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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Poor Jenny... ::hugs::: prayers you get better soon, hun. Not fun being ill and down in the dumps. A very cute kitty! A very good kitty... especially opening a bottle for ya! Well trained! Forget th' dog! Sweet, Mad Jack! Hey! Have fun! Take plenty of pics! ::Le sigh:: wow.. well, where to begin. Currently kinda blah... cold... wrapped up in my fleece blanket and still cold. Having supper... but better yet... chattering online with m' Love. College Spring Semester of classes start Monday here. Kinda ready. The kinda part is... my Jeep died. May it rest in peace. Th' bloody thing's got me around various events around the midwest to even out east. It's seen a good life. But now this leaves me to figure out the devil to get to and from classes. May be one a week I may be able to use the bus. Reason being all the equipment I have to take with. That's just the start of it all.. but hey... trying to keep m' chin up. especially when I'm chattin' with m' Love. ::le sigh::: ~Lady B
  2. Oooo .... now I'll be awaitin' for that version to come out and purchase it. Quite the honor, Bess! :) Time t' celebrate if I do say so... ~Lady B
  3. Very sporting... all of ye! :) ~Lady B
  4. Dare I ask if we lost Madame Dalma? I pray not! T'was hopin' t' meet with th' VooDoo Priestess. ~Lady B
  5. Not sure what to think or say in reaction or reply to your statement, Bess. But... I won't argue with their decision. Tis their baby an' project... not mine. I just watch the bloody freakin' awesome films. :) Either way, I am looking forward to AWE. ~Lady B
  6. Shush you up? Pete... it was virtually impossible! Hell, I was more than willing to join in on the wildness. Wasn't that place suppose to be up-scale? Well... if it includes Jack in shackles - again - Cheeky an' I just may be fighting over the keys... Course... I just may be Jack's savior to keep him away from all the fangirls! Two of you? What sheer delight! Pete.. yer talkin' to th' Lady B here! MerryD can attest to having to restrain me often! Twisted mind have I. The latter name of Barbossa is not just something just added on. :::Evil grinz::: Again ... I say BRING IT ON!!! Aye, Pete! Made me smile viciously with excitement! I am SO looking forward to '07. And perhaps not just guest stars from other crews.. but guest stars! As I mentioned with that voice ya did... of Long John Silver... that's a thought. Maybe Toby would enjoy a moment of signing wee twirps aboard the Fool's Gold. LOL... the kids could be a part of the "100 souls" Jack needs to give to Davy Jones! LOL... Perhaps other surprise "guests". Aye... and if it will be 2 days instead of one... I'm game! Depending upon the scenario that is. I should email Rob, too, and see if there's something he's willing to do... or anyone on the NWTA that is that will be attending Port Washington. ~Lady B
  7. And trust me lass.... it is WELL worth the wait!! You Barbossa babes will be right happy, I can tell you that. ::::: a HUGE FREAKIN' GRIN:::: Awww.. Bess... yer killin' us here! But God... I'm SO eager t' see ol' Barbossa. And very curious to know what's real and what's not from some of the shyte that's been floating around. :::Whimpers::: But... lemme guess... if they do do a 4th PotC... Barbossa won't be in it? I'm finding more and more people liking Barbossa more than Jack. Barbossa's fandom is growing! I'm sure Mr Rush would fancy that. ~Lady B
  8. I'm sure I'll survive. I live in Cedar Rapids, not but 5 minutes from Ushers Ferry. I live along Edgewood Rd near th' river. :) I was at the last Usher's Ferry Civ War re-enactment in Sept. A lass with the 1st WI is a first year at the Kirkwood equine program... make a deal that I would go to her Civ War event if she would go to my Rev War event. :) If the locals continue to hand out grog... we won't have to worry about guiness! I say we go for it. And... if Toby shows up... I've something in mind that you may fancy. Pete, I'll need to borrow your shackles. :) Sterling... it can be whatever you want it to be, mate! :) But... seeing as this might more go into the public showing section. But if you need your fair share of catfights... I'm up for a catfight is Cheeky is. ~Lady B
  9. Oooooo!!!! I think a hanging would be fantastic, Sterling! So much that can be done at Port Washington. Granted the docks where the vessel makes berth is rather small... But again, perhaps in future years... more ships. And of course, more pirates! Can never be enough pirates! Cheeky, m'dear... I have NO clue what I am getting into when it comes to Rats... but, I'll attempt to be fully prepared and amazed. Besides.... I feel that it's necessary to make up the missed encounter from Ushers Ferry. Hell... you an' I could attempt something at Port Washington. I'm always game for something. ~Lady B
  10. Hehehe... Aye, so I heard. I find that rather difficult to believe how they kept Rush secret for so long until that moment. But... I'm with you, Christine... I'm eagerly awaiting to purchase my copy of DMC. :) And eagerly counting down the months to AWE! ~Lady B
  11. Already started that in the NWTA, Rats. ~Lady B
  12. M'dear... would be an utter delight to meet you face to face! I look forward to meeting others from the Archangel... and meeting Rats again.. this time knowing who he is BEFORE the event is over! And aye... dinner with pirates would be fantastic! I'm trying to convince Toby to make it up again for Port Washington in '07. I know, most of you are sick of seeing Jack Sparrow's all over the place... but, Pete can attest that Toby is awesome! I've not seen a better Jack Sparrow other than the one by Johnny Depp. Greatly looking forward to Port Washington '07! :) ~Lady B
  13. Oh, dear God! I'll have to ask my Professor about that about Honest Abe talkin' Pirate. And Sterling... did you want colored toothpicks? the plastic ones? or the awesome colored platic sword ones? Damnit! Pete! You are such a devil! God, do I want to go now more than ever!!! Grogtinis! You still have yet to make me one... especially since you downed th' last of my grog at Port Washington! :) There's somethin' for ya, folks! Ever wonder how Pete lost his hand? He drank my grog! And so.. I lopped of his hand! Does that stop him? Hell no! Cheers, Pete! ~Lady B
  14. Oh, this is so weird yet funny. You know you think too much about piracy and too much of a pirate... when you think about Davy Jones and the first thing that comes to mind... is gotta get something to eat at Long John Silvers... and grab the fish planks, shrimp, clams dinner with the lobster bites! Anyone have those twisted piratical moments? ~Lady B
  15. Aye... that be him, Cheeky. :) Freakin' tall! I'm 5'11' and he towers over me! Charming fellow though. Go racin' in Ban Tarleton style on horseback... I don't think the hotel management would like it if a horse would ascend the stairs and we hack at the railings and banisters with our swords. :::Whimpers::: Ooooh, how I want to be there with the lot of ya! But again...I won't know if I would be able to go until after the 2nd or 3rd week of January! Sucks. ~Lady B
  16. That he is, Bess... that he is. ~Lady B
  17. Naw... Rats, Pete... Someone coming as Jesus... won't be as half bad as someone coming in as Davy Jones and claiming it's historical accuracy. Hell... I don't thin RF is specific to just US stuff... I'm eager to see in the future years more and more worldwide stuff.... like the Crusades, Alexander, the huns and China, Conquistadors and Aztecs or Incas, Ramses, etc... There's a gent here in the CR area that's a might good Abe Lincoln... Rats I think you may have saw him at the Usher's Ferry event a couple months ago. Oddly enough, he's pals with my History professor! LOL.... I felt rather old granny being introed to Abe Lincoln... wondering how ironic it was that this Pres was being introed to a colonial Lady and Pirate! Perhaps he'll be at RF2. Who knows. Another thing is... I'm curious to see how RF will grow? What demos in the future will be done and allowed. I was talking to someone else who does Jousting the other night and we both thought it would be fun in due time to do jousting and cavalry demos. Demos of manuvers over the centuries would be something incredible to see. Doubt that would be something able to do within a hotel though. Welp, mates... here's t' hoping I make it t' RF2. ~Lady B
  18. Well, I'll be Davy Jones' daughter.... Th' name appears right familiar. A pleasure t' have ya here on th' Pub, Mr Riley. I'll be takin' grog sweetened with the right touch of citrus if ya please. Thank ye most kindly, m'dear. But... I'll b' keepin' m' hands, thank ye. I do rather need them. So... do sit down a spell. Tell us a few stories. An' have ya ventured the Mysterious Islands yet? ~Lady B
  19. ATTRICE!!! HAHA!!! Brilliant t' see ya here! Ok.. th' lot of ya! B'have with this lass! She's a damn good ally t' Lady B here. An'... t' hell th' lass out... I've brought more rum by th' barrel. :) Let Miss Attrice here regale ya with her recent adventure! Quite th' tale she 'as.. she does! Makes me ache for such an adventure! An' th' images she showed me.... aye, makes this Lady right eager an' jealous. A mighty fine bunch o' pirates an' Gents she t'war 'round! All rounds 'pon th' house, shipmates! Sit yerselves down... an' listen to th' lassy's story! ~Lady B
  20. Awwww.... cute picture! Fantastic image there, m'dear! She's adorable as ever! Especially as a Pirate! Piracy runs through her veins, eh? Just like Will and Bootstrap! The Daughter of the Siren. Aye... she'll have a rep before she even makes one for herself. ~Lady B
  21. Hibernation? I WON'T ask! :::Weird little thought thingies bouncing around in my head::: ~Lady B
  22. I'm with Marjon. Marty is a hoot! So, cool. Not met him face to face... but chatted with him via email a few times. Amazes me with what all he does, especially the charity. ~Lady B
  23. Bess... oh, do I wish I were in California. Missing all these incredible opportunities when here in Iowa. ::le sigh:: well, if ever a chance... pass along a "hello" to everyone on Pirates and pat them on the back for me. Despite all the BS out there and critics... I still love the films! A hell of a romp and ride! I feel like a kid again. :::ponders on that::: Not a word, MerryD!!!! I'll be getting my DMC DVD Dec 5th like everyone else. Bloody hilarious about the dog and yacht, Bess! I won't ask. ~Lady B
  24. Aye... not long after the Bloopers was put up... it was taken down. A good reel though. Though I and a couple other people were expecting some behind the scenes bloopers with Nighy and others... even with Stellan. :::Shrugs::: Oh, well. Hollander's little dance there before the giant world map was a hoot! That one could REALLY have LOTS of captions with it! ~Lady B
  25. Aye.... I hear ya there, Christine. Barbossa STILL remains my favorite character. Above all others. So mysterious, he leaves me curious and desiring to know more about this wicked Captain. I SO look forward to AWE. And what a fantastic picture, Christine. My compliments to yo'r sister. :) ~Lady B
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