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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Well I go against the grain. EVERYBODY reconizes me! In or out of garb. I have the face NO ONE FORGETS! I could never even rob a bank!
  2. WTF - I'm in too. I'll PM you Duchess with my new address.
  3. I am sad to say, the Yuletide gift exchange will not happen. First, just not enough interest, second all my stuff is packed and we will hopefully be moving stuff come Thursday and all week during Thanksgiving and after. Also, it's kind of late to get this going. I will do the gift exchange next year. Sorry, Murphy's Law speaks louder than anything else right now.
  4. So far only 14 people........ That's really not enough for this to work out, however those who have said they want to do it again, we could have just a small one between us. **HOLY SH*T we just had an earthquake while I'm sitting here typing this.......just a small jolt....had a small one around 3:48 this morning....
  5. Came across this elsewhere, just had to pass it on. Really interesting and be sure and at the bottom click on what your name means. Birthday and Name Discovery
  6. (Ready-made clothes off the rack, didn't exist back then) I think I'd be inclined to go to the market for food.
  7. That's really neat, thank you Syren!
  8. Here's a baby picture at 2 years old. Here's a picture from when I was 16 in high school. Here's a picture of me back in 1986 at a Renaissance event at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center.
  9. As of this afternoon here are the latest things, written by Boats: The problem is not with escrow, the problem is with Sacramento, and the State of California. Due to the State's budget problems expenses are being cut with lay-offs and other cost reductions. That includes the California Department of Veterans Affairs. I am going CalVet on this loan. The experienced person working on my loan was assigned to another project and is not available to consult with or work backlog on the desk (or train the replacement). It seems the desk was left without coverage for awhile. A new person was assigned to the desk. Read that as NEW, inexperienced, wet behind the ears, etc. OJT, on the job training. Being trained as best can be by the other workers in the areas around this speciality. AKA, A Cluster something-or-other. The cluster group determined my loan documents to be for a Condo. rather than for a double wide mobile home that has been sitting on its lot for 30 years. They then decided that, as it did not have a concrete slab under it, something was wrong. No-one understood it is OK to finance the sale and another loan for putting in the concrete for the ground attachment that will give it the required rating. My loan officer (God bless her heart) was able to determine what the hold up was and has got the paperwork shaken out of the tree they hid it in. She thinks MaybeI will be a home owner again by next week at this time. The problem is not unique to CalVet. The social workers I work with have been advised to add another month and a half to the regular month it takes to move paper through the courts and State bureaus they have to deal with. The County had to downsize staff to. Workload is up and so is the lag time on my desk. The current economy really sucks, but at least I still have a job. :-) Me....I'll see it to believe it.
  10. This is just unbeliveable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! House updates: We are now three weeks past due escrow closing. Why? Because someone in Sacramento who was doing the job, left and a new person had to be hired, who doesn't know the job! Our Morgage lady is having a total fit as is everyone else involved with this sale. The seller and his agent have stated that if another offer comes in on the place they will take it! Boats has already spent several hundred dollars on home inspection, plumbing and insurance on the place. Yes we are upset.............. We have half our apartment boxed up and ready to move............. I am so frustrated and I just want to scream and cry......
  11. Please read the FAQ's at the top of the forum.
  12. Just for you:
  13. I agree that filling out a 'form' as to what one likes and dislikes on a public forum for all to see just strikes me as a bit odd. I guess I'm not part of the crowd that blogs as I prefer my privacy. But I can say with certainty that that kind of stuff won't be made public here.
  14. I'd like to wait and see who else responds to this as interested. If enough people participate, I have a new thought of how to do this. *Note if you go to Renaissance and this particular thread under Squires Tavern, the thread, Winter Exchange winter exchange and see if this might work for us here. Would like to hear your comments. Rumba
  15. Honestly I've come to the conclusion after the last couple of years that since a few always seem to not receive anything from promising participants, that perhaps we shouldn't do it anymore. Last year we didn't have very many (two people never received anything) and I suspect that number will go down with the economy the way it is. If any of you truly want to do this, let me know, I still have a list of people's addresses from the previous years....unless you've moved. Rumba
  16. Scratchy Bottoms? Uh perhaps ye be needin' a soft cloth o'er yer bottom the next time ye hang over the poop deck. Welcome, jest leave the crabs at home.
  17. Aye lad, so whot brought ye here to us? Aye some might be hidin' the rum an' some might be hidin' rootbeer...........what's yer druthers?
  18. So ye finally decided to announce yerself.......'bout time! Welcome! Hope ye be learnin' all kinds o' new stuff!
  19. I've been cruising Craig's List and have come across and old row boat someone wanted to give away free, an old ship's wheel for just a pittance of money. Take a look at their free stuff and other areas, there's some great deals to be had. (I know before we buy furniture and stuff for our new place, I'll be going through Craig's List a lot!)
  20. Perhaps that be an explanation of the Bermuda Triangle....just guessing.
  21. With Christmas coming, buy some of those new LED flickering lights (we got some last year) and place them among your canopy top. Those won't get hot like the regular kind and are safer. That will give you the ambiance you are looking for especially in the summer evenings.
  22. Yo, I finally watched the video you did, awesome job man! Trap door? Where is that? Will ye be storing yer riches down there? Hiding rum? Bodies? Air vent for the dryer? So when's the party? Your friend in piracy, Rumba
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