Yes, a lot in grade school and junior high....I had to wear a brace from my neck down to my pelvis in hopes of trying to straighten or at least stop the scoliosis in my spine.
I went through absolute hell and I use to come home from school and just cry every day at the way I was being treated....even by my own mother....
When the brace was finally taken away, I had a reasonably decent high school life...I was party city and I could toilet paper houses with the best throwing arm into the trees with my friends.
As time went on, I've had to deal with people who just don't understand where I'm coming from a lot of times and it's caused a huge amount of problems in my life.
I finally decided to start taking a stand for what I believe in and the hell with what others think. I've always had been one to not say much, but after a certain incident in the former pirate group I was in with a particular person, I worked very hard to get away from the negativity that surrounded me in that group, and instead be in the company of those who have their act together.
I can now say with joy and love that I am in the best loved pirate group around. We may be small (we like it that way)but I am respected, loved and cared about and people love my ideas. I have wonderful friends that even though we have different things, we still all get along and that is what true friendship is about.
And on top of that, the group I'm in actually has a real goal, something that no other pirate group has and most certainly not the former one I was in.
Pirates of Treasure Cove