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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I talked to Mitch about changing the month and I think (don't hold me to this) that he's thinking of August after Comic Con. Though I did suggest the end of June before it gets too hot. He does say he will do it again as the response was great, but the month is up in the air. I do know he won't do it again in Sept. when it's up against other activities.
  3. Welcome to the Pub! You seem to be a bit shy on telling about yourself...what port do you hail from? Other interests? Family? Filling in your bio really helps us old people. LOL!
  4. Tis a shame ye couldn't swing through the riggin' onto the Queen! Amusing video.
  5. If'n any o'ye want to talk to the crazy lady....just kidding...PM me and I'll give you my number. Can't guarantee I'll be able to get to the phone as I might be outside in the garden or doing something like ....oh gosh housework....
  6. Funny you should mention that Mission, I just saw a bumper sticker yesterday on a gal's car with, "Save the ta-tas".....what's the matter with saying boobs?
  7. In a weird funny way it's like I was reading about yesteryear's pirates.
  8. Hmmmm.....I mean I understand the situation, but at the same time you have to wonder if this was something that just made the news for happening now, or was it something the Lady Washington had known for a few years? Makes you kind of wonder.....
  9. Here's a picture of me and my vessel.
  10. Our group Pirates of Treasure Cove was originally part of a group called Biggins. Sadly Biggins has backwards thinking and because they want people to join first and pay before finding out what the group was all about (putting the cart before the horse) was just one of the reasons why we split from them. They are also so paranoid that someone might actually sue them that they regulate everything they do.....mind you they only set up a few games at events that can't hurt anyone! Lets face it, if someone decides to sue for whatever reason, they can regardless of so-called rules...which by the way only cover the participants, not the guests. We looked into the possibility of joining another group because they had insurance, but again because we would have to be under their rules and guidelines, things we do, we couldn't. So with that we decided not to get insurance for the following reasons: 1. The cost is extrodinary....we're talking several thousand dollars a year. 2. You have to come up with specific guidelines/rules in order to have it. 3. Since all we do is put out books and hand out scrolls to people with book lists, and read stories to kids, we felt we didn't really need it. 4. Insurance only covers loss, theft, or injury to participants, not the general public which are more likely to get hurt. The majority of us know when we join a particular type of group that does the Ren-faires, pirate events and so on, we are responsible for our own well being and getting hurt might happen. Unless a participant is deliberatly responsible for hurting someone else, then that goes under a whole different situation....like getting kicked out. (Which btw should have happened in PRP when a particular person tried to hurt another by having a lackey put a spider in her purse) Besides, here on the west coast, all Directors of events must have insurance and it also covers the participants and vendors. Honestly, unless you are handling black powder/guns/swords or other things used for fighting you don't need it. I know the SCA has insurance, but if you have ever watched those guys beat the crap out of each other with heavy weapons you know why they have insurance.
  11. Now that's PRICELESS! I sent a copy to Boats to use when he retires from the County of San Diego in a couple of years.
  12. Well it's cute....but as for the droopy fabric for wings....I don't think that quite works....it looks like someone ripped off the wings......oooh was that me? Heheeeee, I'll never tell.....
  13. Here's to your 41 lashes..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  15. Now we can give him his wooden shoes..........
  16. To a fine poet and friend, may the wind always fill your sails!!!
  17. To a great friend and one so tall, here's a keg o' rum for you and some cake too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  18. OOOOOOOOOOOh I want to see the video! Never got to see the show.
  19. Aye another lost sailor has returned to port, welcome back!
  20. From the album: Pyrate Daze 2009

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2009

  21. Rumba Rue

    Pyrate Daze 2009

    Best pirate convention!!!
  22. From the album: Pyrate Daze 2009

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2009

  23. From the album: Pyrate Daze 2009

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2009

  24. From the album: Pyrate Daze 2009

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2009

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