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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. I have one, Miss Cheeky, but thank you for the offer. A lovely lapis and silver one.
  2. ETA: Don't know what we're doing yet apparently....but we might be there. :)
  3. It's taken me a while to get this posted up here...but at RF4, we got some 'ladys things'. Michael bought me a small hand mirror and a cobalt blue inkwell and a prayer book. I also got my writing set as well. I collect 'stuff', not necessarily to carry it all around, but for the set up of it, if that makes sense. Really....I don't carry all that much on my person when I am at an event, so I think we are doing well with the stuff gathering. If any one has any other ideas, please let me know! :)
  4. A little off topic....but has anyone uploaded any videos from RF4? I saw alot of video cameras...(and even someone taping all us nut jobs doing the Time Warp) and my aunt is really interested in seeing them!
  5. Thanks for the compliments, guys! I worked on that last night....the photo is us at Viking Fest last year and the rest is a candid shot of part of your amp from RF4. Hope no one minds. I think the name suits....I just need to see if I can change my posting name here somehow.
  6. Oh dear Maddogge- I wouldn't have needed consoling had you asked me to dance. Well...I might have needed a foot rub... Michael helped me pick my piratey persona name *points to the signature*. Ilanah is just my bellydance persona. Or....was. I don't dance much anymore.
  7. Is it a shiny quarter?
  8. Thanks for dolling me up, Cheeky. It was fun! I loved spending time with you and the twins! The bunny....hysterical. I showed the photos to my best friend and she kinda looked, then looked again, then said to me: "Is that a bunny....and what's it doing there?!"
  9. Thank you, Sterling. That website was -incredibly- helpful and had some beautiful things on it. I am not by any means trying to gather everything at once in one fell swoop, but I wanted to obtain a visual of some of the items to keep my eyes open for. I had tried surfing the net to find these things, but never found anything of relative importance. Either way, I have been perusing that website for the better part of an hour (working around trying on my new stays that Michael just completed half hour ago...pictures soon to come I imagine). Thanks!
  10. I suppose that, in needing to know the answer to a rather difficult question, I should have perhaps posed it myself instead of sending Michael in to do my dirty work. Though my other half (note that I did not say 'better' ) wrote what I asked, that was not necessarily what was in my little brain. Having previously done viking re-enactment, we had all of the little details and accessories down to a 't', as it were. Combs, toiletries, utensils, crafting, etc. I did read through everything that Sterling posted (which...you nearly need an entirely separate language to interpret), I am still at a bit of a loss in regards to the general 'stuff' that a lady might have. I like accessories...more than the garb in most regards because I feel that the accessories are what actually makes it. Does that make any sort of sense? Like I wonder if a silver handled mirror would be appropriate? Or a silver comb with ivory teeth? Small crystal jars with powders and scented waters? I am gathering an understanding in regards to the period writing utensils, thanks to the Whydah exhibit and Michael's insistence on dragging us down there twice. The second time around, I noticed the brass dip pen, lead inkwell, and brass seals. And thankfully, I have a certain pirate making me a portable lapdesk that will keep everything contained nicely once I gather the needed supplies. Though I will keep looking and reading, if anyone has some artful direction that they can provide, that would be fantastic. Anything helps and everything is definately considered. Was I clearer, Michael?
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