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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Ron Rodriguez (Depp's double)and Rumba Rue
  2. From the album: Pyrate Daze 2009

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2009

  3. Here's a link to all the pictures: Rumba's Pictures
  4. Boats and I are heading up there tomorrow morning, should get there around 1 or 2 PM depending on the traffic.
  5. Ok, you could put my name on it instead of yours......
  6. Welcome to the Pub! Hmmmmmm.....mouse on my chest....now that's an interesting thought........
  7. Aye another soul has returned to the Pub! Paisley the Pink Pirate as you called yourself then, haven't forgotten you. Welcome back to the Pub in its' new incarnation and share a mug!
  8. The most AWESOME weekend ever!!!!! I've been to a lot of conventions and I'll put this one on the list of the top three I've enjoyed the most! It was extremely well run, everything on time, no major hitches, great people and some pretty outrageous outfits. The party in the Observation Bar on Friday night was fantastic and the dinner on Saturday night was absolutely delicious and that chocolate mousse whatever it was kind of cake was just to die for....I got two pieces because Boats can't have chocolate. Do I plan to do it again, YOU BET!!!!!! I can't say enough thank you's to Mitch Toles for putting on the best pirate convention one could ever go to! Pictures coming soon!!! HUZZAH!!!!!
  9. Hoping to see some of you Pub people at this event! Looks like it's going to be a great time! I have a whole new line of gorgeous jewelry fit for a Queen, new array of feather hat pins, and many more incredible goodies! My space is right next to No Quarter Given's spot. See you there!!! Rumba Rue
  10. May the wind always fill your sails! See you at PyrateDaze.com on Sat. my spot is right next to yours! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  11. Interesting things, prices are decent.
  12. My opinion: Don't worry about the 'period correct' look and wear what you want. Hey maybe some rich family got you and dressed you up as a nice... uh toy?
  13. Remember, burn last!
  14. May you have the sun shine on all your days. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  15. Oderlesseye, I'm looking forward to seeing all your goodies at PyrateDaze.com. Heheheeeee.....wait till you see what I'm wearing on Sunday!!!!!
  16. Some idiots are made, this guy was hatched....
  17. Invisible Men's locker rooms here I come!!!!! LOL!
  18. I'll be piratin' all weekend on the Queen Mary in Long Beach for Pyrate Daze (Pyratedaze.com)
  19. To one of the most incredible ladies I've ever had the chance to come in contact with! Your sewing skills are top-notch! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  20. Welcome to the Pub! Keep yer feet an' arms about ye, jest hand over the dubloons.
  21. Happy Birthday...hope you got my gift to you. Rumba
  22. AWESOME!!!! That's great!
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