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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. T' hell with th' rules, Mr Hand! They're more like guidelines anyway! I never really use th' rules. Perhaps just to make the movement of the ships fair... but other than that.. I generally improv the attacks, add a major awesome story to the game, etc... the kiddie's love it. :) Eager t' see the islands. Though... I've looked at the islands, someone made some custom over a year ago for playing at a game shop (that kinda died, everyone was too busy)... but there seems to still be a heavy amount of people who buy the cards. Who wouldn't!? The Gale Force 9 islands look right nice. Oh.. and if yer lookin' to obtain more vessels, Patrick... I've a slew at the moment of trading fodder that am willing to give to ya. Are ya lookin' for pirates only? Or any specific side? or a specific ship? Crew? etc?
  2. My sincere sympathies, Christine. Prayers to ye an' the family. Spooky as hell since the 2nd was the 5 year anniversary of my Grandpa's passing.
  3. Always wished that the constructable cards of pirate ships I have were real. Would be grand to have a few fine ships for so many pirates to enjoy! My ideal scene and setting for a pirate camp is not really a land camp but to "camp" on a ship! Live like a real seaman of the age on ship rather than on land. But.. :: le sigh:: not enough ships for that let alone room. Tis a pity. Perhaps that wish of mine will come true. Could always use more Tall Ships! But... the closest I can have to a period campsite is pretty much what I use at the Rev War re-enactments. And that is a far cry! Though... if it doesn't rain overnight... hell.. I just may sleep out under the stars! I've done that a couple times at re-enactments... I like that better... when it's not raining. Tents are great for storage. My idea of a pirate camp would be the look of obtained items one liked when plundering the town! Hehehe... I was hoping for that type of look at Port Washington. We shall see.
  4. Amen t' that, Patrick! Camping is far cheaper than a hotel and often more fun as well as I get a far better sleep camping than I do in a hotel. Bathing, showers, etc can be easily worked around. It all comes down to the amount of $$$ one has and is willing or able to spend. I'd prefer to use the amount that could be on a hotel or rented home on obtaining piratical items and more items to have with me at PiP!
  5. Good one on Drake. Now.. those poor lil' mini Drakes wouldn't be if my lil' pirate kitty was there. Not even their lil' pocket knife could save them! Muahahahahahah! That is a VERY good one though, Patrick! My compliments to your find!
  6. Had a most interesting dream last night. Again. I'll describe as best as possible as it's all rather hard to remember. I guess as far as I can remember to the earliest stages (again that I can remember)... I was in it.. something was happening, kinda like terrorist type or James Bond-ish type bad guy terror... I was in a strange area I have never been in yet it's a civilian/residential area... I remember being shot at... somehow there was my mother or someone familiar... can't remember.. shot... I got them out as somehow hunted down... I got her out.. escaped... the terrorists were searching.. next thing I knew, it was a warehouse, their HQ or something like that... I was hiding or trying to stay out of their sight but stay there.... I was searching for my cat now I guess.. maybe not, who knows... but it twisted a little more as it all went on... I eventually was caught I guess or not seen as a threat to the point I was able to carefully move about but yet still secretly... in mild avoidance of someone or a couple people I was going up and down rows or aisles... warehouse aisles I guess or I don't know how to describe them... but next thing I knew... I was ok in the eyes of the head guy... which oddly enough was a Pirate captain! Wicked looking and rather handsome... kinda a mixture of Blackbeard and Roberts. James Bond-ish type surroundings with the bad guy look but piratical... there were several women there with this pirate captain mob boss whatever he was... I guess I was going to try my best to cozy up to him for some reason I don't kow... I guess to learn some secrets perhaps or to save my neck.. maybe become his most trusted and 2nd in command... It's all rather foggy... but the image of the "pirate captain" bad guy I can't get out of my head. Nor do I want to!
  7. One the size of a room? With all the cards I have now... ouch! But I can't really complain other than I haven't the ones I need yet. I've still a good amount of ships, crew, treasure, events that I don't have yet that I want and need. Plus, would like to get ahold of the islands from Gale Force 9. anyone wanting to trade, let me know... I could send you the list I have of cards up for trade and what I want.
  8. A Free Mason, eh? An' interesting twist from kilts. But ::bows:: a pleasure to meet another Brother of the Masonry. No... I'm not one personally... I just now quite a few of them. RumbeRue... damn you! Ya lucky lass! ::le sigh:: I can only dream of do that!
  9. Yup... we gots it! ::: Hands Bonnie the bottle of Irish Cream; sittin' on the plushy raton in the chemise::: Mudslide sounds good, too. Hell... we should just have a galore load of drinks! Daqauris, shots, etc... ::looks at DVD::: Ok, I KNOW at least one of ya wants to watch Jack Sparrow.. I've PotC... :::Looks through stuff::: course.. there is the Patriot...ya have to admit a few scenes of Jason Isaacs is rather narfy! ::Looks through more:: God! Where the hell are all the funky movies? ::le sigh:: girls.. I think we need to make our own kinky piratical films.
  10. Bo... Ya make me droolin' and eager for some period fun! The closest event to 18th c that I will possibly be at will be Shelbyville, IL the 2nd weekend of June. Do need to try sometimes to meet up... if the Fates allow in some point into the future.
  11. Aye, that would be a heck of a sight to see... Patrick laying about surrounded by bottles! Not had the joy of Piracy Portrayal to the finest and purest ... yet. But doing the Rev War... let's see... as a Lady... some sewing (breeches, shirt, stays, embroidery..), cooking, upkeep with the camp, fetching wood and water... As a Dragoon... firing on the battlefields (only!), marching and drill demos, cleaning the weapons assisting new recruits, demo of what somethings are for by explaination (physical on and with a horse is a long, slow road at the moment as the latest vote turned down the use of horses for the Dragoon units, which is rather disturbing for those of us who want to bring horses in. again, defeated)... writing with period items both as a Lady and as a Dragoon, I'm the "Scribe" of Lee's Legion. Not much else really... though, Still hope to get some help and training on being a cannoneer from one of the Artillery units. Most of my demos are Rev War related. But not incredibly rich since the Dragoon part is what I want to do most of all.. it's rather difficult to do those demos without a horse though.
  12. Wicked, Mr Hand... most wicked of ya. I have brushed luck a few times finding some grand items at Thrift Stores/ 2nd hand stores. A lantern, candle sticks, Virginia quills pen pair (unfortunately passed it up), pewter goblets (passed them up, too), plates, silverware, etc. The clothes be the hardest part ... which be fair enough. But... I still enjoy going to these places to find period or period like items. I haven't ventured into making anything yet.
  13. I was elated t' see a sneak peek at the upcoming new Pirates card game faction. Sneak peek all, sneak peek! Oddly enough.. it's the Flying Dutchman. Flying Dutchman sneak peek
  14. Rumba... there have been MANY times I wanted to check for a Blue Ribbon. I possibly had a chance a couple years ago and didn't know it when during a re-enactment during a battle, I was a "molly" on the field, craddling and caring for a wounded young "lad"... they young "lad" was about to be bayoneted but I threw my body over the poor wounded soul and cried mercy to spare the "lad"... it worked but I was taken off with to the bushes to be "dealt" with... THAT was a riot and a half! As we tried not to laugh and tried to quietly talk during his slaps and punches into his fist and my cried and yells and whimpers... while the cars were passing by on the highway people driving by gawking at us all weird like wondering what the hell was going on... Oh, what a riot... I walked away from behind the bushed trying not to smile or laugh, I roughed up my hair etc... But one of the ladies at the event asked me if I got his blue ribbon as a soveiner. My mouth dropped and I was beside myslf bummed cause I didn't know they actually had them on! I KNOW that these guys int he 42nd Highlander Grenadier Regt go regimental! :) oh, I am still a wee bummed that I didn't take his blue ribbon as a sovenier... ::le sigh:: Jill... I know your feeling, m'dear! & OH, what a grand time it is to be around gents in kilts! Though, no steady beau yet... and I dare pray that he at least have a kilt and brave enough to wear one. and Arthur... I KNOW YOU WOULD! I really cannot agrue against a gent in a kilt who is regimental! :::Le sigh::: ahhh... a weak spot with me... men in kilts.
  15. I'm being rather serious here... Stacy talking here rather than the wicked Lady Barbossa... I'd say what has happened had some nasty effects upon the both of you. True enough, the both of you hurt, etc... but if you both dwell upon what happened it will only make you both incredibly bitter... not just at each other but towards everyone around you. Forgive each other and yourself, tis the only way to drop it. As long as you hang onto the issue ... it will destroy you. I've seen too many people hurt and destroyed that way. I've had the same thing happen before to myself. ::: hugs ::: And, as bold as I am, unfortunately, it's become noticable on the Pub here. Take care, m'dears. Wouldn't want the both of ya thrown out nor vicious to the point of starved and abused dogs. I don't mean you both have to be friends once more, but at least tolerate to the point that neither one of ya will be effected by the hurt. It is possible.
  16. Still not feeling all that well... not sure what is going on. Unofficially pulling from classes this semester, no May trip... ::whimpers:: So praying that things look up for me. Being constantly ill makes it hard to be out and about and to do things... hopefully will be able to do events this summer. Let alone get back to my studies for my future career. Still hoping I can attend PiP.
  17. Oh, Rummy... tis a different meaning to "Irish Cream", eh? ::: Attempts to appear innocent:::
  18. Hot fudge? ... Rum?... Irish cream?
  19. Blue Mermaid... ask MerryD for the image of my cherry. I'm willing to donate that. :) Easy there, Arthur...
  20. Oh, really? ::Intregued:: Alas.. no. Haven't ventured into Missouri Territory in quite some time. Rev War, says you? Welp... if God be willing, I'll make it to Shelbyville, IL for a re-enactment there. I'm with the NorthWest Territory Alliance. Are you as well? If not... more than welcome to join the lot of us either at Shelbyville the 2nd weekend of June... or Vincennes on Memorial Weekend. And drinks... aye, plenty of drinks that be had there as well as fun. But, Aye... will have t' rendezvous t' have some piratical drinking taste testing. :)
  21. Mmm... aye, Bess. I've not had much of an eye for boys, guys, or even men for a matter of fact. However, a Gentleman or a Gentleman Scoundrel... they always attract my attention. Though, unfortunately so few... and so much the fewer round my vicinity. But I agree with Christine. Boyfriend seems so High School. I usually refer to male friends of Gents, friends or Gentlemen friend of mine. More than likely I keep secrets from m' family... tellin' them about gents I know and they think he's going to be my Husband and awaitin' for those wedding bells!! :: cringes and screams:: they are tabboo I tell ya! Not a word to them at all.
  22. Hear ya there, Red Bess. Not had much luck with excersize really. Always wears me out afterwards. I know I need to get more excersize other than riding horses on a daily basis for an hour, etc. Motivation? I admit... I haven't that at all. I'd rather be plain active than to excersize like a mad dog or like my sister on a daily basis. I just can't do 3 hours of workout. Let alone half an hour. Again, wears me out incredibly. But... I still keep the idea eventually will do something to kick m'self in the bum and get movin' to lose the weight and be the shapely Lady I really want to be.
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