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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. Hi Kate...sorry so late with the kudos on your 1660's jacket that you wore down in FL this past month. Great Job!

  2. Up Rigging Photos
  3. Hopefully will see them next weekend....so will do. :) BTW- Santa Maria semi-update.... We went to the ship today to help with the Up-Rigging. I only took 450 photos or so of it...will post on photobucket shortly. Ship looks alright. She needs some paint and a new coat of varnish, other than that she looks well-loved. Got all of the sails up, etc...Mickey worked in garb, of course, only to realize later that most of his garb is dark colors, so it can't be "Dutchified" quite the same, but it is looking more well worn and lovely.
  4. Yes they were....
  5. Kate, I didn't know you worked at the same place I do!!!!????? Animal I work with 50 women. And I am sick of the constant need for drama (so is everyone else, I find out today). There is peace, so someone needs to stir the pot....
  6. Pyrateleather- I tried to PM you, but it appears your inbox is full. Is there another way that I can contact you? Kate P.S.- Michael loves his hat...I think he loves his hat more than he loves me. lol.
  7. Wow ok. :) I still need to talk food with Jenny sometime within the next week. I didn't get to see her on Sunday because she was working. Anything you want to/or can bring would be much appreciated. We really don't have a budget, so anything food-wise is going to come out of folks pockets, as we are doing this to help raise money to keep the ship open. Anyway. Yes. Anything you can do to help, Silas, is more than appreciated. I will email Jenny right now.
  8. Coworkers who start drama and throw others under the proverbial bus because they can't do their own job right. That the worst one in my book.
  9. o problem, sweetie. Anything for you. I am hoping that you will come over Friday night to play like last time. I have a dress for Becky...
  10. Is anyone else besides Mission interested in hotels? I know some folks are crashing with us on Friday night...the more the merrier. We have a large sofa, and a small sofa and we're discussing moving the dining room table out to our storage space, along with our coffee tables. Hotels in and around Canal Winchester In case, there are nearby hotels. If you have any questions, please ask. I grew up around here, so I am very familiar with this area. The link is just hotels in and around Canal Winchester (which is where we live). Pretty much if you start heading towards the ship, you're going towards downtown and there are alot of not very nice areas that I totally wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my friends in. Maybe that is my paranoia talking. Mission, I reccomend one of the first three. The first one being closest to us, around alot of eateries (including Village Wines that has a huge vino selection and a killer bistro salad to boot)...AND....it's across the street from my parents place. :) I'll look for a good map of the area for you too...
  11. Mission...I harbor that same desire from time to time. In fact, I was just telling D that I want to bring one of my leather bodices to play in this year...for certain event aspects. Ahem.
  12. Dude..... Diosa..... We can use the caps for wadding..... *squees with joy*
  13. It was really fun, Animal....and believe it or not....you were mentioned....alot.
  14. http://s299.photobucket.com/albums/mm317/f...Searles%20Raid/ I am entirely too lazy (or tired) right now to flip them all upright....but you get the idea.
  15. Jessi, Nell, Grace, and I could fire the mug out of the canon fer ya, Mission....we all loved firing the canon....it would just be more fun with projectiles....with no one in the way of course (unless Cousin Robbie wants to run back and forth between places of cover again.)
  16. Kate had a rough time (rougher than normal....) getting there. She recovered decently and then got to play some. Yes Salty, darling, more buttons next time. And my poor, sweet Mickey...he's so pretty. :) Oh right. And we're home. Finally. And my inbox is full of different bribery....
  17. Bo...thank you. Sincerely.
  18. Ours are FINALLY dry and will go out tomorrow, regular mail. :)
  19. Ours....are still....freaking....drying!!!!! UGH! Last time I use white craft ink....I'll get em out as soon as I can, Ransom. :)
  20. Those are pretty wicked. I was actually just talking to Michael about making my own goggles (I have no idea how though), so when I get to it...I will definately PM you!
  21. Well I know that clears it up for me. You explained it in person, but I didn't get it till I saw the photo! Thank you!!!!
  22. Alright, here it is partially put together...front view. I got the vest at Forever XXI for $17 (after seeing an awesome one at Hot Topic for $50.) The pants are from the military surpluss store, and I think I paid $6 for them about ten years ago. Boots are from Hot Topic...got them on clearance about 6 years back (and yes, I hold on to everything). And the white shirt is just one I had from my days of dressing up for work. The pins on the vest are my grandpas old Marines pins It's blurry....sorry about that. You can barely see the studded belt, but I got that at Hot Topic back when I bought the boots. The back of the vest is white and it has small red and blue and grey pinstripes And the last one....with the coat. I like the coat. It reminds me of Firefly...only not brown.
  23. Ok so I was thinking this morning....some folks (Jessi, Rats) might be flying in. We do both have to work on Friday (saving up my vacation days for PiP, ya know), so if you let me know when you are coming in (if you're flying) we can make some arrangements to pick folks up at the airport. I work within a 10 minute drive of the airport and I get off at 5 (though I may be able to arrange going in early to leave early) to retrieve people from the airport. Just PM or email me so we can work stuff out!
  24. Yes, please do, Rats. Let me know and I can arrange to pick you up at the airport!
  25. Can't....thats the weekend of our Santa Maria event.
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