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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Sorry I wasn't here sooner....been sick all last week. Welcome to our fine Pub!
  2. Welcome back into port! Hmmm, maybe you should change the last name from 'Quick' to 'meandering'.
  3. I'm glad to see that finally everything has worked out for you. BTW- I'm right behind you on the operating table.......... Hugs, Rumba
  4. I have no story and I'm sticking to it.
  5. Welcome to the Pub! Nothing in your bio, so how about telling us about yourself?
  6. Are you for real? No we're dead...wanna see our zombie eyes after a few in the ale garden? What a crack up! Orderlesseye and Capt. Syn (Dennis) are just a hoot! Gee Oderlesseye, are you growing your beard to look like one of the ZZTop musicians? Or do you plan on putting candles in it?
  7. May the treasures of your life be always shiny!
  8. Still here after all these years.... Welcome back to port mate!
  9. Welcome to the Pub! May gold and riches fill your treasure chests.....ok well maybe just some knowledge will do.
  10. Sorry I used the wrong word.....didn't mean quilted, meant straight sewing along the boning.
  11. Thank you for the pictures! I have a small jawbone like your coyote ones that I found at Canyon De Chelly in Arizona last year, I think it's from a baby coyote as it's pretty small and teeth still intact and there's even a bit of fur on it. Your picture of the jaw bones pretty much told me what I already suspected.
  12. Lap dancing costs extra........
  13. One thing I have noticed is not all stays are quilted down each row of boning. The stays I'm having made won't have that as all of that is on the inside, but it will have the wooden busk.
  14. For those interested in purchasing display items for displaying your works like busts, earring holders and such, you can purchase items at: Fet Pak I've bought a number of things from them, just ordered two white leatherette busts for necklaces that will show up on white instead of black velvet.
  15. I will be receiving my new stays shortly, thanks to Merry Seamstress, Heather. Though her stuff isn't 'period' and nor will my stays be, she's done a fantastic job of embroidery on the front and I know I will be the envy of many women. Note: A few might remember Heather and I had a disagreement a few years back, but she came to me and apologized first and I apologized to her. I sent her a beautiful feather hat pin and she is making the stays for me at no cost. She is a great gal and very sweet and you can see her items at: Merry Seamstress
  16. May your day be filled with exciting intrigue!
  17. Always wear underwear in public, especially when working under your vehicle...From the Northwest Florida Daily News comes this story of a Crestview couple who drove their car to Wal-Mart, only to have their car break down in the parking lot. The man told his wife to carry on with the shopping while he fixed the car in the lot. The wife returned later to see a small group of people near the car. On closer inspection, she saw a pair of male legs protruding from under the chassis. Although the man was in shorts, his lack of underpants turned private parts into glaringly public ones. Unable to stand the embarrassment, she dutifully stepped forward, quickly put her hand UP his shorts, and tucked everything back into place. She took a deep breath and stood up boldly to face the crowd. She looked across the hood and found herself staring at her husband, who had been standing idly by. The mechanic, however, had to have three stitches in his forehead.
  18. Aye ye be lookin' young fer yer age....well that makes two of us.... Lots o' hugs Rumba
  19. May you have a fine day! Rumba P.S. Thank you again for all those wonderful coins you sent me!
  20. Welcome to the Pub! To arrggghhhh is to pirate!
  21. Aye, I'll join ye! I'm the longest living Moderator on the Pub! LOL!
  22. I see ye been hidin' in the shadows since Sept. '08. Catchin' an earful ye have been! Seen a lot too I suspect.....we'd shoot varmits, but since a lot of us sort fit that word it ain't gonna happen. Welcome to the Pub!
  23. At some point when I'm in better condition....hopefully later on this year....I plan on going up to the Fabric District in L.A. Perhaps at that time, we could get a group together to go.....that would be fun!
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