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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Aye... aye... but think of all the wall decos you can use, too! Stick them on the glad as a nice pattern, trim it in matching electrical tape or the silver duct tape. It would be FAR nicer than what you see on those bloody runways! ~Lady B
  2. All the lurking jokes. Good God Almighty! Ya didn't lurk much when you were around before. At least I didn't think so. Glad t' have ya back at the Pub. No better place t' be! :) ~Lady B
  3. Aren't ya GLAD t' be a pirate!!?! Could use duct and/or electrical tape, too. Makes ya wonder about those who make our fashions, doesn't it? ~Lady B
  4. ::ponders::: I don't know, Siren. May have met yer match here. I know I did! He may twist it around and have it Master and command-HER! Wait... that may come back upon me. Yikes... Ummm... Luv... :::to NVBarbossa::: b' nice to th' Ladies. ~Lady B
  5. Oy, now, Luv! I kept m' mouth shut upon the "wearing out"! :::Attempting to appear like an angel::: Nay a word on who wore who out first! Course was it first or was it in the long run? ::ponders:: Hmmm.... ~Lady B
  6. Ahhh.... more and more fun here. If you had a chance to have a collection of songs or a soundtrack for your or about your pirate persona... what songs would you have on that soundtrack or collection? I'd have more than one disc obviously. One or two that is lyrical songs and one of two that is Instrumental. The lyrical songs: It's My Life by Bon Jovi Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi Dare by Stan Bush In The Air Tonight by Phil Collins Alcohol by Brad Paisley Sympathy For The Devil by Guns N Roses Surrender by KD Lang Instruments of Destruction by NRG Die Another Day by Madonna Could I Have This Kiss Forever by Enrique Iglesias & Whitney Houston Come Into My World by Kylie Monogue Experience of Love by Eric Serra All Jacked Up by Gretchen Wilson Don't Let Go by Bryan Adams & Sarah Mclachlan Engel by Rammstein Gortoz A Ran-J'Attends by Danez Prigent & Lisa Gerrard Take My Breath Away by Berlin Into The West by Annie Lennox When We Dance by Sting Whiskey In The Jar by Metallica Be With You by Enrique Iglesias The Instrumental songs are longer... so I will spare ya the gruesome details. ~Lady B
  7. My god, he's a genius! I knew I loved him for various reasons! Waiting for Pete's Grogtini to be added here. But til there... he's another that I was told years back... and had again Christmas Eve... Carrot Cake Goldschalger Buttershots Baileys Shot of each, don't mix just pour in and drink. ~Lady B
  8. Oooo... that sounds pretty good! Cheeky... 'll have to try that at RF2 if we can! Mmm... you continue to surprise me, luv. Fabulous drinks you display here. Now... another thing is... can you get me drunk again? How's about a mix of a jaeger bomb and a cherry bomb? ~Lady B
  9. I don't know, Sterling. Family can be a pain in the arse sometimes. But... I know what ya mean. I'm sure we'll all have a splendid time at RF2. :) ~Lady B
  10. Oy! We can show these buggers REAL piratical fashion! Hmm... ::ponders::: I think whoever can do this... pull a Gidget and crash a fashion show... show them REAL Pirate Fashion. These horrible knock offs are HORRIBLY BAD!!! If I had the body for it... and the time... I'd do some modelling of REAL good tasteful piratical fashion for the modern age. Nothing like that horrible stuff you saw above. Course... I suppose I still could and would fit women of all sizes. Frock coats, vests and waistcoats... the flamboyant shirts... and of course, the demins of your choice! Or something else more flamboyant... footwear would be key, too. Not th' BS ya see now. Jewelry & headwear in a decent appearance, too. Perhaps I'll doodle some ideas up here and show ya. Some ll be familiar but still will work. ~Lady B
  11. I'm sure this was asked before but the thread 's either been lost or something else. So... here's the question... If you could have a drink made for ya, named after you... what would be in it and what would it be called? Example... Siren's Plunder Me Cherry which is simply Rum (Captain Morgan mind ya) and cherries with optional grenadine. Mine... Well, I've been pondering it. So... here 's a couple: 2 shots Hot Sex and 2 shots Godiva chocolate liquer optional drizzle of chocolate syrup served on the rocks. The name? Not sure yet. maybe the Sweet Kiss. Or a bolder mix which is 2 shots Hot Sex, half shot Irish Cream, half shot Cask and Cream, 1 shot Godiva chocolate liquer and a quarter shot of Captain Morgan. Optional whipped cream and drizzle of chocolate syrup. This one would possibly be named the Wicked Lady. ::ponders more::: Maybe a mix of Hot Sex and Morgan. Hot Captain? Irish Cream and Morgan... Creamy Captain? Daniels and Morgan... Captain Jack? Morgan and Asti... Captain's Kiss? What have you all come up with? Hmm? ~Lady B
  12. :::Bows elegantly::: Aye... I hear ya there, Sterling. I know I have a couple bottles of drink here that cry out and beg to be drunk. :) After all... we are pirates... and pirates most definitely know how to have a grand time! ~Lady B
  13. Ahhh... now, Sterling. Who says anything about sober? Can always bring some drinks with! I know I've a couple bottles of something to wet our lips with - rum, Cask and Cream, wine.... We'll conjure something up, mates! Trust me! ::evil grinz::: ~Lady B
  14. 1st... that was just too hilarious, meeting and not even knowing it! 2nd... buy you drinks? only if you buy ME drinks, mate! See how drunk off our arses we can get. Don't know... NVBarbossa 's the only one who's been able to get me drunk! (But still walking) 3rd... most definitely will be there. Was pondering something. A suggestions... doesn't have to be done... but, perhaps... if time and the wealth allows... dinner theater at medieval Times? Perhaps? I've not been there myself but... heard of in the past... pirates going there for Invasions. Lookin' forward to seein' ya there, Rats.... again. But this time actually meeting you and knowing who you are! ~Lady B
  15. I'm a bit b'wildered where th' others be to welcome this fine man. He very much deserves a proper Pub welcome not just from a couple Ladies... but from th' Gents, too! Like Patrick, Sterling, Rats, Pete, Doc, and many, many others! :::Hands NVBarbossa another bottle of Cask and cream::: And no... I didn't drink up th' bottle I have. It's still mostly full. Only a few sips. ~Lady B
  16. I plan to take quite a bit of pictures. I hope it's easier to take pictures at the Fest than at a Reenactment or Event. I always have a difficult time taking pictures at an event cause of time... I'm so bloody damn busy! None t' worry Randsom. Ye'll be missed. But.. hopefully 'll see ya at Port Washington! ~Lady B :angry:
  17. By God.. ya have a wallet? Now... where th' devil be th' chest filled with yer wealth? Don't tell me that's been pilfered, too, by those of the fairer sex?!? Sterling... I have great faith an' confidence in ya for picking out th' finest choice drink. :) ~Lady B
  18. Cheap bastard? You? ::gasp::: how shocking! Alrighty, Sterling... yer buyin' the most expensive bottle of wine for the lot of us! :) ~Lady B
  19. Sounds like "Weird Science" to me, Patrick! ~Lady B
  20. Yer a sick, twisted, an' MAD individual! A wolfy t' eat? :::Shivers an' cringes::: Twisted, mate... simply twisted. ~Lady B
  21. Oooooo.... girl! I am SO there! Looking forward to that Ball! I'll be wearing my gold gown for that then. :) Cash bar, eh? So... should we Ladies stand near the cash bar to see how many Gents buy us drinks? Either way... I shall see you lot there! :) ~Lady B
  22. Scarlett.... in the Gallery take a look at the pictures of the Fool's Gold. (here's a link for ya Fools Gold crew ... I be the one wearing all black holding the pistol and sword with the light blue sash over my shoulder.) I don't wear skirts as a pirate. I agree... peticoats are an incredible inhibitor if yer attempting to climb the rigging or steps, doing general work upon a vessel. I only wear m' gowns an' dresses or petticoats when I portray th' Lady to some unsuspecting Foppish or Genteel fool who thinks me a Proper Lady. All in all, Lass.... here be a woman who does NOT wear skirts or petticoats as a Pirate. ~Lady B
  23. As I tell a vast new lot... welcome to th' Pub. As to a scuttlebutt.... I'll keep m' mouth trap shut! :) Or I'll be a losin' m' tongue. Ye make yer own attire, eh? Do show us, please! Go to You In Yer Garb in Rabble Rousin' ... would like t' see you in your fine cloth. ~Lady B
  24. BO! As always... yer presense is very welcome, mate! :) Nay.... can NEVER be rid of ya! No matter how hard we do or do not try! Again, glad to have ya back. Pray do stay for a long time. And for a drink... hell... drown me in rum, whiskey, irish cream and every sort of drink possible. I've only been drunk once ::: hold's up a finger (NOT the bloody middle finger ya sick, twisted sea puppies!)... indicating "one"::: .... aye, just once. NVBarbossa was witness t' that. Bloody hilarious sight t' see I hope. Rather.... fun... if I do say so m'self. Now... we shall see if he can accomplish gettin' this Lady drunk again! Will raise that question on his intro thread. Bo! Can never get tired of ye here! ~Lady B
  25. Blackjack... a pleasure t' have ya here at the Pub. No finer place online. Now... depends upon the candy and depends upon the babe. For th' drink, mate.... how's about Irish Cream. I'm in a smooth and mellow mood t'day. ~Lady B
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