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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Aye to a fellow San Diegan, and pirate, I wish you the very best in your plundering! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  2. Heheee, you should read some of the quips from Capt. Slappy on Twitter, the guy is a crack up!
  3. Ah another lost sailor has found his way home. Welcome back!
  4. Pushwa! You should see the price of medical herb! Thirty and up for just a friggin' eighth!
  5. Rumba: Pew
  6. I actually took a magnifying glass to see a lot of the pictures. Much can be seen more directly and there are many clothing styles. Still, the pictures are awesome!
  7. Welcome to the Pub! Be sure your pearls are kept safely away from grabby hands.
  8. Rumba shuffles the cards and the Ace of Spades falls out Ah, a new magic trick, I've turned Syren's trident into spades.
  11. Thank you all for some great ideas. I never thought of canniblizing a wedding dress. That's a terrific idea!
  12. *We'd have to move this topic to Below Decks for strip poker. Personally I like the way this thread is going here. No hiding cards in your bodices, sleeves, boots, scabbards and no slight of hand tricks! Otherwise I'll make sure you walk the plank.
  13. No strip poker! A good game of cards mixed with a good drinking of rum will do. Or maybe just a good game of drinking with how much can you hold? Sort of like an Indiana Jones idea.
  14. Welcome to the best place on the cyber seas! Lots to learn, laugh, and try your hand at.
  15. I had noticed the new website now titled GoldCoastFestivals.com (formerly GoldCoastProductions.html)and there had not been any dates set for the Ojai events. So I contacted the Wixons and I got a reply from Condit who said they are working on the new site and hadn't gotten the dates up yet. The new dates for the spring Ojai event are: May 22-23, 2010
  16. Animal, I promise not to kill you until after a good game of cards.
  17. **jingles a bag of gold at Rumba** Maybe we can strike an accord?!?!?!? Animal Oh he jingle jangles in such an interesting way.
  18. Well you didn't scare me too badly. LOL! When I was still in high school my aunt wanted me to go into opera singing which of course I refused. I was in choir all throughout school. I play 12 string guitar (when I get the urge), but my voice is no longer what it use to be (I still can't read music and play/sing by ear). I use to sing high soprano in school, now I'm lucky if I can get to alto.
  19. Aw hell with the dice, I'm heading for the slot machines!
  20. I liked hearing about the other side of things. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It's up to the individual what they wish to do.
  21. Just move to California
  22. On a slightly different note: Why is there a re-hashing of 'Pirate Master' in the current issue? Geez let that horrible crappy show die already! It makes me think there's nothing better to write about!
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