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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Glad to hear this Merrydeath. We look forward to meeting up with you all! I'm ALWAYS up for some various ideas at Port Wash. And getting involved. If you guys have some ideas...let's hear them. :) I've yet to talk to the 4th Mass on a couple ideas. Hope they are willing. ~Lady B
  2. Amen, Bess! Aye... Nighy did get recognition by the gents. :) The whole of DMC was spectacular... not just Davy Jones. Eventhought with Jones... Ya swear that it's almost impossible to tell if that was CGI or makeup! Even down to the eyes! Had me utterly fooled! Cause even in Lord of the Rings... that saga had NOTHING on DMC! Even with the undead pirates, I was stunned that LotR beat the 1st PotC cause even the 1st one had better FX than LotR. So... this was so VERY well deserved! Looking forward to AWE! :) I don't care if it is mostly CGI.. it's awesome! Course, Transformers will be mostly CGI, too. Most films nowadays are CGI. But... it's interesting how you can tell what's real... and what's not. Again, with practically every film you can see the fakeness in the CGI. But with DMC... I tell ya... Davy Jones... looked as real as real could ever be!!! ~Lady B
  3. Huzzah! I have to admit...I was SO crossing my fingers, mates! Tough competition this year. But the crew who worked on DMC SOOO deserved that Oscar for their incredible work. Absolutely amazing. I would have been VERY, VERY disappointed if they didn't win (and someone would have had to smack some folks around at the Acedemy). But... the luck of the Pirate wins and DMC got a VERY well deserved Oscar! ~Lady B
  4. Good LORD! Despite th' storm I hope ya had a wonderful BDay, Sea Rover! :) Well, if the lights went out at least you can use the cake candles. Apologies never made it up there. But, hey! Gots an idea for Port Washington so that we can celebrate EVERYONE'S Bday! :) Then... we can carouse with much drink and much mayhem ! Hope ya had a grand one, Sea Rover. And here's to another 50 more years, Shipmate! ~Lady B
  5. See what I mean, Bess? Literially... it's turning me off to PotC cause of all (and pardon my language) the bull shit that is floating around. I've NO clue what is real and what is not. Again... a "script of the AWE trailer" is being circulated! How many of these damn things much I be subjected to? How many false images am I unwillingly shown as supposedly real images for the movie? Honestly... as I said. It's SEVERELY turning me off to even able to enjoy the movie that HASN'T been released yet! At least Lucas had the mind to give some hints and such. Release some behind the scenes images that still didn't betray too much of the plot. Enough with speculation. ~Lady B
  6. Hope ya make it, Johnny and Rats. Darn those workplaces... ~Lady B
  7. Aye! I wore m' beads today and was surprised how many people were aware of Mardi Gras but didn't realise it was Fat Tues already. T'was hilarious. So... I tossed out a few beads today... all in a PG getting. ~Lady B
  8. Ahhh.... FINALLY... the long awaited image... Blackbeard's Angels (as it's been dubbed by the photographer)... ~Lady B
  9. Mines been either of myself or myself with Barbossa. :) Currently it's myself with Barbossa and a ship at sunset under it. Something that ties in Barbossa. ~Lady B
  10. Very interesting. I'd have to say... I know WAY too many people who are Athletes and Warriors. And far too many folks at Masters. Cause LOTS of arrogant folks around me attempting to be Masters, but all they are are pains in the ass who get on my nerves. I hope the Masters are the ones with sympathy, empathy, patience, wisdom, and understanding. Cause few I know have that and I tell ya what... I KNOW IT! Cause those are the people who get under my skin! BlackJohn... I hear ya on a good chat on Philosophy... or anything that is as a matter of fact. It's only the 2nd month of 2007 and already I feel as though I have aged 15 years! Without progressing anywhere! Definitely not th' lass I was 5 years ago, that's for sure. I need a lot of that philosophy to help get my head back on straight. ~Lady B
  11. Being a Tiger myself... this is suppose to be a good year for me. We shall see. Up until now (granted it was still the Year of the Dog) has been crappy! Here's to th' Pig! In hopes it'll bring fortune. Otherwise, we'll all be havin' a Pig ROAST! ~Lady B
  12. Don't feel bad, Mary. I did th' same in submitting a pic of m'self to Simplicity for a costume contest and I ne'er heard a thing from them. That was nigh 2 years ago! Pathetic if ya ask me! But fantastic outfits of you an' yer hubby! M' compliments! :) ~Lady B
  13. I just sent in some photos (finally, since I had some time). Hope they enjoy them. Hmm.. Pete constructing wanted posters. Do we run now or later? Or both! Eager to see them, Pete. I'd say put one up of Jack Sparrow if I knew Toby would be there. But, heck! I think there will be SOMEONE there as Jack nonetheless. (Good God help us!) Maybe some random pirate flags, Sally? I've only one now so... can't really give any away. As I gave away the others. But I'm sure several folks have various different pirate flags. ~Lady B
  14. True, Patrick... there are a few really good Sparrow look alikes out there... who are NOT working at Disneyland or Disney World. Not seen Ace personally. Though I do know Toby. He's a might good Sparrow, too. Another Sparrow I'm aware of is down in Georgia. I pass compliments on to the good Sparrow look alikes. But... it IS possible to have TOO MUCH Jack Sparrow. Guaranteed... for Port Washington this year... I bet ya we'll see 3 different Sparrows. That's not including the kids and not including Toby. Or worse... the Sparrow wannabes... which have a slight Sparrow look (eye makeup, beads, etc) but with their own flare and look. It's rather... odd. Especially if that Sparrow knock off/loosely based being is named Jumping Jack Flash or something worse. But hey!... at least Wade in Georgia there... he's not just Jack... he's a slew of friends who dress up as Will, Elizabeth, Norrington, Gibbs, Barbossa, and whoever else. It's pretty awesome! And Patrick... the pirate cap is cute. :) It's good that not everyone wears either a cocked hat or the Jack Sparrow hat. ~Lady B
  15. Hmm... well, a couple that folks have seen already. But actual piratical attire: Black outfit - black cotton ruffled shirt, black paisley cotton waistcoat w/ black braided trim & silver buttons, black cotton pantaloons (think Barbossa's pants), black ribbed cotton coat with blue/silver/gold/black lacing trim and silver buttons, black stockings, black Barbossa style hat, either black shoes or cavalry boots, black satin ribbon for the hair... and a wide range of jewelry to adorn the outfit with. Oh, and m' Potter Rev War sword and pistol (which now I have 2 of them, one that works, one that doesn't), and my fav knife with wording on one side of it that says when translated "With this knife I bring dead". A couple coin bags/purses... black belt, black satin sash and blue satin sash. As a Lady, I've the gold gown (kinda an Elizabeth Swann knock off). Working on a new pirate outfit. Hoping to have it finished in time for Port Washington. Hehehe, can't really give details cause, well... it's still in the works. Maybe 2 if I have the time to work on both of them. I've about 3 pirate outfits I want to do eventually. .... Eventually. Most everything else I have is for Rev War. I usually don't wear skirts/petticoats or dresses/gowns as a pirate. ~Lady B
  16. Currently.... I'm a Student in the Equine program at Kirkwood Community College. Plan is to become have a degree in Training and Stable Management as well as have certification in Breeding (HORSES!!!). And when I'm not a Student, it's a verbal punch bag or shrink for my family. Yeah... I need a better "family occupation".... Other hobbies? Ehhh... I'll leave that for another thread. Ditto for other fancied things. ~Lady B
  17. I, too, often find m'self replying with "aye" more than I say "yes"... whether it's for role call, or worse.. in response to our Drill Team Captains I'll always say "aye" or "Aye, aye". Better yet... when you get strange looks when ya tell folks you do piracy for fun. And in return when they say "Arrghh!!" you give them the same strange look in return! You play any of the PotC soundtracks and your Instructors beg you to borrow your CD to listen to it! AFTER you use it for music background for your Riding Final! One thing's for sure, the PotC does NOT go well with a Civil War theme's drill team. Oh, and that's another, too... you know you've watched PotC TOO MANY TIMES when they play a song from PotC and in your mind the scenes from the movie are flippin' through your head. Or worse... you start acting out the scenes! ~Lady B
  18. Aye... that he does. I'm encouraging him to use his camera to take ramdom pics when he can. And to believe... he's barely used a camera! Another image taken a few years ago... Nov 2000... on top of Mt Petit Jean in Arkansas. BTW... that's my dad (tallest) and nephew (shortest). And another pic I like... other folks like this one, too. I've had requests for copies of this one... ~Lady B
  19. Some awesome pics here. Here's one of my fav pics. Taken a year and a half ago on an august morning north of Camden, SC on the actual battlefield site. VERY... surreal... Awesome image taken by my nephew last year at Port Washington's Pirate fest. Already he's an aspiring Photographer! The 3rd line at Guilford Courthouse battle grounds in Greensboro, NC... ~Lady B
  20. I sympathize with ya, Savvy. (can't believe I used that word) I find it rather... disturbing and annoying that folks find images and show them to us then just as soon as it's up they are taken down. It's either a mean teaser to us or it's worse than Star Wars Epis 1! As I mentioned on the AWE trailer thread for Super Bowl... so many folks talking about when will the trailer be out and folks are beginning to wonder if there will ever be a #3! Pirates has generally faded from the normal public's eye. Hell... hint! Transformers movie began showing a teaser trailer as DMC came out. And over a month ago... a Trailer was put out! Honestly, I think that film is more anticipated this year than AWE cause of all the coverage it's getting! It's a bigger competition with AWE... and Transformers is winning the summer outlook as well as Harry Potter, and several others. Why? Umm.. correct me if I am wrong.. but, haven't they put out trailers already? Or even more publicity? Photos? My advice to Disney.... better get SOMETHING out... cause the Natives are getting restless. ~Lady B
  21. Alas.... Disney an' th' others best start thinking about their fandom. Lots of speculation and rumor.... folks are beginning to think that the 3rd one is no more than a hoax! And I'm not lying either! Having no teaser out there to just dangle b'fore th' masses... folks have lost sight of Pirates once more. Even if it's just a minor teaser like just before Curse of the Black Pearl with that very generic one. Admittedly.... it's beginning to annoy th' hell outta me, too. I'm with Christine... WE WANT SOMETHING!!! And Disney shouldn't be shuttin' forums or sites down just cause there is a pic or two. Goes t' show how hungry folks are for just a spec o' somethin'! Since when did we revert to th' Dark Ages again? ~Lady B
  22. Mighty fine there, Mad Jack. Th' both of ya! M' compliments. Ya both look as though you were having lots o' fun! I pray y' both were. :) Ahh... th' infamous Cptn Midnight. Now I can put a face with th' name. Tis a grand visage of ya, Cap'n. :) Hmm... as to the Jack Sparrow cloning... that's where you'd have to know a lot of military men. ~Lady B
  23. I don't know... I like Red Maria's song an' dance.... goes well enough... Bones... Bones... Bones, Billy Bones, Send invites to one an' all; With rumcake and gifts and ice cream galore, We'll celebrate for you, Billy Bones! Happy Bday to ya, Billy. Sorry this be a day late an' all. My bad. Now, thing is ya can't whoop me upon m' bum... cause it's YOU who gets th' whoopin's!!! Have at 'im, ladies! Bday spankin's fo' Billy! That is IF you can wack his bum! ~Lady B
  24. Either that or he's concerned with what's in that woman's head. He seems more... subdued... when around Tia. I'm sure we'll know more than one reason why in AWE. Very cool pic, Christine. Can't wait t' see ol' Barbossa in action this coming May. Tis a funny thing... I'll be going to see AWE a couple days after a 2 week school trip to Florida and Kentucky. I'm desperately praying we get to go to Disney World cause I want to ride on the PotC ride!!! Barbossa ALWAYS makes PotC all the more worth it. And I've noticed a surge in Barbossa fans ever since DMC. ~Lady B
  25. Dean, If ya like... I can post something again on the NWTA chat list. Hopefully get some Brits in on the mix, too. Sally, Don't know how soon enough it will be put out this year... but last year Wal Mart had full sized and full sized half barrels for around $50. If they have them this year... might be worth it. Also, The Fool's Gold has a banner and one type of flag. We are in the works of another flag. We'll have something to ya in time for PW. I am SO looking forward to this event! Can't wait! OH! Sally... a possible idea for the future fests... to coincide with the fireworks... I recall this from a cartoon series I use to watch where a young girl was a captive unless she told Pizzaro of where gold lay hidden. And in order for her friends and her to be rescued, one of them was able to remain "free" and was able to set fire to the gunpowder storehouse... went on to rescue her... as her other comrades were sent to get water to put out the fire... they escaped by way of the sea but jumping into it. Possibility of having a daring rescue and escape that coincides with the fireworks going off. ~Lady B
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