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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. "Searle's Buccaneers". They're based out of St. Augustine and run a 1668 Buccaneer event every year (I beleive it is in March)... I'v been wanting to go to their event for the past two years but have yet to make it happen... I'd love to say maybe this coming March, but the time of year they have their event always seems to be challenging for me. P.S. This is Michael posting on wife's computer and hence her logon. P.P.S. Their web site Searle's Buccaneers
  2. Got a package notice today on my apartment door....went down to the office to get it and my apartment manager, Jack (no joke), went to look for it and came back with a big box.... "Yeah....I got a package for a Mikey and Kate Souris....for your address...." Brief Pause. "I thought your name was Jessica?" So then I had to explain. And he thought it was hilarious. And now I am wrapped in a rather large white wool blankie. Thanks, Poodle. :)
  3. I'm trying to pack....and it's going relatively smoothly, considering. My bag is together, Mickey's is not. His stuff is still in piles all over the bed! I am trying really hard to not forget anything!
  4. Everything of ours is piled up and when I get back from having the car checked out this afternoon, I was planning on packing it all up. I am not looking forward to 21 hours of carsickness. Thank goodness for dramamine.
  5. That.....Sucks. I feel your pain. Though I checked the forcast for here...and it's supposed to snow while we are out in the Sunny 75 in Key West....
  6. I'm feeling your pain, Sterling. I am carsick already and we aren't leaving for three days! Tell ya what....I will be excited when we get there. But I am not looking forward to the drive....
  7. I now have Pew's sketchbook and Mathusalem's sketchbook.... Wicked stuff going on in these books, kids. Michael and I are heading out to PiP in a couple days, so I will work on them when I get back. :)
  8. I like to call my photographer M.A.D.d.......and Ra....or....Rats.....and M.A.D.d.....
  9. Oooh....can't wait. Love tea. :)
  10. EH....it's a bunch of pirates....can't expect TOO much.
  11. Mine and Mickey's said that we weren't compatable.... I have three years of solid relationship that says otherwise, however.
  12. The girls need to come too....they are way to fun to get pretty with!
  13. Oh Jack! We wuv you too!
  14. I really am more interested in the accessories. "A ladies things", per say. I like all the stuff that goes with it. All the trinkets that sit on ones vanity, etc. But man....the dresses could rock!
  15. Changing of the guard....the guns still be safe.
  16. Thank you, Harry. Most of us can't even stand in a straight line....so we should be ok.
  17. Clothes and accessories!
  18. Mickey and I got our packets too! Just opened them and started reading, actually.
  19. Yeah Cass....I will check with Michael about the 29th.
  20. I'm prepping as we speak for 21 hours of car sickness..... WHOO!
  21. Just wanted to take this opportunity to let MADdogge know that his guns are safe with us.... They're being well guarded.
  22. I vote for duct taping it. It's silver already.... I looked at the Smoke and Fire buckles when dear Mickey and I were up there last weekend and they are lovely. I just fancy a plainer pair for meself.
  23. Yeah I am mailing it tomorrow, Clay. Apologies for taking 6 years, but life snuck up on me. I know at one point, I had two books because Cass got done early and we live so close that she just passed it off...then I finished and mailed both at the same time....so that's probably what started it. Well that and the pub being down for however long it was down. That kinda smucked things up a little too I imagine.
  24. I still have withoutaname's book. I emailed pyrateleather to let him know I would send it out this coming weekend.
  25. Voted absentee about 3 weeks ago. Am sitting here watching CNN and anxiously awaiting the results. :)
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