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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. My goodness! My compliments Cptn Sterling! :::applauds::: I don't even know where to begin! Fine children and brides, eh? Quite the market there. ~Lady B
  2. Aye... and the reason he lost that hand of his and got a hook is b'cause he attempted to steal my shares of gold and drank my rum! Still a fine outfit, Pete. BTW... noticed that now they made a Bacardi in your flavor. ~Lady B
  3. aye... July 7th is what's planned. Still working on the details but that's the plan. ~Lady B
  4. Aye... July 7th is when this Invasion is being planned here. There will be many others all around in various states. I haven't a clue what Toby will be doing in the Chicago area. But July 7th is the plan, working on the details. I need to get a poster up in various places at the moment.. but I need to know the details first before I can make a poster. ~Lady B
  5. I will NEVER forget that hook of yours, Pete. Poor young lad. But it was hilarious. Aye... already I have a couple people looking forward to next year and they possibly may want to join our crew. These are adults! Crew be growing, MerryD! And a grand idea, Pete.. unless MerryD still wants to do Initiations infront of the crew physically. :) I like that idea. Get our shares from the Captain. We've some awesome pictures floating around. ~Lady B
  6. :::Is stunned::: You all really would do that? Truly? By all means! I'll do what I can with MerryD to make the event a grand one then. Huzzah! ~Lady B
  7. I'll see if I can post a couple images under the Gallery. I don't have time to upload a lot of them... I haven't a lot of them. But I will put up a couple. My nephew took all the photos. I think there is a great photographer in our family. I'll post some images soon enough. I honestly thought I was NOT going to win, Bess. I know I wasn't entirely piratey in personality... But.. I did my best to be a piratey as my personality allows. Hehehe... granted I knew 2 of the judges on the pannel. ~Lady B
  8. I do hope people will still read this thread, GR. Port Washington was a blast and a huge success! At least I thought so. For being it's 2nd year... it was fantastic! So many came to it. The Windy 2 was exciting to watch (still hoping for more ships in the future). My compliments to Bilgemonkey for the Bash on Friday night.. despite the storm that started to roll in. Huzzah to ya, Bilgemonkey. Hope ya do another one next year! And... yes, I won first place for Best Female Pirate outfit at the Bash. But that wasn't as exciting as when Pete returned from his excursion on the Windy 2. LOL... I can safely state he had a MAJOR Pirate-gasm! The weather was perfect the whole weekend. The kids signing articles to be Powder Monkeys and Rigging Rats... wow! That was incredible! I'm with MerryD on this one. I really do believe we had at least 2,000 kids sign those Articles that Pete made. Kudos to ye again, Pete! My sincere compliments to the crew of the Fool's Gold. Everyone just made me proud there. We truly entertained the crowd they loved us. I could tell. We had a great time in return everyone else had a great time. Those from the NWTA who showed up really had a great time and look forward to returning next year. They had good words for our crew. To the coordinators and everyone who put the event together... wow... I can't say enough. It was great to see everyone and to meet a couple new faces. And to try some various forms of grog throughout the weekend. LOL, tis amazing I wasn't drunk! Pete LOVED his hook he bought from Lee. Toby making an appearance as Jack Sparrow. I can eventually talk about the stories at the event. But I will save that for another day. For now... I need to rest some more. The weekend was THAT fun... I'm having severe Event Hangover! I'll tell more stories later. And I'm sure now we've done this we'll have more ideas for the future. ~Lady B
  9. I be havin' a hard time with the treasure hunt though. Eager t' meet ol' Davy Jones (Aye.. I be a strange one).. and alas, tells me I be a liar and I haven't gathered at th' items yet! Bloody bugger! Anyone have any.. helpful hints? What I be missing? Can ye name off what all I need? Love the amulet, btw. ::wicked grinz:: ~Lady B
  10. Kidnapping the Captain! Now that's funny! Aww... oh, now that just won't do! The Corp just turned ya down? But they'll be willing to attend a bar? Sad.. truly sad. If they only knew that we pirates be here and supporters of their fine drink.... ::Shakes head:: Perhaps we need a more... direct approach. ~Lady B
  11. Awww... well that's just wrong! ::ponders:: now how in the devil are we pirates suppose to be roving about so swiftly with so much going on? ::le sigh:: Bloody hell! I wanted t' meet ol' Morgan! Could care less about the Morganettes... I be a Lady, after all. I fancy th' gents. Too much be happenin' Friday night. ::ponders:: What t' do.. what t' do. We need t' commandeer th' Captain and have him and his lasses swing by. Cause THAT'S where th' party be!
  12. Currently I am in the middle of finishing up a couple outfits. Wish they were mine, but.. I haven't the time since I was severely ill last week. That cut deeply into my plans to make a couple new waistcoats for Port Washington. Oh, well. Will have to make sure the new outfits will be available for next year. ::Glancing all about and around self:: LOL... oh, what chaos. Looking forward to seeing everyone. OH! did you all read the latest message from Dean Calin? About Captain Morgan and the Morganettes? I'm still hoping that Toby is able to go. Tease th' poor lasses out there with Jack Sparrow. Now... who else?... :::Ponders::: ~Lady B
  13. Hmmm... some interesting stuff. Though... I have yet to do a Regression (Takes $$$ to do one and one hour will NOT work with me, not with the answers I need. yes, I have some indepth questions about an actual Past Life). This was a wee bit fun... sort of. Here is what it had to say about me: Your past life diagnosis: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Ireland around the year 950. Your profession was that of a banker, usurer, moneylender or judge. ((The judge I could perhaps see. Man? ::Cringes::: I find it more fun to be a woman! ))) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your brief psychological profile in your past life: Bohemian personality, mysterious, highly gifted, capable to understand ancient books. With a magician's abilities, you could have been a servant of dark forces. ((( OOoooooo.... now this part be interesting. I like. MerryD! I think I will use this as part of the past to Lady B. Course, I started to use this in the first place before this. Perhaps... I do have a tie to Davy Jones? Perhaps... serve him? Be one of his Cursed in his fleet? Hmmm... b'ware, all! :::Evil grinz::: )))) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation: Your task is to learn, to love and to trust the universe. You are bound to think, study, reflect, and to develop inner wisdom. (((Develop my inner wisdom? Ha! Gave up on that a few years ago. I be a pirate now! Black hearted as the day I gave up being innocent! I think this part be wrong. Bound t' nothing, trust no one... and will love if I dare so choose to but prefer that I lust... love.. if I do, I'll only end up like poor ol' Davy Jones. )))) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you remember now? (((LOL... oh, remember.. now THAT be another story! ::Evil chuckle::: )))) ~Lady B
  14. Would love t' meet ya, Jack Madd. :) Hehehe... passwords and secret stuff... makes me feel like I'm in some secret society. Surprise me, all! How would YOU introduce yerself to the wicked Lady Barbossa? Hmmm? Courtly bow and kiss on th' hands or taken me hostage with a whisper in th' ear? Just... don't be taken off with m' hat. The last person who did that.. they found themselves in prison! :) Surprise me. ~Lady B
  15. Ready? Not in th' slightest. Eager an' excited? Hell, yeah! I should be ready for th' event though by th' time Thursday rolls in. I'm excited t' see ya all! I truly am! An' eager t' meet new faces. ~Lady B
  16. 21+ Bash, huh? Well, unfortunately that leaves the 3 lads out. Welp, Bess... what shall we do with those young lads? I know th' meeting for the Sat battle is at 7pm that night, too. Well, I was hoping I would have my new crimson outfit done in time... but I won't... unfortunately. Some complications popped up. ::le sigh:: Kinda bummed. Oh, well. Unfortunately, Bilgemonkey, I wasn't able to bring up those PDF files. Haven't a clue why. I have Adobe to view it. I think there is just too much on those files for it to be brought up properly. Unless I'm the only one to have that trouble.. which I shouldn't... I have a new computer. ::Grumbles:: Well, suppose to be new.. it's been giving me issues up the wazzoo! 2 weeks away, all! Only 2 weeks away! Scarey, isn't it? ~Lady B
  17. aye, Will.. ye are a lucky one! :) ~Lady B
  18. There are images a floating about... not just of the 3rd one... with JD in that Samurai funky Jack Sparrow look... but other stuff. I just reserve judgement and will await the release of the films. Bloody well don't even care any more which are spoilers and which are not. Seems to me... too many folks are all too eager to get there hands on spoiler info and pix. It's almost sickening. Either... I'm eager to see Barbossa! ~Lady B
  19. Hmmm.... most interesting. Well... unlike all th' lasses here... I... don't have a gent. So... I can't really say anything much. I only know a few gents, one I talk to and do like... but... I can't truly say I have a beau. I'm a piratess with no ties. None what so ever. It's both a curse and a blessing. But... the gent I pray for - if God be willing to allow - I pray he, too, admires history, enjoys what I like t' do. And won't be attempting to control m' life but will compliment it in the most admirable way. I've incredible high expectations... and not all that easy to win. I think most gents fear a lady with a fiery yet reclusive attitude, with weapons, and also has a mind more for adventure and joy rather than a daily plan of attempting to get by. Always have I been told that some gent will be incredibly lucky t' have me as a Wife. Well... no gent has even attempted. :::Shrugs::: Now... ya tell me why. MerryD probably knows me best at the moment... she may give some insight. ~Lady B
  20. Ooooo... :::pinches face::: Damn.. you gents... I swear. Jack... you look dashing & delightful. Enough to make this Lady whimper. Your attire... I agree... are fabulous! My compliments to the lass! :) ~Lady B
  21. ::Le sigh:: I've been watching it over and over and over and over (continues)... again. ::le sigh::: :) yes, so bloody damn eager to see it now! To the point it's driving me nutz! Only cause now some new curiosity arose about it that... well, I have some questions and hope they will be answered in the film. BTW, Bess... SO EAGERLY awaiting Barbossa's return. And I admit.. Davy Jones... he'll be a fav of mine, too. Also... I do feel some pity for Davy Jones... the poor soul. And.... Tia Dalma's in trouble with Siren. :) Saw that Tia has some of Siren's hair! Siren's not happy about that! ~Lady B :angry:
  22. :: shakes head::: You, behave, Patrick? is that possible? Mr Gage... yer a wicked man! :) Tempting and taunting a Lady like that! And yes.... a nice Baldric. I was actually admiring the sword, too. And as always... admiring the hat. Nice hat. :::shakes head::: Oh, Mr Gage... ::Le sigh::: Ya gents are as fine a eye candy this Lady has ever laid eyes upon. Please... by all means... CONTINUE! :) ~Lady B
  23. a pirate speakin' Klingon. Now THAT would be something t' hear! But, true, Blackfoot. Tis interesting how folks portray piracy. I think MerryD can state she has to restrain me often. Though, last weekend she wasn't able to... and with due reason since a lassy thief stole my Barbossa hat. aye, grabbed MerryD's pistol and took off after the lass and... well, brought her in. Justice? Only Justice for a pirate is their own justice! Ne'er mess with a pirate unless ya want to find justice by th' pistol an' sword. :) I'm a silent pirate. M' gaze is intimidating enough as well as my stature. So I have been told. I need no words such as "Arrgghh!" to make my point. To make my point... I use th' sword. ~Lady B
  24. Good one, MacNamara! But... true. Now... I've not been able to keep up with a lot when it comes to re-enactment weapons.. but last time I spoke with a Law Enforcement official in the State of Iowa... mentioned that replica weapons needed no permit unless you intend to put a projectile (bullet) into it. And I certainly do not wish to do that to my carbine! Black powder is hard to come by... especially the correct kind that WILL work. And from my understanding .. I've been told you HAVE to have a permit or liscense to purchase and possess the explosive. ::Rolls eyes:: kinda hard when regulations with re-enactment associations demand cartridges rolled before the event and not at the event. I can go into another lecture about this. I know in the State of Illinois... a couple months ago many re-enactors were up in arms (no pun intended) over the fact a State Politician wanted to ban replica weapons. Oh, God did that send us all into a tizzy! I live in Iowa, but pass through Illinois to go to all my Rev War events... and even a few of them are in Illinois. A fair portion of re-enactors from all sorts of eras live in Illinois. No.. it didn't settle well at all... and with as much ruckus caused, eventually, the bill was halted and vetoed. Reason being for the ban was apparently some idiot in the Chicago area used a WW2 replica Bazooka (or something like that) in a stand off. That's what I heard. True or not, who knows. Another is a former US Marshall told me to becareful of the laws of townships, towns and cities, counties, etc.... since each has their own laws... some places have Codes that date back to the 19th c and ban weapons from the vicinity. Oddly enough. It's not easy that's for sure for those of us who recreate history. But, true. If you are on the good side of the Law and show a little respect to the Law Enforcement when it comes to these weapons they admire our safety measures. And the weapons we possess. ~Lady B
  25. Tired but feeling a bit refreshed, she gave the woman surgeon a weak smile. Her damp, limp wavy brunette locks cascading down over her fresh attire and shoulders. "Thank you, most kindly, Ms Fitzgerald," was all she mustered at this point in time. No point in going long winded. She'd have to save the gratitude for the Captain. Her attire was nothing fancy with what she was use to but it was covering her and comfortable enough compared to her once lovely now ragged gown. Glancing at Murin a moment, then around the room. Crossing her arms, she awaited for their feast... granted it was going to be small... but, it was a feast nonetheless. It was something better than what they had eaten in the past 3 weeks. And oh, how she dreamed of a fine roast bird with some other tastey delight or a sweet. Her life as a Lady with servants awaiting her hand and foot... even the future appearing that way... how bland was that? Stranded on the isle for 3 weeks broke her and made her. This future wife of a Colonel of His Majesty was considering how her life would be until she died. For now... she just wanted to eat.. and then rest. Decent sleep would be nice.
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