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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Barbados Sam... Flattery gets ya everywhere! So... luv.. here be a treat for ya... a wench drawn just for ye! Enjoy her.
  2. Sounds like a plan t' me, Callenish! Great minds think alike! I like th' idea of cookin' out at the fort an' on the special night headin' out t' eat when we feels like it. Oh, drinks.. aye..:: nods:: need those! Not too early t' start coordinatin'... like ya said. I'm willin' t' cook a feast one evneing or day. Just need t' know how many t' cook for really. And gas... drivin' down m'self as well. If anyone wishes t' carpool from th' midwest... let me know. I'm sure it can be aranged.
  3. :) I hear ya, RumbaRue. I've not had a horse in m'life.. but.. I dream of havin' horses someday. Mainly Friesians! I love that fabulous breed! Andalusians and Lippizaners, too, possibly. LOL.. Horses! Now, that's a wild twist! Pirate of the seas, Highywaywomen of the land! NO ONE can escape us!
  4. ahoy, all! Any more news, Bilgemonkey? Mr. Calin made mention he's working on choreographin' th' Saturday noon batte. I told him I was willin' an' able t' do some battlin'. Any word on a pirate camp site yet? Plus... the lot of ya out there... How's about puttin' the name of th' Fool's Gold on th' site as the cast of entertainers? I'm sure we can come up with some fun lil' improv skits. I've several ideas in mind m'self! Hop ont' the Fool's Gold chattery list... (ya knows where)... an' we can do some discussin' of terms an' plans. Sounds like a bargain?
  5. ::Saunters up to Mad Matt and places herself next to him, offering him one of her delictible brownies::: Milk.. if ya like. Or... perhaps wash them down with Irish Cream... or Kahluha an' milk... Which ever be your desire, luv. :: trails a finger over his lips:: An' yes... as Silkie stated... the milky, smooth skin be up for your delightful tastes as well. An' I don't be exaggeratin'. Milky an' smooth it indeed be! Which ever dessert ya so very well desire. Who am I do deny a poor man of th' sea his God given rights.
  6. Awww... very cute, Floria! I LOVE the winged tiger.. The griffen M & C is grand. :) My compliments. :) Furry doodles are so interesting. I alas, really cannot post the image of my furry she tiger on here... it's rather X rated.
  7. A hearty Congrats to ye, Mad Matt. Tis a mile stone indeed. And.. Aye.. bloody hell! That Kiss! I think Faith Hill summed it up right nice... "This kiss, this kiss!" Who's seducin' who, now? Ya devil!
  8. So it would seem... ::Le sigh:::
  9. Thank ye kindly for th' complements. Here be some others, not really piratical.. but some of what I've done in the past. I've LOTS.. but will venture to show only a few of my favs. Can ya guess who th' Gent be in this one? One I did of an old Cartoon series I adored as a youngin'. Anyone remember this animated series?: An... of course... a lil' Disney-like version of a role playin' character of mine. Not long b'fore I actually started t' wear this exact same uniform! Enjoy...
  10. Nothing professional or th' sort. I often doodle a lot. Most is not piratical doodles. Here be an example I suppose:
  11. Cap'n Todd. Tis a pleasure. Granted I formally met ya first upon the chattery board of th' Pub. T'was grand, Mate! Should chatter again! No drinks but to yerself? Awwww... tis bad luck here, Lad! Tis customary for th' new arrival t' wet th' lips of the vets here. Would ye be willin' t' give this Pirate Lady some rum? Ye be a right nice Gent. Ya does this Lady a favor of wettin' her lips... I'll be willin' t' share some of m' rum. Private stock an' the finest around! ::: Arm around Capt'n Todd's shoulder::: An'.... takin' over th' Pub... well, Lad... tis a lofty goal, to be sure. But, b'ware th' Vets here. A wild, wicked & wooly lot they be. :) But... for a pirate.. .nothin's outta reach. ::taps side of nose with a wink and a grin:: ::Pats back:: Welcome to th' Pub, mate. Enjoy th' fun. Plenty of it here!
  12. ::watches with grand amusement::: Mad Matt... ya look like a man who's enjoyin' th' surroundin's. An' do I hear, that ye be ... hungry? Well... luv, I've some delightful caramel, homemade. Finger dippin' an' finger lickin' good! Plus... m' famous brownies. Moist an' rich... with a light flaky crust on th' top... a layer o' fudge in tha middle. It's been known that th' gents like this treat more so, they beg for it! I've had a couple gents wantin' t' marry me just b'cause of these famous brownies o' mine. Rum to yer wet those lips? Or do ya wish for somethin' else t' wet those lips? Yer choice. Or... can whip somethin' up... just ask... I'll deliver. Anythin' yer heart an' gullet so desires, luv.
  13. Sleep? What th' bloody hell be that? I've no had a good nights sleep in a few days e'er since my lil' pirate kitty Boo got his balls clipped! Though th' procedure was t' calm them! Nor wire them more so! Christ almighty! ::Watches Phil:: Ahhh... now that be a lovely sight for this piratess' eyes. :::Those hazel emeralds locked upon him::: Damn ya, man! Temptin' this Lady! For shame! I'll be skippin' breakfast... I ne'er really take it. Perhaps a lil' rum in th' mornin'. Course... th' way th' gents be b'havin'... why eat t' fill th' belly. Temptin' morsels they be!
  14. Mad Jack, ye are a romantic devil! What a lucky Lady yer wife be! And Will... ya poor thing! I LOVE cabbage and get it whenever I can. I'm with Mad Jack there... ya should have some cabbage at least. Tell ya what... ye return t' PiP... I'll see about cookin' up a feast at least one night... an' I'll have cabbage there!
  15. Oy! Mad Jack! Now that sounds like an Irish feast! Any room for a Lady t' join a fine Gent such as yerself?
  16. Insane, isn't it? Oh, th' insanity!!
  17. Aye! I be with you, MerryD! Would be grand t' see th' lot of seafarrin' scoundrels convergin' upon Bristol.
  18. Aayyeee... Imagine that. Screwballs, screwed up, screwed.... Only way to stay sane in an insane world is to be insane! Works for me.
  19. I know where Pete's comin' from. JoAnn fabrics has a wonderful collection of metal buttons that can pass easily off as old style buttons from th' era. Even a vintage line that I just adore! But the price of them for 2 or 3 a card... Yikes! If you have the doubloons... I like the buttons that Joann has. Ditto with the trim. Always some lovely trim they have there to make your coat look like a King's ransom! BTW, Pete you have the Simplicity pattern... the one that has the Jack Sparrow-ish gent on the front?
  20. alas... nothin' too major for me. Havin' soup... Chicken Tortilla. Was gonna had it in a bread bowl.. but the bowl went sour. Though... at th' moment... I do so wish I were havin' a big fat steak!
  21. Hmmm... Right now... I'm a bit bored. Listening to music from "The Mysterious Cities of Gold"... drinking sweet ice tea... embroidering my 18th c pockets... watching my little Boo (cat)all sacked out on the floor... looking through some of my old discs looking at images and stories... waiting for a certain someone to pop online If anything else pops up... I'll let ya know. :)
  22. Oh really? Brilliant! I hope all goes well with the horse. Always a fun animal to deal with. Ya got images of him? I'm takin' classes at the Iowa Equestrian Center, hopin' to get into the horsey business. Other areas, huh? I wish ya luck, mate, in the new ventures yer planning. :)
  23. I've been called an' angel, a devil, a bitch, sweet, an' many other things... but never a cork screw! Interesting! I suppose that would go well enough with my wicked and twisted self.
  24. Bravo! Now... Ace is.. what? Dog? Horse? Cat? somethin' else?
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