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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. You're so hardcore....
  2. Look....the whole famn damily..... i love it....I'm putting this photo up in my cubicle tomorrow.
  3. Happy Birthday, Chole!!!!! Hope that you have a FANTASTIC day and many many many many many more!
  4. So....some sort of ropes are a very good idea. Re-enactors can tell spectators over and over again to stay back for safety reasons....till they're blue in the face....but some folks just don't listen. Especially some parents with kids that I witnessed. We asked them to get back a bit for safety....stay back behind where we're at....we weren't blocking the view at all, but the parents told the kids to go ahead and stand in front of me and that it would be fine. I politely told them that it was not fine and that the kids needed to stay with the parents. It was when the redcoats were coming into the fort and causing a ruckus...no shooting, but we still wouldn't want a kid getting smucked by a pirate by accident.
  5. When M.A.d.Dogge fell off the seawall.....oh wait, I wasn't -actually- there for that and technically we were 'off duty'. Ok seriously.... Being on the canon crew. It was awesome....definately want to do it again.
  6. He says they were wild bunnies.... And he was in danger of having his arm gnawed off.
  7. I like the first red and green one.... Those are awesome!
  8. Less barbed wire+more green fairy= more fun.
  9. Darn smart 10 year old you have there, captain...
  10. It's supposed to snow 3" here tonight. Joy.
  11. I know you're all graduated and all now....and that's fantastic... But you just look so beautiful and happy! Congratulations!
  12. Awww look....it's Maeve!
  13. I did what I could, Captain. I absolutely adore her. Hope that she had as much fun as I did!
  14. Something to chew on... While at PiP, I was standing on the beach with Patrick Hand, and I am pretty sure we had both been drinkin a bit.... Only to come to realise that (if my memory serves me)....we each have a book that belongs to PEW. So I have a full size one with a skull and PEW's name on it....is that from this round? And is it supposed to be mailed out first, because I also have Matusalem's book also. And....do I mail one out in January and the other in February? There seems to be no good way for me to do this.
  15. Yes....he was tripped by a brute named MAdDogge...... ....oh wait.
  16. We've got the weapons bag, the box, the fishtail, and your pierced tin lantern. so sorry that the other lantern got misplaced. Apologies.
  17. Mickey says that only the pierced tin lantern came home with us. I was banished from the packing of the car, so I didn't see anything that got put in. Dutch, can you send a pic and I can tell you if it's MD's or not? Well...obviously he could also....
  18. MAdDogge.... YOU HAVE A CHIN! Holy cow....who knew?!!?! Ahem.
  19. That sounds like a plan to me, Diosa. I have some lovely silk brocade that someone bought for me last Christmas that is going to be my fancy bodiced gown...though I don't know if it will be finished in time or if I will bring it if it is finished! I can't wait to see what you come up with!
  20. dont worry Jack...ifn ya cant make it...the girls can always bunk wit me!!!!.... It's alright, Jack. I nearly traded the two of them for Mickey....I'd keep em safe from stray dogs.....
  21. He mighta loved that Diosa! Happy Birthday Mission!
  22. Hey Diosa- I have been working on a chocolate brown linen bodiced gown for the past few months....and have been working on it very slowly, mind you. It's really not so bad to make....the boning channels take some time to sew, but since they aren't seen, sewing them on a machine makes rather quick work of it! That and I think you would look lovely in one. Let Mickey and I know if you need any help/advice. We will do what we can! Kate
  23. I just bought the Twilight soundtrack off of iTunes....love it. POTC soundtracks LOTR soundtracks.... I think those are my faves.
  24. I didn't do much but lay on the ACTUAL beach that day....then I played cannon girl.... I try to help when I can.
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