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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. http://www.markck.com/images/props/PROPS_raptor.htm Now that's just really cool! Great job!
  2. So it's your special day.......you don't feel special? Well gosh, what do you want from a bunch of pirates? We can make you walk the plank........ Rumba
  3. Well here it is almost Halloween and still no summer issue.....
  4. The weather is going to be PERFECT this weekend for the faire! Do come out to the magical feel of the oak trees, and the friendly people who give you a smile!
  5. Though rarely here anymore, I have seen you pop in from time to time. May your day be good and enjoyable! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  7. Hope your day is just more than another fin away! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
  8. aw, just give 'em some laudanum...........
  9. A lot of people at events carry their secret survivor drink around in various containers disguised as an innocent accouterment to their garb. I had a small metal Celtic flask (sadly it got a puncture hole somehow and became useless) that I put my favorite drink in, Rootbeer Schnaaps. (I'm looking for a new one if someone knows of where the Celtic metal flasks are for sale on-line, let me know!) BTW- If you haven't tried it, do so - really good! So what is your secret potion to carry around with you?
  10. Welcome to the Pub!
  11. Pig roast? Did Capt. Sterling volunteer himself?
  12. Well think of it this way: He's riding the Happy Trails in the sky. Be grateful for the time you had together. Blessed be.
  13. This year was six, but normally 5
  14. Welcome back to port!
  16. ROTFLMAF!!!! Yup, I'll take the Immoral Patrick..........it has such a nice ring to it!
  17. LOL! House party............heheeeee.......I think I'd scare the old people to death........faster.
  18. I told Jamaica Rose (Christine Lampe) about this a couple of years ago and she questioned how was it known that he was Jewish? Anyone who can find that information would be helpful. Just trying to get some proof as opposed to someone's fanciful ideas so Jamaica can be convinced.
  19. Murphy's Law strikes again! The VA was late getting their paperwork sent out, so now it will be another 10 days or so before escrow can close.
  20. Of course I go to this one, it's right near me (7 minutes by surface streets) and it's really nice! **When I move to San Marcos in a few weeks it will be about 10 minutes or less via the 78 freeway.
  21. It's that time again for the annual fall Escondido Faire, where pirates mingle with Tudors. If you've never been to this event, it's great with lots of shady trees, big ale garden, a variety of vendors and acts on stages and of course Pirate Cove where all of us pirate people are. For more information go to: Escondido Faire So will you be there? I will!
  22. Hard to say................ Due to the small size I honestly don't think it's worth a 100 mile drive......but that's just my opinion. Won't really know until it happens. The Escondido Renaissance Faire is a far better bet.
  23. Best wishes to that man who lives north of me. LOL!
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