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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Manhandling again are you? When will you learn, spear first ask questions later. Get well soon!
  3. The home jewelry show was suggested to me by a neighbor. It sounds like an interesting idea. I'll see how the Escondido Ren-faire goes (April 24-25/May 1-2) before I do that.
  4. Been working on more jewelry to sell at the Escondido Faire. Sadly, I've discovered the very hard way that I cannot sell my stuff on line or the like under my name. SSI will take any profit I make out of my monthly payment and I can't afford it. I made that mistake a couple of years ago and when the 'turkeys' took the money out I was upset to say the least. When I sell at faires, as long as I'm under my friend's name and her re-sale number I'm in the clear. If anyone here would be willing to take on some of my handiwork and sell it for me, please let me know. Rumba
  5. We just had a good rolling aftershock at 11:15 AM.
  6. Babies were born last week. Amusing to watch. Owl Cam
  7. I've eaten so many of those peeps I'm starting to look like one. Uh wait that came out wrong somehow...
  8. I'm hunting dwown cwispy cwitters! Must be here somewhere...oooh the Cannibal Gwod has stepped in an sway it's yer bwirthday Just thought I'd try my Elmer Fudd on you. LOL! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  9. We got a pretty good shaking here in San Diego. I was kicking back in the papasan chair in the sun room watching the cats play, Boats was reading the Sunday paper at the family dining table when it hit. I just looked around rather amused at everything hanging and swaying. The wrought iron chandlier over the dining table was really moving! We both agreed if it had been any closer we might have actually had a few things fall down, but it didn't happen and we could tell it was a bit further away. Now mind you through the whole quake, the cats continued to play, the parakeets were happily chirping away, Gilligan was going through his pirate talk and Corky as usual was just occasionally squawking. It felt like we were on jello the way the place was shaking, and on a news cast later, a reporter said the same thing. No water even sloshed out of the aquarium or the cat's water dish. Just a weird jiggling kind of shake a bit hard. I had some friends from Orange County call and they said by the time it got to them in Stanton it was just a good roll. I've felt a few aftershocks, but so far no problems.
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Most-Emailed-Photos-mermaid/ss/1756/im:/100401/photos_od_afp/7d87eee738652829296b7f05778b4e8b/
  11. The drive from Pasadena to Ojai is about an hour, maybe. Just take the 210 north to the 123 exit, just past Magic Mountian in Valencia. Wonderful drive, you avoid all the heavy traffic on the 101 through the San Fernando Valley. The 123 meets up with the 101 in Oxnard, go north on the 101 to the 133 exit for Ojai. Turn left on Santa Ana (there's a Shell gas station there)then right when it dead ends and follow it around the lake, you'll see the place on your left. BTW-Anyone else needing directions give me a holler!
  12. Sailors come and sailors go, But they always know Where the rum does flow! Welcome back!
  13. Saw some people I know, others I know by sight/here at the Pub. Loved the show! Loved the comebacks from all the people playing pirates. And Scarlet and the rest wouldn't have minded a little blood in the food. But Dogge getting his hands wrapped in plastic was hilarious as was going into Albertson's and grabbing huge trays of veggies and such and then trying to pay with those 'funny' coins. Total hoot! And the best was when Dogge was going to kill the chef and every time he got a gun, it was quickly taken away...great comedy timing! Well done!
  14. Hey my partner in crime Boats, was a submariner when he was in the Navy and called himself a pirate even then. So the Navy can be proud that it's former and current personnel just love to go out and find their way to pirate groups.
  15. Somehow I doubt that many would be willing to fly to the Hawaiian Islands for a casting call. Not that Eye could, but I'm guessing his real job wouldn't allow for the time off he would need, but again I don't know his thoughts.
  16. Here is a picture of the wonderful flag that William Red Wake made for our pirate group, Pirates of Treasure Cove. Sorry didn't have time to play around and make it bigger,it's a huge flag.
  17. Congrats to both of you.
  18. Well maybe it wasn't cannon fire. I think it was Sterling letting off some gassteam.
  19. Hey what's the matter with all of you? You ran outta here like yer pants were on fire. Oh I guess it might have something to do with that cannon fire I hear in the background.
  21. I would have done this yesterday, but Earthlink was having problems and I couldn't get onto the Net. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  22. You're doing really great at looking the part.
  23. Don't watch the show, but I'll make an exception this time. I am curious as to what went on. Marking it on the calendar.
  24. To Merrydeath, may you get the wonderful wishes you deserve to make your life better!
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