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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. http://s608.photobucket.com/albums/tt164/Kate_Souris/PiP%202009/ Ok...uploaded everything except the cat fight and the falling down the stairs. Photobucket is being awful tonight.
  2. I'm working on getting them uploaded...it's just being slow.
  3. It is both, Willie, dear. Green onion with wobble rope work on it (I am assuming it is Wobble Work as it is done much in the style of the Wobble bottle that I was blessed with in St.Augustine).
  4. If it weren't sleeting out, Mission, I would go and make darn sure that blue bandana is out there. If it's not....I will buy you a new one. No, the item left in my car appears to be a green onion/ Wobble bottle....it was empty.
  5. So I am not sure who all rode in my car (the white Montana with license plates that say PYRATES)- but did any of you leave anything that might belong to you...glass...green...with some rope work on it? I didn't have time yesterday to run around and check with everyone, so I just packed it in before we left and it is safe.
  6. Mickey and I made it home after dropping off Mark and Jeannie at about 12:30ish. My ankles are both swollen to at least the size of grapfruits....
  7. Uh....Pink Flamingo Slops are going at a rate of $93 these days. Shirts are $92. Is the shirt still considered a Bagley original if I am making it???
  8. Kate and Mickey Souris (Kate_Souris and MichaelSBagley)
  9. I also found this stuff at our local Target store. I checked the website, and then to see if they had it in store and Target carries all of them at all of their local stores.
  10. So who is going to fix my broken Wobble Juice bottle then???? ...Been empty since Salty and I polished it off in September. See? Broken.
  11. You forgot the most important member of the family... Otter Thatcher, St. Louis, MO.
  12. Jack it kinda depends on which pattern you are using? I think I have photos of an Arnold mantua and a Waugh mantua that I did. I know that the photos of the Waugh mantua are up on my living history worldwide page.
  13. Lock House, November 2009 I was obviously off of my game. I only took about 215 photos I think. Bad Kate. Bad.
  14. I hope he got the 3 I sent....sent them priority on Saturday, so they should have been there Tuesday or Wednesday.
  15. Thank you for supporting the ship, MD. George was asking about you and Billy when we were out at the Haunted Ship the other night. :)
  16. I'll go if needed....wait...I would go with him anyway, so I guess I don't count much. Haha.
  17. I sent Patrick's, Ransom's, and Pyrateleathers sketchbooks to Pyrateleather via priority mail yesterday. With that, I am finished aside from waiting for mine to make it home.
  18. I have my last three, that includes PyrateLeathers....but he's not getting his back. I'm holding it hostage.
  19. So I can't really draw, but I was trying to keep with Patrick's storyline in his book....so he's going to have a rather amusing story at least....and a bit of a special special art for the drawing challenged....ahem. I am going to try and get it done and out this week, along with Ransom's book, to Pyrateleather.
  20. Nice, Mission....as usual, a pleasure to read. I give it two very enthusiastic thumbs up. So next time you come to Ohio (which you will), I will make sure that you have your very own jar of nutmeg to make up for the sub-standard Ohio Panaeras. And Becky put on her best dress for that wedding! She told me that she was hoping to meet a new beau, because E-Harmony and Match.com were just not producing the results she had hoped for. And, Time Warner Cable calls their blazin hella fast internet- Road Runner. Just a little FYI for the Michiganer.
  21. I just want to go and ride the teacups.
  22. Happy birthday, Edward. :)
  23. I already told Linda it was ok to use my stuff if she wanted it... As long as someone else doesn't take credit for my photos, I'm cool.
  24. I would consider a tattoo...sharpies aren't as waterproof as people make them out to be
  25. Last time I heard from him he only had the book that I had just sent him because I still have Patricks. I have Patrick, Ransom, and pyrateleather.
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