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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Holy God, send me to Davy Jones! Look at all these posts! Gone for just a day and everyone is bloody well excited beyond imagination. Yes, Barbossa's return was a fantastic one. No cheers here... just LOTS of stunned people asking the question "Didn't he die in the last film?" Norrington... ahhh... I won't say a thing. Poor Davy Jones... I say it a lot and I will always say it. Be it his fleshy heart or the locket... either can kill him. In my opinion. But with his fleshy heart being in the hands of Beckett... My God... I pray that our heros can find a way to free the Devil of the Depths. Nothing's worse than the pain of lost love and being enslaved by a power-mad and greedy mortal! As to Davy Jones' lost love... I do hope we find out. Though I believe it was in the Junior Novel that his lost love was someone else and not Tia Dalma. Be this true? I was incredibly curious how the devil Tia got the other locket. Obviously the Lady loved Jones in return otherwise there would have not been the pair of lockets and the many letters, roses, etc. T'was a nice touch about the dress as Davy Jones gazed at it then it sank. I wonder if we shall ever see that dress again. LOL.. notice how Elizabeth has a tendency to lose her fine dressed to the sea? First the gold ceremony gown now her gold wedding dress. Not really the Black Spot or Davy Jones at bay, Siren.. but the Kracken. Tis hard to explain I think, but the bit of land helps to ward off something that is of the sea. So I gathered. From the 4 times I've seen it... each time the audience just loves it... filled with laughter and even the gasps. And those 4 times I never got tired of it. But always kept me wanting to return to see it.. especially the moment we first see the Flying Dutchman as it bursts out of the dark stormy waters... Barbossa's return... the Black Pearl going down with Jack at the mercy of the Kracken... Even when Davy Jones demands to see the chest... or better yet that little pop he made with his mouth after saying "Prize?" upon his face to face meeting with Sparrow. That was too grand! :) Nice touch with the organ... even the angels that be before his face... with the ship sailing into the sun. Odd... though. I guess mostly in the film didn't have much "Phantom of the Opera" moment as I did more of myself. I honestly have to say I miss playing the organ. Have ALWAYS loved the sound of an organ. And always love music boxes. Have always had one. Oddly, t'was an odd feeling of enjoyment of both musical items that Davy Jones had. Barbossa's reply at the end of the film was: "So.. tell me.. what's become of my ship?" then eats the apple.. despite the dribble.. but it was an added touch despite the bad civility. But who says that Barbossa is civil. The man is back, alive and enjoying his bloody apple to guide and lead Will, Elizabeth and the others to Jack and World's End. Again, I pray at least that Davy Jones is freed. Jack has little to worry about we all know he's going to be rescued... but who will rescue Davy Jones from Beckett? Eager to see the 3rd one. I'm more than presuming now that it WILL be titled World's End? After what Tia Dalma state at the end just as she was "introducing" Barbossa? ~Lady B
  2. No, Patrick... close though. My heart was racing, but my breath was taken away and I had a huge shitty grin upon my face. The ending is very wild. But again, all in all... I loved the film! And yes, again, Barbossa's return was one of those moments in the film I awaited for. He looked good, too. ~Lady B
  3. Just got back from the Midnight Showing here... all I can say is... WOW!!! What a hell of a ride!! 2 sold out showings here in Cedar Rapids and I think folks enjoyed it. :) Will be back to see it in the morning. WOW!!! It rocked! Lots of twists and turns... hang on folks! For those of you who haven't seen it.. it's a wild ride! ~Lady B
  4. The Critics be damned! Since when are they EVER right?! They trashed the Curse of the Black Pearl... and look what happened? It became a blockbuster hit! Critics suck and only know one thing... what they are taught at the freakin' film schools what is a "perfect" film. ::Rolls eyes:: My opinion... a perfect film is one that is enjoyed by even just one person. Again, Critics be damned! For all I care, Davy Jones can come for their souls and force them to be the decor of the Flying Dutchman. From what I have heard - not just from Billy Bones and Iron Bess - as a couple other folks saw an advanced screening and they said, and I quote one person, "all I will say at this time is OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! It was AWESOME..." Tonight... I see it at Midnight. ~Lady B :angry:
  5. The Blackwatch is a hell of ship! I like that one. :) I have that vessel within my possession, too. Alas, I haven't bought any in a couple weeks. Mostly cause everytime I go to get a pack... they are either sold out or unable to get ahold of more boxes due to distribution problems via WizKids. Grrr... :angry: Still quite a bit I am wanting from Davy Jones' Curse. There's still some I am looking for in the other sets, too. ~Lady B
  6. Haven't a clue. It's interesting what all they come up with. ~Lady B
  7. No... alas, we were not allowed to camp on site. Still hoping for a place super closer for us to camp at though. Apparently there is a campsite nearby. I suppose if we coordinate right... we all could stay at the camp ground.. or if the city is super cooperative in allowing us a place to stay. Granted the hotels are wonderful.. gotta love the pool, hot tub, the breakfast, comfy beds... but.. they are rather pricy. Aye... the weather was indeed in our favor. Despite late Friday evening.. that was overlooked as just our yearly bath! Just allow Mother Nature t' bathe us. But it was a fabulous weekend. I think now that we understand it a bit more.. much more can be done to play on it moreso. Got lots we can plan for interacting between now and then. ~Lady B
  8. Evil, Pete. Evil. I'd LOVE to get the 3-in-1. Poor College student here. So... I have to wait. ~Lady B
  9. Poor Pete. Cars is not too bad. But Nacho Libre? Poor thing. Wish we could commandeer ya and whisk you away to see PotC 2. Soon enough, m'dear. Ye'll see it. Just ensure that you whimper and groan at all the bad jokes in Nacho Libre. (No... I haven't seen it yet. I saw Cars... I also had no choice there. But it was enjoyable if not tolerable.) ~Lady B
  10. Well, damn, Pete! If I would have known you wanted a monkey theme... I would have given you th' Drunken Monkey! Was thinking about giving him to Lee for his Barbossa outfit. The monkey come fully clothed, too. Until he drinks too much tequila.. then his clothes start to fall off. ~Lady B
  11. I was just at the site for PiP. Glad to see they have lots up and prepared for this year. However... am I blind and daft? I was searching all over the site for registration forms and other info other than the schedule. Do I have to contact them for that? Or... have they not gotten them up yet? ~Lady B
  12. Lucky both of ya. But congrats on a job well done... even though I haven't seen it yet. I'm sure you all earned it. :) Lots planned here. Plan to see the Midnight Showing, then back up early in the morning to see it again .. sort of to help out with a local radio station (I hope) and then the majority of Friday it's at the theater (especially the evening) for the opening day of PotC 2. The theater has no clue honestly how many will show... but, I wouldn't be surprised if they sell out. PotC 1 did super well here. Was in the theaters for 6 months! Eager to see this film. ~Lady B
  13. The Special Edition boxes are odd to say th' least. You do get some of the rares and uncommons in them besides the Limited Edition vessels. But... I got Davy Jones and a couple others from individual packs and not the SE box. One never knows with Wiz Kids any more. And don't feel bad about the taking forever to get into your area. Apparently they are having Distribution problems again... cause the store here that often carries them is having troubles getting more boxes. The store here sells out of them so quickly. ~Lady B
  14. True. Tempting to do that with the Aztec Gold checker pieces. I do want that game bad. Would be fun. I love Checkers and I want to learn Chess and Liar's Dice. Monopoly is a curse, hmm? Poor Pete... just.. becareful if the weather turns ghastly and bleak as the fog swirls around. I did finally pick up that cheap card game for young lads an' lasses. It's called "Loot". I haven't read the instructions yet... but I picked it up so that I can play it with my Nephew and Nieces. If not other pirates. It's a simple enough game I suppose. ~Lady B
  15. I think there are a couple folks who are not a part of this Pub who would love to go to PotC in garb or costume around the southern NJ area.. however, they all beleive that nothing is happening. I will pass along the word if I can. PM me with the info in specific and I pass the info on. Hopefully. Hint... tell everyone you know, even at work, at clubs you attend, hell, I donate plasma and I mention it there to a person or 2. They all seem interested. So, will find out July 7th. ~Lady B
  16. Rummy... you have no idea. :) He even has poor ol' Jack Sparrow frightened half outta his mind! I believe he posted that image a couple pages back. Poor Jack. ~Lady B
  17. A large fleet... ;:: ponders::: oh, dear. Don't forget to throw in the ghost pirates! Resurrecting from somewhere to assist with the battle... overwhelm the masses. OH! Hey... will Lord Beckett be shot in the back? Not to be mean about Nelson.. No.. wait.. fitting end... stripped of clothing and forced to return to London in nothing more than his underwear... rowing a boat! Ahhh... one can dream. Will be eager to see the 3rd one, Bess. ~Lady B
  18. NO!! Don't feed the Slashers! But... it is true enough. However... :::Shivers::: it's rather sick when all you find out there in fan fiction is Jack and Will slash fiction or Jack and Barbossa, Jack and Norrington, Norrington and Gillette, Barbossa and Will, etc.. need I go on? You get the point. Shhhhh! They don't need to know that!!! ~Lady B
  19. Memorial Day? So it is true. Blast. I thought July was a good time for it.. Memorial weekend will be VERY difficult for me then. Making me choose from PotC, Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous, or family time elsewhere... yikes. I think July should be kept as a good release date for PotC films. Sleep, Bess.. ya earned it! BTW.. good to see you back around here on the Pub. :: Hands her a tankard of fabulous rum::: Yes, Pearl... even Iowa schools get out either the 1st or 2nd week of June. Yer Bday, eh, Hurricane? Lucky man! What a great bday present, too. Mine, is at the beginning of May so... too late for that. ~Lady B
  20. Aye... eager to see Barbossa's return and all. I don't think anyone could ruin my desire to see the film. Unless they tell me all the spoilers! Either way... I'm looking forward to it. Even if the Critics hate it. But then again, if the Critics hate it, you know it's a pretty darn good movie. :) ~Lady B
  21. Holy crap! Where do I start?!? Well... one of the local theaters here is going to do something big and fun. MerryD & I are coordinating with them some ideas and finallizing a lot of activities. So far.. a costume contest... a couple games... a couple pirates to add atmosphere... pirate decorations... hopefully a local radio station or 2... that's to name most of the major stuff. Some or most of the theater staff will be in some type of pirate attire or likeness. I'm excited as hell about this and cannot wait! Not just to see the film, but for all the activity that goes with it! People love pirates! BTW... every time I go to Toy R Us... I see a family buying those foam pirate swords.. not the PotC ones, but some other cheaper version. It just warms my heart. ~Lady B
  22. I've not met Ace face to face. Not yet. I pray I will meet ya someday, Ace. God be willing. Toby being the only one I've met. Though I know others around the US who do Jack. Wade and Jimmy are a couple other gents who live down in Georgia. And a couple fantastic Barbossa's, too. Billy and Joey. I've yet to see Lee's Barbossa outfit. Though, how his Barbossa coat was minorly damaged was incredibly hilarious! And... BUY HIS HOOKS! They rock! Awesome pirate hooks, all! I recommend them. I'm sure Pete Straw will back me up on this. One thing I wish though... was for someone who can do an outstanding Jack Sparrow who lived near Cedar Rapids for the DMC event on July 7th. Or even a Will Turner or Elizabeth Swann... any lookalike from the film. Shoot. Gabriel is a dead ringer enough for Will Turner! Lad.. wish you were joining us. Don't often see other PotC look alikes. Mostly Jack. On occassion... you spot someone looking like Will or Elizabeth. Or even Norrington... besides Jack... and again, a couple Barbossa's. But nothing much else. Rather sad. ~Lady B
  23. And "Burn Baby Burn" was or was not playing in the background? What a riot. Either way... I'm sure it's fantastic. I hope that someday in my life I will get that chance to get there to see it. God be willing. ~Lady B
  24. Don't know. Can't comment on this since I haven't been on the ride. Not even before all the changes... all of them. So... ::le sigh:: tis a pity for this lass to not see the original PotC the ride that Walt Disney created. ~Lady B
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