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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Exactly my thoughts... I'm having a hard time finding wenches who have the proper costuming, so if you're interested Lady B, I would LOVE to have you as a wench. (Now that didn't sound quite right, did it?) ;-) I'll have to think about that for a while now, Sally! I've promised m'self to only one Gent. But if he takes a very wild fancy to me as a wench... then I'm sorry, m'dear, it just won't work out! :) Well, on the serious side... it's been a few years... but I've done some serving in my younger days. I'll polish up that wench outfit of mine. Most welcome on the ideas. I love conjuring ideas. Putting them into effect is not my forte. Well... I'm sure we can go on with the auction even if Toby doesn't show up. Wil the auction be with real money to raise funds for some benefit? Or with fake period coinage... just for a skit only? I know when I don't have a "shift" at the Fool's Gold establishment, I'll be walking around or available for something else. I agree with the wooden doubloons. Those went over VERY well. :) ~Lady B
  2. Ushers Ferry Village, in Cedar Rapids, IA - Lady B. Civil War and Wild West! Aaahhh..... Gotcha. :) Tis a pity that no more Civ War events at Ushers Ferry. But... I'll be keeping m' eyes upon th' next wild west event this summer. Speakin' of Ushers Ferry.... anyone up for Halloween at Ushers Ferry this year? OK.. now back to our regularly schedule chat about Port Wash. ~Lady B
  3. No better Jack Sparrow that I know of at current close enough to us... Toby hits it to a T. But tis a good idea there, too, Sterling. :) Always up for some brainstorming. In Iowa, too? Where at? The local Targets here have pinatas in the shape of Treasure chests. I'd grab a couple if I knew for sure we'd use them. But I haven't a clue when we'd use it. ~Lady B
  4. Which one?!?? As for those wee girls... I was wondering who chopped up the White Witch and threw water or something upon her to spawn off a whole bunch of little White Witches! The hair do is much like that of the White Witch in the latest "The Lion, the Witch and the Waredrobe" film. The girls were cute though. :) Scarey what all can happen in a hotel in one weekend. ~Lady B
  5. Hmmm... a pondering thought here... not just at the Bash, but in the tent in general throughout the Fest... have lasses dressed as wenches serving drinks. The "beer tent" as a tavern with slight decor like a tavern. I wouldn't mind attempting an hour or 2 as a wench. And, if coordinated right... pull off a stunt or skit in the tavern. A wench fight or duel where the duel can be done in a roped off area. If they have the roped off area for the fencing again, that would be cool if we are able to use it. Otherwise, rope off an area for us to duel in either with swords or pistols. Cheeky... we could always do the opposite of the PotC ride at Disney World/Land.... instead of the women being auctioned off... we ladies capture men and auction them off to be slaves for an hour or day. Or maybe just do a skit with Toby (as Jack Sparrow) as we auction him off, but goes wrong and he makes a rather daring if not comical escape. That is IF Toby shows up. I LOVE to conjure up ideas. IE for something of this calibur that's not just historical but also fantasy.... don't have to use Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but how's about Treasure Island... have some kids sign up to do a Treasure Island hunt.... follow ol' Long John Silver in search for Flint's gold just as they did in Treasure Island once they got the map and left the stockade. I think someone was wanting to set up a table or 2 for the Pirates Constructable Card Game to be played which is just AWESOME!!! There should be an area for playing games especially for the kids. I know that my nephew will do some playing Morgan's Revenge with some of the folks/spectators. The kid is good! Construct a ship... some pre-printed paper, glue and scissors and the kids can build their own pirate ship. Crayons and they can color the ship which ever colors they want. Notice... I like to focus upon the kids. :) They are our next generation of pirates. Course... we can't forget about the parents and young adults either. Playing games with the pre-teens, young adults, parents, grandparents... Having them dress up in pirate attire... or even get the adults and young adults involved in being pirates for a certain amount of time. Oh, how fun it is to conjure up ideas! :) ~Lady B
  6. Hmm... would be fun! I've never been to Disney World or Disneyland yet. But... I'd have t' say, it wouldn't be much fun doing this all alone. I'd do it alone if I'd no other choice. But, I'd rather spend this opportunity with comrades... or better yet with a special Gent. I suppose... I'd have to get m' hands upon a camcorder or something that takes good vids. Aye, Black Hearted Pearl.... May the best pirate win. ~Lady B
  7. Hey, Scuttle Sally! Grand t' see ya here, m'dear. I'm with Bess.... SO lookin' forward t' Port Washington in June! Can't wait! I am SO keepin' m' fingers, hooks, swords, pistols, legs, ANYTHING crossed for perfect weather like we had last year. Could NEVER have asked for better weather. Oooo.. Fireworks! This will be grand! Party both nights? Oh, good Lord! We'll be in piratical heaven! ~Lady B
  8. Welcome to the incredibly fantasticly fun place known as the Pub! Sit a spell and enjoy all us wild folks! I'll be having an Irish Cream thank ye. ~Lady B
  9. Luckily, not looking at an actual working on. I know at Oshkosh a year an' a half ago they had as part of their exhibit a toy cannon that kids could use. They loaded up a cannon with a toy cannonball, used the rammer, then touched the touch hole with some stick and it made a boom sound as though it fired. Kids LOVED that! I'm kicking myself that we didn't get our hands upon that cannon despite the price cause IT WAS PERFECT!!! But... perhaps a cannon like that might be good for our Drill Team. :::Shrugs::: do give me info nonetheless. I'm curious about this gent now. :) Thanks. :) ~Lady B
  10. How wicked, Michael! Aye... I'd like to have one of those toy cannons for kids to learn how to be a cannoneer. I know it was discussed at the college I attend since we have an Equestrian Drill Team that's more in a Civil War theme... with a buckboard and a possible "cannon" that fires off confetti or whatever. So... where can one find such a cannon? ~Lady B
  11. ::: Raises hand with a pistol in it nigh the size of a blunderbuss::: Aye, Mr Last... I'm always up for some fun! Ahhh... th' 4th Mass... gotta love th' lot of 'em! A fine bunch they be! :) ~Lady B
  12. Generally I thought (give and take the other "historical influences")... t'was around 1740's. Loosely. VERY loosely. Considering that on their official site at one time mentioned Barbossa to be the most feared priate since Blackbeard. And the GR on the buckets on the Dauntless. Somewhat the attire.... ~Lady B
  13. I am SO enjoying these pictures! The Time Warp was VERY fun! That should be a staple at each RF event! Get everyone out on the dance floor to do that song! I never cared for RHPS but I LOVED that song for RF2! Could you all do me a favor? I'm wanting some more pictures for my photo album of RF2. :) So... if you have any pictures to send my way, I would love to have them to add to the photo ablum. The album is rather... bare. And... Do let me know what goes with RF3. Cause I showed pictures of RF2 to a classmate and a professor and they are asking about next year now! ~Lady B
  14. All I can say is I love the Gentleman Scoundral who's stolen my heart. ~Lady B
  15. Gotta see about getting a certain image from a fellow Dragoon. .. the image of the Pirate Angels... (where Rats nearly clipped off the side of MerryDs face! ) ~Lady B
  16. Hmm... ya know what they say about boys with ticklish knees.... they are girl crazy! ~Lady B
  17. Mary! Tis grand t' see you here upon th' Pub! No finer place to converse virtually. :) I'll be havin' Irish Cream thank ye. Hope you enjoyed yerself greatly at RF2. It was grand to meet ya. Always a pleasure to meet folks of the like-minded sort with a fancy for the Sweet Trade. Fine outfit ya had, too. ~Lady B
  18. Oooo... some more images, mates! Gonna love these!!! Pete.... ya know when you and Shannon (Skittles) took pictures of each other as mentioned above of she having the other version of your photo... here's another version of both of ya taking pictures of each other... Pete's attempt at being a Russian version of Lawrence of Arabia... Rats hounded by the Papparotzi... And this... well... this is either an interesting pic... or a GREAT blackmail pic! ... ~Lady B
  19. Oh what fantastic images! That "Walk Like An Egyptian" one... it didn't focus for me all that well. But oh was that a grand congo line! The Roman leading the line of course. Can't have asked for a better night to have fun! :) A few images here... enjoy. Another view of the group of pirates... in our finest... Dancing with Grant and Custer... Rats an' Billy... grand image... love this one... Sterling and Pete sewing (don't ask)... whilst Old Man & The Sea watches...
  20. NOTHING says fun than a whole bunch of Reenactors from various eras dancing to the "Time Warp"! What a hoot! Aye, Cheeky... will DEFINITELY want a pic of that! Working on getting up the pictures. I've some good ones. :) Not a whole lots since my batteries died at the end of the Ball and I was a fair part of the dancing towards the end, too. But I still have some fantastic ones! Pete! What ya talkin' about ya boob! You were the belle of the ball! Shoot! I'm often asked if you will be at an event cause you just have that magnetic personality! :) The pictures prove it! Rats... ya got a new weapon, too. Eh? Pics 'll be up soon. ~Lady B
  21. IMHO.... Having gone to a couple of other types of Conventions... rather still and stupid to have 2 of the same convention going on. Trust me. Causes problems. Best to have 1 Reenactor Fest and shift around the locations. Otherwise.... can keep it in one location. Trust me... folks WILL come! Look at other conventions... example.. Comic Con and Dragon Con. Granted not really for reenactors... but those Cons stayed in one place and they bring in LOTS and LOTS of folks! HUGE! especially DragonCon. Besides... this is ONLY in the baby stages. This being it's 2nd year. And did REALLY great it's 2nd year. For those in charge should consider their options... and gather info from other conventions who've been at it for nigh 25 years. What works for them and what doesn't. Ditto with the reenactments that's been around for nigh that long, too. Price is one. Space is another. Would rather have the space first and the price 2nd. The admission was absolutely fantastic I thought! Considering some other cons you pay $40 up to $60 or more for a couple days admission. But if the price goes up, better be added stuff like posters, pictures, trinkets, etc. DragonCon has their Parade through downtown Atlanta and take up 4 hotels! They take 5 days... incredibly huge! RF can be like this if they want or not. ~Lady B
  22. Rats? You sick? Dude, you are just twisted beyond imagination! But, we likes ya that way. :) Just like Pete. Aye, I agree with ya, Rats. Ne'er be fearful about how your outfit looks. If' it's the slightest bit off or far from correct (such as the thread content is not right, it's polyester but the design is period or your shoes are made ups you'd done and not bought from Fugawee or the pattern you used wasn't historically correct but is pretty darn close enough)... hell, come! My outfits were not totally historically accurate but they were pretty darn close. I got NO complaints. After all... we only have some much $$$ and can't spend it all on our hobby (granted we'd LOVE to). So, we just make do with what we have and can (after all it's really historically accurate). But, take Rats advice.... GO TO RF!!! Oh, what a blast it was to have fun with the lot of ya! Talking to many of you... laughing with a lot of you (especially at the Ball). I'll have pictures by this evening for sure. Looking forward to exchanging pictures and posting them. Again, the greatest moments of the Ball... besides Pete. Yes, the Grogtini is pretty good!... was Cesaer lip synicing to "Jump" by Van Halen! And of course Grant and Custer doing the Congo Line... OH! And everyone doing the "Time Warp" in costume! To grand! Someone HAS to have a picture of that! Oh! Rats... your Date for the Ball... what a barrel! The 2 Dealer rooms! WOW!!! I can see this Fest just becoming something incredibly huge! What a grand time! You never know who you will meet! :) ~Lady B
  23. Aye, Rats... t'was a hell of a time! Bloody fun! :) Oh.. where do we start? Or dare we let Cheeky start this one. T'was grand to have met a lot of folks from the Pub! Unfortunate we ne'er made it to the Hot Tub! But the Ball!.... Oh, Lordy! What a Ball!!! General Grant... fantastic! Custer... awesome. Cesaer was just a hoot! Pete! Oh, need I say more about Pete?!? But the crew of the Archangel... my compliments to ye all! An' thank ye, Aurora for th' chai. I owe ye, lass! An' t' Billy... who be a sweet gent despite his piratical reputation. Oh, I can go on and on with praises and more! But I was thrilled to have met the lot of ya! Look forward to meeting you all again in due time. :) Have a few drinks... again.. ~Lady B
  24. Well, thank ye, Piratelass. Most kind of ya. But since I last wrote that statement back in May... I've since met a fine Gent who's stolen m' heart. Tis not an easy task, mates! As I stated b'fore... I had high expectations and standards. And as I tell him often... he's passed, met and gone beyond those standards with flying colors! He passes these standards cause it is who he is. What I dream of is who he is. And I am in awe of him. I admit. I love him with all my heart. I respect all he does and who he is. And I will do what I can within reason without being a fool to be there for him. Patience. Love is out there. Give it time. ~Lady B
  25. :::Stumbles in exhausted but with a satisfied smile upon the face::: Oh, what a fantastic blast! Hope to be having pictures available soon. ::looks over new pistol::: Thank ye Kass & Fox... LOVE m' new pistol! Can't wait to use it! Hehehe... Folks... ya miss an event... YOU MISS A LOT!!! More stories to come! :) ~Lady B
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