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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. Hey! I have that same laptop....got a good deal on it too!
  2. I shoulda mentioned that....I use the half moon reeding too. And I am really tough on my stays. They take beatings...
  3. Lady Brower- I've busted up most of the tabs on my striped stays. I think I only have a few that I haven't broken the reeding in (mainly cause I fuss with it and pick at the tabs when I shouldn't be.)....just so you know it does happen.
  4. So we went to Shadowbox Cabaret last night and there is a Hot Topic in the mall where the cabaret is....so I made Mickey go in with me. We found this really neat vest that would have been PERFECT for $50.... Then we walked across the hall to Forever XXI and found an even more perfect vest for $18. So I'm getting there....slowly.
  5. Um. I'm packed. I have it mapquested. When are we going?
  6. Uh duh....I'm going to go start packing now....
  7. I'm too lazy too search for it....where are we sending them again?
  8. I totally know who it is! *dances around* Hmmm....gotta go sew sleeves. *behaves*
  9. I haven't gotten one for February yet...I know Cass has been sick and such though...so I will send something on when I get it!
  10. Miss you tons, hope things are going well!

  11. *scrambles to start getting her steam punky garb together.*
  12. I tell you, I like silk. Love it. I don't know a whole lot about it aside from the fact that it is a dream to work with. But from what little I have read....silk brocade is pretty popular (Silk jaquard is apparently the poor mans version of brocade, and later period....easier to produce, from what I understand)....I have read that changeable silk was also used. I used changeable silk for my red stays. That is about the extent of it from me....but if I run across anything else, I would be more than happy to share.
  13. Mal: "And Kaylee, what the hell's goin' on in the engine room? Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"
  14. There's a crappy town where you're a hero? Ratsville.... Let's see....what was my favorite...???? "Oh god oh god we're all going to die! Who's flying this thing? Oh right, that would be me...." "I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you." *snort*
  15. I just need time....After this english coat thing is done....I am all over my steampunk stuff.... I am torn between pants or a skirt though.
  16. Can you video that? Cause I would love to see it. Both of your outfits look awesome. I have mine planned in my head....I just haven't gotten a chance to do it yet. Soon. Very soon.
  17. I'll be with the hawt chick with the axe....hiding behind her likely.
  18. How mysterious. So...you have a busk in your other stays? Do you just have a pocket sewn in on the lining or is it done another way? I apologize for asking as I have never had a busk in any of my stuff and they are curious to me. And you know....I didn't peek in your stays at RF 5. LOL. Ahem.
  19. Those look fantastic....I really like how you made the boning follow the lines of the seams...it looks really nice and I bet it is nice and supportive. What are you using as edgebinding? I usually just make my own out of the leftovers from the stays, so I was curious.
  20. Wow....that's a little scary, isn't it?
  21. Hey Lily....how are those eyelets coming? Dying to see how its shaping up.... And it's all your fault....I am going to make another set of less fancy stays out of linen....same pattern as my red silk ones (the custom pattern). I am also considering some front lacing stays like the pink V&A ones. Will post photos when I get started.
  22. Well. We were at an event in which I was tackled in the grass and rolled around a bit. Aside from that, at previous events, folks were touching the new stays and such because my husband hand sewed them and they were all lovely and such. So yeah....they got dirty. Nothing a little Kiss Off and an old toothbrush couldn't handle. Oh....and a washcloth on the lining cause two days in North Carolina in August....whoo...LOL!
  23. Awww Robbie....you have a gene puddle instead of a gene pool.....how sweet you are so close to your dear cousin Johnny.
  24. Oh good, Chrispy makes ten. We can stay happily married.
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