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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Damn it Mission! You're a doctor not a pirate! Now, where did I put my red shirt? Red shirt...I am doomed, doomed. maybe you need the brown pants instead........
  2. May your casket never be empty, just fill it with rum and have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  3. Came across this site that has some pretty nifty things. I was impressed by the Hourglasses and other things and the prices weren't so bad. Though the prices on their 'chests' were overboard. I spent quite a while looking at everything and some things I hadn't seen before. Brass Binnacle
  4. I agree, the orb looks real. However, the other objects look more like bugs or dust.
  5. I do have the sound track (I love to sing along with it), but not copied. The words to the songs are on the CD cover page (inside).
  6. *Note; Changed the title just a tad so people don't get mixed up with others. May your landings always be safe!
  7. Pay no attention to the surgeon behind the curtain.... Welcome to the Pub, there's lots to learn, laugh and bring you new friends! What more could fellow pirates offer? Ok the treasure is locked up, sorry. Rumba Rue
  8. "Woman About Town/ Unofficial Mayor-ess: Rumba Rue" Aw shucks ye know me well....
  9. May the both of you enjoy every moment of your lives!
  10. OMG!!!! I am stunned by this news! I know everything pretty much that was in that trailer (since I was a member for many years)so I will keep my eyes open and be searching Craig's List here in San Diego and EBay. Concerns me because our group is about to buy a trailer, but we plan on keeping it at a member's home. I will pass on this news to the rest of our members of Pirates of Treasure Cove.
  11. Mission, I enjoyed reading your 'Journal' you wrote. One minor mistake on a picture. A gal you named "Original Cin" is "Liberte Sparrow" and is from Calif. Last I knew she was still in the Port Royal Privateers. She's actually a police officer as is her husband who works in a different area of the police dept.
  12. It amazes me that the difficulty in making the the pieces of the bodice was very time consuming and sewing them together. In today's world we at least can make patterns that are more comprehensive and can be altered to our needs and having a sewing machine is the best!
  13. This was also in our paper this morning. Thanks for printing it.
  14. Yes we do bring both birds to events providing the weather is good and we're not tied up with other things. We have small travel cages- about the size of a parakeet/finch cages we use as it's easier to put into the car. Make sure the bird's wings are clipped! Don't let the bird out of the cage right away at an event. Take him to a few and let him get use to the people/sights/sounds. Then little by little let him out and take him around the site. DO NOT LET PEOPLE HANDLE THE BIRD! You don't know where their hands have been (birds are susceptable to many diseases via human contact- always wash your hands before and after handling a bird) and the fact the bird might actually bite someone could be a nasty situation for you. Our bird Gilligan doesn't have a beak, he has a 'can opener' so we always tell people, especially kids not to touch him unless we know the person and can instruct them how to pet the bird. Gilligan will bow his head when he wants to have his head scratched, but anywhere else on his body one could get some bloody fingers. Hope this information will be helpful to you. Rumba P.S. Our other bird, Corky is just an absolute sweetheart! The friendliest bird I've ever had. It really depends on the bird's attitude on whether or not other people can handle the animal.
  15. Well I suppose I could be a seamstress, Or I could be a Pub owner, Or I could be a wife of a fine gentleman, Or I could be a pickpocket/small time thief living in luxury. Or I could be just a 'working girl' in Hawkyns Tavern. Now what do you all think I should be?
  16. Sure, I'll take some frenchy fries with that.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  17. As some here know, Boats and I took in a friend we'd known for 12 years last March. Unfortunately due to his drinking/drugs we had to ask him to move out back in Sept. It's like a bad TV movie where the main character goes through a decline in life and finally dies. Well that's what has happened. Our former roommate/friend committed suicide yesterday evening (1/18/2010)after not being able to get himself off of living on the streets. We like others tried to help him, but he didn't want it. Apparently he took a gun to his head at some storage shed where some of his belongings were. He was a Vietnam Vet so hopefully his funeral expenses will be covered. We were the only 'family' he had as he left home in Ohio at the age of 18 and never looked back- cut all ties with whatever real family he had. It's a sad time for us right now and with heavy hearts we will slowly close this chapter of our lives. May he now rest in peace. Rumba
  18. Sorry, just had to laugh over some of the comments.
  19. Welcome to the Pub! Enjoy the forums, learn a lot, laugh a lot, and be in the company of fine people. Just don't tell people we're pirates- NOT!!!
  20. Aye, an if'n ye be smart pirates ye'll do what me an' me partner 'ave done with our parrots is ta teach 'em ta talk like pirates! We 'ave a Senegal, Gilligan - Senegal Moustached Parakeet, Corky - Moustached Parakeet Our birds can say: Ahoy matey Pieces of eight abandon ship shiver me timbers scurvy cat/bird and a few others I can't think o' off hand. Plus the usual wolf whistles, I love you, meow,and the hardest line that took the longest fer both o' 'em, 'Tastes like chicken!
  21. oh geez the price is right, but the shipping to the USA would be horrendeous!
  22. I have a question. I have a beautiful black velvet skirt in which I sewed gorgeous red satin inside for a lining. The skirt is very long, even in the front (I bought the thing from someone else). I'd really like to shorten it, but it would mean cutting into the trim that is on the edges. Having walked around the Ojai fair one year with it, the satin/skirt dragging all over the ground and getting super dirty and then the tripping on the the long front caused some problems. What would you do to correct this situation?
  23. Still blind. All I see are a bunch of dirty windows.
  24. Thanks for posting the dates of the Texas faires. I don't think it will happen this year, but next year we may be heading out for a road trip that will include at least one of those faires.
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