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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. From the album: Rumba Rue

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2009

  3. Not a good thing when you have to rate others. I like the old way. I WANT MY IMMORTALITY BACK!!!!!
  4. Whoa, where am I? Sure ain't the drugs.......uh wow, my eyes have seen a new layout, and I thankfully don't have to go through the swamp to try and log-in. BUT I WANT MY IMMORTALITY!!!!!
  5. OMG- So sorry to read this news. There was a similar shooting on July 4th in Escondido at a party....so sad. Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well.
  6. I loved Star Trek, it was great. Haven't been to see anything else that I want to shell out bucks for. Most will be on TV sooner or later or just go rent them at the local video store when they come out. I can't wait to see what Johnny Depp does in the Dark Shadows remake.....I loved that show when I was growing up.
  7. Welcome to the Pub! I see your costuming goes towards the Steampunk fashion. You'll find a few here into that scene. Sorry, not me, just not really my thing.
  8. I say everybody get together for a group hug. Signal the ships to come in and join the party and ask for help getting off the island, which is agreed to. (Hey I'll make up my own ending!) Bye!
  9. Honestly, I've watched numerous movies done by MGM hoping to see it, but never have. I've waited almost 20 years for the moving 'The Greatest Show On Earth' to come to a time when I could see it again since I hadn't seen the movie since I was a kid. That's a long hell of a wait to get documentation! Now I will start to do further digging regarding the movie to see if I can actually find a picture of the thing in a still shot.
  10. on the other hand you have different fingers....
  11. I AM SO JEALOUS!!!! Dang, this woman has it all.....I WANT SOME! ok, maybe when I win the lottery.... BEAUTIFUL, JUST BEAUTIFUL!!!
  12. Every time I drive the car with my personal plates - STAR WRS- I feel happy and so blessed to have that plate and I always get a smile from people. Everyone recognizes it; I've had people take pictures with their phones, people hanging out the windows with cameras, notes on my car about how well the plate is liked and on and on. Course it also helps to have the great bumper sticker of all time: If only closed minds came with closed mouths Laughter is truly the best medicine! :angry:
  13. Smile and enjoy the holiday!
  14. It is very heavy. We have it on wheels so it's easier to move. The original tiny wheels are still on the bottom, but useless. I have brought it out to many events, but because it's become a problem moving it, (the wheels have broken off more than once because of holes and rough ground) because it is so big and takes up a lot of room in the car. Sell it, are you crazy? NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!!! No bribes either! :angry:
  15. And they say "we don't know Jack" , guess whoever the twit was who said that obviously didn't know Jack! LOL!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  16. May your dancing feet never stop no matter how strange it may look. :angry: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  17. May the jingle jangle of your coins never loose their way to your purse. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  18. Thank you Michael for the help. Microsoft Internet Explorer, I'll see about giving that a try. Funny, it's the only site I have this problem.
  19. I always had a suspicion that my big black trunk was in the movie "The Greatest Show On Earth" and lo and behold it was! I just caught the movie last night and there it was in a scene where a guy was throwing clothes into it. It was a very quick shot, but I definitely saw the lid and the decor around the edges. I originally bought the trunk at a thrift store in L.A. and the guy had just put it out and told me he got it at the MGM auction years ago, but had no idea if it had been used in a movie or not. Well now I have proof which makes the trunk a whole lot more valuable. Rumba
  20. Bummer.......................even with a brand new thin monitor, I still can't seem to get Syren's site all on my screen, still off out of sight on the right side. Any suggestions to correct this would be welcome.
  21. I've been working hard for a week and a half now making jewelery to sell at the Pirate Daze (Pirate Daze) event in Sept. I've been trying all kinds of new ideas that will appeal to all, even the Steampunk crowd. Sorry, no pictures right now, perhaps later. My problems with PayPal are: High fees for anything sold, any smart person can act as a 'magazine subscription' which PayPal automatically takes out of your account without any notice of such actions (supposedly it's stated in their 'statement' you have to agree to). I honestly don't feel comfortable with such a thing as it did happen to me more than once. I would love to do my own website, but when it comes to tech stuff, I'm blond and clueless.
  22. Congratulations! BTW- I've been with Boats for 16 years as of June 28, and we're not even married.
  23. Run, do not walk, to Micheal's Craft Stores, they now have great pirate cookie cutters that come in a really cute metal tin that you can actually lock! Plus other pirate goodies for sale. Shapes include, ship, skull and crossed bones, sword, hat, flag just to name a few.
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