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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. To someone I totally respect for being a walking 'book of history'. May you have a wonderful birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  2. Perfect, another cabin boy! Congrats!
  3. Hmmm...does it say on the packaging that the item doesn't float upright? No wonder you get that sinking feeling and must paddle faster. Wait, someone is waving a bottle of rum at you, paddle man, paddle! Look it's a whole barrel! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  4. Just trying to be helpful. Guess I'll have to reprimand the Elves for their suggestions.
  5. Where I'm at: Dalton's Road House in San Marcos; great steaks, chops and other goodies. Peanuts and shells on the floor. Fish House Vera Cruz in San Marcos- very good and nifty gift store. China Bistro in Escondido - Best Chinese ever Wrangler Bar-b-que in Escondido - Voted the Best Bar-b-que in San Diego, via San Diego Home and Garden magazine. It really is tops! The best homemade Jewish chicken soup - my house.
  6. For all the people who venture here in search of treasures, let me give you one in return.
  7. Just a note: I've been tweeting about this book for several weeks now on Twitter. If anyone wants to follow me; twitter @Rumba Rue Funny how I have people I don't even know following me. Maybe I should get a fan club together? NOT!!
  8. Have you noticed Tony Kopec's picture on the left on the Capt.Cove place in Seaport Village in San Diego? Brought it to the attention of him, Dawn, and Jamaica Rose when I discovered it a while back. BTW- I love the mermaids. Did you get them at Capt. Cove? P.S. I did a pirate tree too, maybe not to the degree you did, but as soon as I can get the pictures downloaded I'll show them off.
  9. Thank you GoF!! Sadly we seem to be not having as many people as in the past. I do hope it picks up next year. A good hint to all, buy stuff during the year when you see it on sale or just know it's going to be a great gift for someone. That's what I do, so I have a small supply of goodies to give people when the time comes so I don't have to rush around to find something or make something. BTW-Those of you who do make things, consider doing it much earlier if you know you're going to participate in this. It will save you tons of time!
  10. May your swords always be sharp and your point never dull! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  11. Loved all the pictures! Especially liked Black Foxe's simply because he took pictures of other things, which gives me and others who have never been there a better idea of what there is. Thanks!
  12. Fantastic! Thank you very much!
  13. Doing some research here: What kind of soap was used in England and Ireland? Was it lye based, soapweed, or something else?
  14. Beam me up Scotty! OOOps, wrong era...... Walk the plank Scotty......... perhaps wishful....we'd never hurt a soul around here...well not much.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  15. The last time we tried to make you walk the plank... You fooled us, well here's the only fool around here is the one that clicked the wrong button and turned himself into a dancing chicken! Well gee, it could have been the dancing girl! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  16. Fire in the hole! Oops.......... Here's hoping your day is lighting up!
  17. I'd like to see each calendar month removed as we go through the year, so we don't have to go through the whole dang forum just to get to the bottom where the 'other stuff' is.
  18. Package has been mailed and I'm pretty sure the recipient will know who it is....dang my elves have been talking behind my back again!
  19. COFFEE, hey it's morning!
  20. Sure ye gots skeletons in yer closet, jest don't tell anyone. LOL! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  21. Ok all you pirate Santas, you should have gotten your PM from me, so you know who you are a Santa for. Any complaints take it to the elves.
  22. Hmmm....beer bellies and all? Now that's a scary thought! But hey I'll take a man in tight pants..........Is Mad Jack seeing this?
  23. I'm the Vice-President of Pirates of Treasure Cove. Any one interested in reading books to kids or demonstrations on stage let me know. We are on the west coast, S. Calif.
  24. Me bad, yes I have your name down. Just wait a few, and I'll be sending out PM's to everyone to find out who is getting who. Give me about 30 minutes or so from now.
  25. Holy dead mackerals! I've never heard of a faire not paying it's actors who do the stage shows! That's absurd! It's really amazing the stupidity of people who need a good mast whipping. Well if you ever get out to the west coast, the faires here do pay, maybe not big bucks but at least something.
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