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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. Matt- I got a little teary when I saw your post. I'm so glad that you had fun. It was really great to have you here. And yes, Mickey, Kate needs her new blue ballgown. Way before Santa Maria next year would be nice. D? Your turn!
  2. I would love to do a masquerade....it's just a matter of getting it all together. I have people. We'll see.
  3. Maybe we should get ya'll some foam swords for evening activities....
  4. ...But you can only come if you bring cookies. (Those were the best breakfast ever, by the way) Seriously though, last year at Hampton I got a few little accessories for my period sewing kit and a few little accessories just for me (fan, comb, etc)...very nice and very reasonably priced....I enjoyed looking at everything, but at the time was on a rather limited budget....it's a good time no matter what!
  5. Happy Birthday, my favorite canon shooting friend. Hope you didn't freeze too much up here in the Arctic Tundra with us. Sorry I forgot to tell you to bring your parka....I was busy peeling the wallpaper out of my igloo for the wallpaper festival.
  6. And Grace. Who, by the way, would have been INCREDIBLY proud of Red and I with that little cannon that they let us run amok with.
  7. I think that the best part about coming out to the Santa Maria is that we really do just want everyone to have a good time. We don't run a tight ship, per say, and that helps. We really appreciate all of you hauling out to our little boat and we do hope that everyone truly had a good time. It's a fun ship. We've been to a lot of events the past year and I haven't been anywhere where we could all climb the riggings like spider monkeys and such. And of course, getting up in the morning and right off noticing that Billy was already up to the main top brought a smile to my face. On a personal note, I really appreciate the outpouring of kindness and support that I received this weekend. I'm still having a really rough way to go, but the distraction this weekend with all of you really helped. Thank you all so much.
  8. You're killin' me....
  9. MORE STUFF For all your pirate needs....and for a good cause too!
  10. dag-nab-it woman!?!?...move it somewhere i aints gots to remember more passwords...we all kknow how good at that i am!?!? Sigh, why don't you just suck it up and get a facebook account?!??!! Alright.... grumble... just for you.... are you messin wit me or wot!?!?!.... ....now i caint hears it!! Turn your speakers on.
  11. Kate and Mickey's Pics I'm too tired to play with these in photo shop tonight (not to mention I may be acquiring a copy of photo shop elements this week to use...)...but here are the photos I took on the ship this weekend.
  12. Michael put a sketchbook in the mail to pyrateleather today. He was expecting it to be late, as I pm'ed him about it early in the week.
  13. Hey Silas- The contribution is fabulous! Thank you SO much for helping out! I can't even function right now to think about the shopping and stuff that needs to be done. Maybe Diosa and Jessi can help me out with that when they get here? I will pass this along to Jennie too (or maybe Michael will) to let her know kinda what is going on. Thanks, again. :) Kate
  14. Hey Kids- Michael and I were discussing possibly pushing the deadline back another week to allow Ransom to make her new cards and get them here. And honestly, we have been so busy prepping for Santa Maria weekend, that we haven't really had a chance to think about them! So how about we say the 22nd of May....and I will make sure they get out promptly after that! Kate
  15. We did receive the belaying pin, John. And I will give it a try out and crack him over the noggin once or twice when he gets home! :)
  16. So we were at Ashville Viking Festival this weekend with some friends and their teenager got bored....so I handed him one of the sketchbooks and let him loose....and its just about finished. Will mail this week.
  17. With absolute certainty and without a moments hesitation.....we are. whose gittin the better deal??
  18. It's actually a Pontiac Montana....
  19. Yeah, I've been in a couple of accidents like this, though not as bad. The thing is, in looking at the car, the frame is broken in the back and crinkled all the way up the passenger side at least....to the point we couldn't get the passenger door open. So it might not be salvegable. If it is, it might be more money to fix than the van is worth, so who knows...The insurance dude is going to look at it tomorrow.
  20. Still in the engine compartment, unlike the other girl's car.
  21. If anyone is going to be in shock, it's going to be me. When I fist saw the scene, I nearly had a heart attack because all I saw were flashing lights from the emergency equipment. The car is likely totaled, but I still have my husband, so that is all I care about. Sterling....the cell phone comment is the FIRST thing my dad said too (which by the way, I called him in a panic and he was concerned about Michael, so that means he's finally getting over his grumpy father of the bride deal...yay!), and I wouldn't be surprised if she was on her cell phone. Her car was destroyed. Oddly enough, we were sitting in the van waiting on the tow truck and not 100 yards from us, a FedEx Truck hit a UPS truck...so I was called as a witness tonight from the police department.
  22. I'm inclined to buy you a pink plastic basket with daisies on it for the front, Patrick....you know...to carry your weapons in.
  23. Alright I am now in possession of Red Handed Jill's book, and Sophia's book...
  24. WOW. We just got the package from Bo....a beautiful wooden chest with a lock, Mary Diamond buttons, and a firestarting kit. Can't wait to get to get this auction going!!!
  25. Belly bunny...you make me happy. We call 'em belly barbies...same principal. Hope things are great, miss you!

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