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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. Yep....he painted my toenails... ...pink.
  2. No...it was just me sitting there....it was purty. :)
  3. LOL! Could you do me a flavor and send the photo that you or Rats took....it's just me, sitting on a dune, kind of looking away? It's a good photo and I want to use it for something this evening.
  4. Me too, doll. :) We really can take your gun box to Key West if you need us to. I promise I won't let Michael lick any of them. Cause you know...if you lick it, it's yours.
  5. wot are ya tryin to say??? first i drynk out of yer mug...now everything tastes like gunpowder.... now yer blanket smells like me (Mr.Beach).....i dont even remember using yer blanket remmber: smile....and the whole world smiles with you..... .....tho i dont think that was the smile they meant.... I meant literal beach....cause we used it when we were out on the beach to put the camera bag and stuff on. Did you get my emails? I heard you were having some email issues.
  6. So when I took the photo..... I really didn't expect it to be used as fodder for Rats to cheer me up today. But it really worked. I really do love MD....lots. Like family.
  7. My blanket still smells like Beach..... And now there is sand all over my sofa.
  8. Yeah they are just more comfortable....that's what I was thinking, but couldn't get it out in words!
  9. *Sigh* Keel hauling is my favorite..... Period petticotes are a snap to make. The pleating is obnoxious, but they turn out ome much nicer than elastic or if there is a drawstring....at least in my opinion. I do have plenty of just skirts that have a drawstring, and I prefer my period ones over them. :)
  10. Yes and when I was being threatened on the beach....I came dangerously close to those missing buttons.....
  11. Welcome to my ENTIRE WEEKEND! ...I miss it.
  12. OMG!!!! MY EYE!!!!! Sorry, Cap'n....the one good eye ye had left.... I didn't realise I had taken it till we downloaded the photos hours later, in my own defense...lol.
  13. YOU PUT IT UP!!!!!!! OMG! lol
  14. Well, you see.... He took the shovel and started to dig the hole.... And I missed the shot where he flung the sand over his shoulder, missed, and hit himself....
  15. Actually started writing today.... And of course....The Misadventures of MAdDogge and Rats, I mean....Rats and MAdDogge....
  16. Considering what my character started out being....yeah....bad secratary....
  17. Crap....and we forgot to stop at the store....my fault. I was supposed to remind you.
  18. Lilly....Michael ordered your buckle today. should be here in a couple of days!
  19. I really did ok on the way there, till we dropped off Rats and at that point we were looking at photos and the map and I just started feeling lousy and I missed an exit....and I feel bad! But we didn't go far off of track. I liked navigating....we had two GPS units going at the same time!
  20. But MAdDogge....you did have some help with the driving part....and wow, what a navigator you had Sorry about that by the way....I started getting nauseous after we dropped off Rats.... How about those pictures?
  21. Ah...the honeymoon suite...
  22. I forgot to add.... We (and when I say we, I mean Rats), went to the owner of the little motel we stayed at to ask for a shovel....and then his wife came out to take photos of the guys getting the weapons out of the trailer.... Then the next morning our photos were already on her counter at the check in desk...
  23. Michael is getting really geeked up about making a tankard...he's been wanting to do it for a while. He's working for my dad a bit tommorrow and Thusday, but I will make sure he gets to it!
  24. EEEEEEEEEEEEE! MD- check your email, dude.... Aren't they great? And yes....people on their patios watched. The boardwalk kinda went up to the dunes and we did this between the houses and the dunes, before we went to the beach and played there. Rats even schmoozed someone into letting us borrow their driveway so we could unload all the weapons....
  25. Rats- I downloaded the rest of the photos from Clint's camera and the stuff from the fort was brilliant. I asked him to zip the files and email them to me tonight because I have some ideas for em... :)
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