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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. Yeah I think I forgot to sign mine....they're the lighthouse ones.
  2. I offered to get Jessi ear muffs if she would come back....
  3. http://www.examiner.com/x-14202-Columbus-Family-Travel-Examiner~y2010m5d10-Pirate-Weekend-takes-over-the-Santa-Maria-in-downtown-Columbus-May-1516
  4. ....bring the otter. And tell Connie we'll miss her.
  5. I will be there at like....5:03....unless my boss decides to be nice and let me have the afternoon off.... And after the rumors I heard this afternoon....I will probably be there at 5:03.
  6. ...brownie bites!?!?!?!?
  7. ....You mean I will actually get to shoot my gun and not my Nikon!??!!? What am I going to do with myself....holy cows. Michael actually emailed this morning and told me this....and I squealed. Out loud. At work. The girls didn't get it when I tried to explain. "...You call him Papa Ratzi? Why?" Duh.
  8. Oh noes....Pew did you mail them to our old address? We got the fowarding....but it takes some time....
  9. I was bein all refined and lady-like....
  10. So we all I know I don't have kids....I have cats and that is just fine with me. :) Most re-enactor kids I have met are awesome (Alex Thatcher is the exception....he's a handful...oh wait. He's a teenager.) As far as babies...I've met Hamish and David. Spent alot of time with Hamish...helped Salty....traumatized the kid as much as humanly possibly....and he's been great. Even in the car he was great. I imagine though that it depends on the kid...and how they're brought into it? I'm not really the best person to reply, I know, but since I've been around Hamish alot, thought I would throw my $.02 in for what its worth.
  11. There are outlets....Ian showed me, I think...Mark will know better.
  12. Maybe we are honoring LOST...being the last season in all. There's a double meaning in it...
  13. I'm. So. Tired. But I will get the pics up later. Maybe after I knit some. Cause Jessi taught me how to purl this weekend. I love my wife.
  14. Where did I put my empty Wobble Bottle.............. :)
  15. Or being stuck in Canada and not allowed to come home to your wife....either way. Right. That was winter. And it was 116 buttons, but we've replaced a few...who's counting?
  16. I'm ready to purl. I believe our friend Thomas is still coming along as well.
  17. And honestly....it was just waiting on my boss to approve the time or not.
  18. Could you pass along that Kelly with a K looks absolutely lovely? :)
  19. Miss Kate will definitely be downtown on Friday (as of now, I have to work Friday...when it comes closer to the time if no one else has asked off, I may ask to have the day off) and can be to the ship by 5:05 pm if anyone needs to meet me there for whatever reason. No sense in me driving the half hour home, just to turn around and come right back. Darling Mathe....Matha....MAdDogge....if you're well behaved, there may be cake. Rum cake. I don't think that I could torture another bakery to write your name in icing on a cake...
  20. Nothing here. :)
  21. Snowmageddon part two is headed our way....and apparently PEW's way too...
  22. We were given a lovely hard copy of the article when we saw The Dread Surgeon on Sunday. Wishing I would have had him autograph it.
  23. 9" of heavy, wet snow. And right now it is snowing again. Going to make pancakes....
  24. Happy Birthday, Sterling....I hope that you have a wonderful birthday!
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