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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Earlier this year I came across some cool coffee mugs at the 99 cent store in black and white with skulls on them. Bought 4, someone will get a couple for Christmas- I'm going to use them as exchange gifts at a party. Since I make a number of things, some of the things people have ordered from me are feather hat pins (I use parrot and wild bird feathers, no ostrich), jewelry, mug/goblet crochet covers, and Celtic needlepoint (someday I will have a website to sell those things - when I can find someone who knows how to do one and won't charge me two arms and two legs). This year all my Christmas gifts have been bought (Hooray!) as purchases made on our trip to New Orleans. Got most of the great stuff in Colorado (I love Pagossa Springs!)
  2. Now here's probably the most incredible find ever! Crystal Cave
  3. f***ing fustrated! Escrow still hasn't closed because paperwork is late....... Things packed ............ can't move.............. I think I'm gonna scream................
  4. Does blond with reddish streaks count?
  5. The Daily Croak? We must be dead..... Obviously this is the companion to Hogwarts in England.
  6. May you have happy days and fond nights.
  7. Aye Sir, I 'ave seen ye elsewhere's about the Internet Sea (an' ye probably seen me). I'm glad ye found the Pub finally, for here tis be the greatest pirate following there will ever be! So hoist yer tankard and be welcome!
  8. I have nothing against Ouija boards, had some interesting results with my friends when we were kids in grade school. That's really the only time I ever had any kind of results from it. As for the show, I find it absolutely fascinating especially when things are caught on tape as they are happening. Now here's an interesting story that was on our local news last week: Take a look at the pictures: Pet Ghosts
  9. Welcome back to the Pub! All new and spiffy!!!
  10. I know it's hard to tell, but I'm suppose to be a Pirate Christmas stocking.
  11. Welcome to OZ. Actually it's the Pub in disguise. We just let the pirates hang out cuz they are the best entertainment around.
  12. Here's pictures from the faire. Escondido Renaissance Faire fall 2008
  14. Dang, you're younger than me! Well, you'll catch up soon enough! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Doin' the Halloween Mummy Dance just for you!
  15. Could someone please tell me where this show can be found and at what time on the west coast?
  16. I truly do hope things have gotten better for you. Welcome back to port!
  17. This only applies to Canada, the coins were never put into the USA for consumption.
  18. ROTFLMAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Aye, what they all said......... Ah fresh meat and full of vim and vigor, the Pub is the place to be! Welcome to our port!
  20. We are looking for people who are interested in entertaining children by reading or something that brings learning to the forefront. We are in Southern California and participate in Pirate/Renaissance/Sailing events where we usually hand out scrolls with lists of recommended reading about pirates divided into age appropriete groups. If you enjoy lots of interaction with the public and have a good attitude come to an event where we will be and see if we are what you would like to do. Next event coming up for us: Vista Pyrate Faire Dec. 6 & 7, 2008 Rumba Rue
  21. It would be a good investment to get a decent drinking vessel. If you're klutsy like me, stay away from pottery and anything with glass. The best investment I made was purchasing a wooden mug with a lid ($65.00) from a vendor at the Escondido Faire last year) and a hanger of some type to hang it off a belt when not in use.
  22. And when you look up into the night sky, remember another star is born.
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