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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. For those interested here's the latest scoop on the red-eyed villian. This is truly a case of I told you so and I hope Ms. Shayna gives me an apology for her cruel words to me. Liar Liar
  2. Welcome to the Pub!!! Aye we got a few o' ye here from across the pond, but bein' they is pirates, ye'll have ta be searchin' for them an' their treasure. Paruse the Pub, ye might even find them!
  3. Welcome to the Pub! Always nice to press gang the rest of the family.
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Here's a hand for you:
  5. Welcome to the Pub! Hidin' in the Keys huh? Ye know pirates like ta hang out there, so ye'll fit right in as ye will here.
  6. I'll never tell.......
  8. Here's some pictures of the 'steampunk dancers' at the Escondido Ren-faire this year. BTW- I told several people about this 'steampunk' stuff and they just looked at me like I was from another planet.....
  9. That can be put right up there with Mallory (of Mallory and McCall) having one of his well-known hats stolen two years ago at Escondido.
  10. In the hills of Santee? Hey are you attending the Escondido Ren-faire this weekend? (May2-3) If so you can find me over in Pirates Cove with Pirates of Treasure Cove. Welcome to the Pub!
  11. Honestly haven't seen any of the shows, and somehow this pirate one seems to be leaking out of my tankard.....
  12. I'd like to add, that my friend Tony Kopec is in the show on Tuesday. Look for the blond guy with a red bandana around his head - at least that's what my friend Dawn told me this morning about her boyfriend. BTW- They live right up the hill from me.
  13. Cool bottle, but it's said the vodka is terrible.
  14. My condolences to you. May the footpaths of your life be a trail to the top of the mountain where you can gaze upon the Earth in brilliance.
  15. Bummer! Here's to a better lifestyle to you!
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! An' jest remember fer a laugh jest squeeze the parrot.
  17. Welcome to the Pub! Spin a yarn ye say? Well me spinnin' wheel died ages ago when the sheep were eaten.
  18. 4/20 yup I'm down with that! Been lovin' it for years!
  19. Whoo-hoo! Give a blue ribbon to Mad Eye Mitch for taking down the Red eyed villain!!!!!!!!.
  20. Your question is better answered in Capt. Twill which is where I'm moving this thread to. Don't forget to come back and introduce yourself more!
  21. STOP LOOKING UP MY KILT!!!!!!!!!! I'll look under yer kilt if'n I want to! Ya I remember ye, nice ta have ye back in port! Contact Stynky, he can change yer name.
  22. Well I waited till everyone else had their say, now I'll have mine: HEY DANG IT, WHAT DO YOU THINK YER DOIN' ANYWAY? TRYING TO SNEAK IN AFTER MONTHS O' POSTIN' AND NOW YE WANT FORGIVENESS ? HA! IT'S GONNA COST YE, HAND OVER THE DUBLOONS AN' YE WON'T GET HURT. Just kidding, it's about friggin' time you got here.
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