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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. Eh....I used to get caught on stuff all the time. As a general rule when doing a show, I didn't get that close to people. That being said....I have been in crowds and gotten caught on stuff and people. I did a show at Stagecoach (a crowded bar/restaurant) and embarrasingly enough, I got stuck on a viking. It happens. Hey, at least he got the coins and beads attached as a souvenier. :) Dun worry about it. Some dancers are stuck up and just all grr-ish like that...maybe she was just having a crummy day...maybe she was a belly bunny and was upset about her costume possibly being marred (cause you know...perfection)...me? I woulda grinned and told you that if ye wanted my belt that bad, you shoulda asked.
  2. Yes that is how we always did it on the stamping websites when we did ATC swaps...but no metered strips because they are dated and can only be sent from the zip code they are purchased in. Make sense?
  3. That would make it more appealling for people to 'cat wrangle' on different rounds. I will post up some links for ATC sites when I get home with templates for cutting patterns and such too.
  4. Border Wars Album I didn't tag, turn, or edit in any way. Enjoy :)
  5. ....was that a cannon carriage that was being built at the end of the video there? Oh. Luna looks good too.
  6. I will certainly post the moment I have the books to let ya know who they belong to. :)
  7. I will still be picking up the two books that Cass has on Saturday, as we already made those arrangements. I have no idea who they belong to because I forgot to ask her when we talked.
  8. You are so attractive you just have to be married. :)

  9. Ok kids....I talked to Cass Seahawk on the phone this evening. Thanks Callenish for giving me her name and address to look her up in a local phone book!!! She's mostly ok. The health problems on top of her computer not working and her car having a conniption have kept her off of the pub for a while. She has two books (stupid Kate forgot to ask who they belong to), and I am going to pick those two up at her house next Saturday. I'll post who they belong to when I get them. Callenish....she said she was good to go if you want to send the next one to her. Since we have phone communication established, hopefully this won't happen again. I wish I would have thought of it sooner! Duh, Kate! Ok, that's all for now!!!
  10. ooh thats a good idea toooooooo!
  11. I would too....but like I said...I lost her phone number when I transferred my old phone to my new one and didn't save the PM she sent me with it on the pub. Want to PM me with her address and I will try and look her up in the local phone book and see if I can track her down? I just don't know her real name or anything...so I have no way of looking other than that. Or you can email...that might be easier. kate@re-enactmentevents.com
  12. I did PM Pew and emailed Callenish about that, Ransom...haven't heard either way. :)
  13. I did PM her a couple times. Checked her profile and she hasn't logged on since March 9th....
  14. Has anyone heard from Cass then???
  15. Oh....and our friends Trish and Shannan (pirates not on the pub) are going to make a hand tooled leather frame with a mirror in it....pirate-esque of some sort. They might be donating a swept hilt rapier too, but we haven't worked out the details yet.
  16. Which translates to "Kate is going to be the trading card wrangler for this round." Fine, fine....who is in? BTW- I apologize for forgetting to put our names on the back of ours. And for making them all the same. All the ATC swaps that I have ever been in have been everyone making 10 of the exact same cards so everyone got one of everything.
  17. Katie is making a hand sewn linen shirt (or shift/chemise should a lady be the bidder and desire it)...made to the measurements of the highest bidder. Yes, she is. Oh wait....Katie is me. I am making a hand sewn linen shirt (or shift/chemise should a lady be the bidder and desire it) made to the measurements of the highest bidder. Yes, I am.
  18. Wobble Juice. PS...I'm sick to death of winter too.
  19. Well...you got a little schmutz on the right pant leg (when looking at them as above)....that's a start....
  20. Happy birthday Phlegm-y....sorry I can't be there and bring cupcakes...next time I see you though! PROMISE!
  21. I completely forgot to put our names on the back of ours.... The ones we did were the ones with the gold embossed skull and crossbones on vellum. And yes, the treasure map stamp is a wheeeeeeeel. :)
  22. ok...let me see if'n i gots this straight..... as long as someone helps keep water around.....they can shower with yur wife??!?!!.... allright then...i'll bring me bucket!!!... Only if you bring the loofa too. If it helps though, I have actually used one of those solar showers (heat stroke at Pennsic....Maherta shoved me into the shower stall to try and help....) and it was actually very nice and the bag only laid out for an hour or so. couldn't wash my hair or anything because of no pressure, but it would work for getting rid of grime and ick....
  23. ....caught on my BlackBerry, hence the quality.
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