomers**
  21. Bawaahhaaaaaaa! Gee, could I see a picture of that? RumbaRue **For those who take life too seriously... get some humor**
  22. Interesting. I thought the Hawaiian Chieftan was anchored up in San Francisco also. Did she move? RumbaRue **You there go hoist something**
  23. Dwayne's last name is Matthews. Lives in Capistrano Beach, CA. (I have his address), great guy. You can see him and the rest of us PRP'rs at the San Jaun Capistrano event on Oct.25, at Mission San Jaun Capistrano. *Thanks for the link to the front page McVox! RumbaRue **You there, go hoist something!**
  24. Well what can I say, just go to : portroylprivateers.org We are the BEST well known group around - thanks to Christine and other hardy souls who started it. 'Nuff said. I joined a year after it started. RumbaRue **Life is what you make it, I'll make mine happy**
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